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Where can I get more information about mutithreading  (priority , etc) with


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Re: information

Ian Bartholomew-7

> Where can I get more information about mutithreading  (priority , etc)
> with dolphin?.

What sort of level of information are you wanting?.

If you want detailed descriptions of how the low level VM works in this area
then you'll have to ask OA.

In the image (in D4 at least) the Process and ProcessorScheduler class
comments have more information (and they are probably the best classes to
look at anyway).

 From a users point of view there are a few references in the
EducationCentre/WIKI/News Archive that might help. If not then you can ask a
more specific question here and I'm sure someone can assist.  Bear in mind
though that the subject can rapidly go from quite simple (forking another
thread) to very complex (forking multiple threads which communicate via


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Re: information

Ian Bartholomew-7
In reply to this post by

> Where can I get more information about mutithreading  (priority , etc)
> with dolphin?.

What sort of level of information are you wanting?.

If you want detailed descriptions of how the low level VM works in this area
then you'll have to ask OA.

In the image (in D4 at least) the Process and ProcessorScheduler class
comments have more information (and they are probably the best classes to
look at anyway).

>From a users point of view there are a few references in the
EducationCentre/WIKI/News Archive that might help. If not then you can ask a
more specific question here and I'm sure someone can assist.  Bear in mind
though that the subject can rapidly go from quite simple (forking another
thread) to very complex (forking multiple threads which communicate via


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Re: information

pablo digonzelli
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew-7
Thanks Ian

I will define better my requirements and will be back.

"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:a5aki9$5nk24$[hidden email]...
> Pablo,
> > Where can I get more information about mutithreading  (priority , etc)
> > with dolphin?.
> What sort of level of information are you wanting?.
> If you want detailed descriptions of how the low level VM works in this
> then you'll have to ask OA.
> In the image (in D4 at least) the Process and ProcessorScheduler class
> comments have more information (and they are probably the best classes to
> look at anyway).
> From a users point of view there are a few references in the
> EducationCentre/WIKI/News Archive that might help. If not then you can ask

> more specific question here and I'm sure someone can assist.  Bear in mind
> though that the subject can rapidly go from quite simple (forking another
> thread) to very complex (forking multiple threads which communicate via
> semaphores).
> Regards
>     Ian