Hi Johan,
Sorry for the late reply.
There is more than the FAMIX2 vs FAMIX3 problem.
1. The MSE syntax is slightly changed in Fame as well. In particular:
idref: became ref: . This can be simply replaced with an external text
2. The next difference is that the VW format Moose expected would
start like:
(MY.ENTITY ... )
In Pharo, we just have:
(MY.ENTITY ... )
3. Then, as Jannik said, FAMIX3 has slightly different accessors than
FAMIX2. The differences are not that large and most of it should still
work out of the box.
If you have a small example, perhaps we can try together to get it to
work and then we document this. What do you say?
On 8 Feb 2010, at 11:33, Laval Jannik wrote:
> Hi Johan,
> mse files from VisualWork are based on FAMIX2.
> In Pharo, Moose is based on FAMIX3.
> With Cyril, we will try to do an importer,
> But for now, there is nothing to do that.
> Sorry,
> Jannik
> On Feb 8, 2010, at 11:18 , Johan Brichau wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Should it be possible to import mse files that were generated by
>> the Visualworks version of Moose into the Pharo version of Moose ?
>> I tried and I am getting syntax errors.
>> If it's not possible, any ideas to make it work?
>> thanks!
>> ----------------------------
>> Johan Brichau
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