impossible to integrate -> squeaksource is down and restart and get down again.

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impossible to integrate -> squeaksource is down and restart and get down again.

stephane ducasse
does anybody have an idea?


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Re: impossible to integrate -> squeaksource is down and restart and get down again.

Schwab,Wilhelm K

It sounds like you have access to the machine??  How/on what is it hosted?  The first thing I would do is look for error information.  Depending on the version of the vm, a Windows box might need a command line option to create a vm log; IIRC, Andreas altered the more recent vms to be more generous with diagnostic output.

The Linux vm generates a lot of useful output that is not logged, but you can do things like

( /path/to/vm/squeak -vm-display-X11 \
  /path/to/image/pharo.image \
) 1>pharo_out.txt 2>pharo_error.txt

to capture it.  Another useful trick is to simply start a terminal on Linux and launch the image from there to capture otherwise unlogge messages.

I once had a Seaside image that refused to do anything useful after having run perfectly well for some time.  That might have been the one I eventually concluded had become corrupt??  Another thing that might help is to shut down Kom or whatever you are using and clean out old sessions, etc.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of stephane ducasse
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 11:59 AM
To: Pharo Development
Subject: [Pharo-project] impossible to integrate -> squeaksource is down and restart and get down again.

does anybody have an idea?


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Re: impossible to integrate -> squeaksource is down and restart and get down again.

Stéphane Ducasse
I do not have access to the server.


On May 2, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:

> Stef,
> It sounds like you have access to the machine??  How/on what is it hosted?  The first thing I would do is look for error information.  Depending on the version of the vm, a Windows box might need a command line option to create a vm log; IIRC, Andreas altered the more recent vms to be more generous with diagnostic output.
> The Linux vm generates a lot of useful output that is not logged, but you can do things like
> ( /path/to/vm/squeak -vm-display-X11 \
>  /path/to/image/pharo.image \
> ) 1>pharo_out.txt 2>pharo_error.txt
> to capture it.  Another useful trick is to simply start a terminal on Linux and launch the image from there to capture otherwise unlogge messages.
> I once had a Seaside image that refused to do anything useful after having run perfectly well for some time.  That might have been the one I eventually concluded had become corrupt??  Another thing that might help is to shut down Kom or whatever you are using and clean out old sessions, etc.
> Bill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of stephane ducasse
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 11:59 AM
> To: Pharo Development
> Subject: [Pharo-project] impossible to integrate -> squeaksource is down and restart and get down again.
> does anybody have an idea?
> Stef
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