installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

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installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository


we need to install the Seaside classes on existing GemStone

In summary we were instructed to do it this way:

* create a specific user and symbol dictionary to isolate the
experimental installation
* filein the Seaside classes from topaz
input $GEMSTONE/seaside/topaz/installMaster24.topaz

where the var $GEMSTONE refers to the installation directory.

Unfortunately, this does not work as advertized.

First, installMaster24.topaz refers to a variable $upgradeDir which does
not seem to be documented but is inferred to be
$GEMSTONE/seaside/bootstrap, so one should
export upgradeDir=$GEMSTONE/seaside/bootstrap
before starting topaz.

Second, installMaster24.topaz refers to the file which
simply does not exist: embarrassing... Errors then accumulate and the
installation fails.

Any suggestion on how to proceed from here?

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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

James Foster-8
I am not sure I can help with the whole process, but at least I can offer the following:

$ export upgradeDir=$GEMSTONE/upgrade

That should help find


On Mar 21, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:

> Hi,
> we need to install the Seaside classes on existing GemStone
> repositories.
> In summary we were instructed to do it this way:
> * create a specific user and symbol dictionary to isolate the
> experimental installation
> * filein the Seaside classes from topaz
> input $GEMSTONE/seaside/topaz/installMaster24.topaz
> where the var $GEMSTONE refers to the installation directory.
> Unfortunately, this does not work as advertized.
> First, installMaster24.topaz refers to a variable $upgradeDir which does
> not seem to be documented but is inferred to be
> $GEMSTONE/seaside/bootstrap, so one should
> export upgradeDir=$GEMSTONE/seaside/bootstrap
> before starting topaz.
> Second, installMaster24.topaz refers to the file which
> simply does not exist: embarrassing... Errors then accumulate and the
> installation fails.
> Any suggestion on how to proceed from here?
> Thanks

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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

Fantastic, James, seems to work correctly!

I've been deceived by the $GEMSTONE/seaside/bootstrap directory because
two of the included files also appear there.


On 2012-03-21 12:38, James Foster wrote:

> I am not sure I can help with the whole process, but at least I can offer the following:
> $ export upgradeDir=$GEMSTONE/upgrade
> That should help find
> James
> On Mar 21, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we need to install the Seaside classes on existing GemStone
>> repositories.
>> In summary we were instructed to do it this way:
>> * create a specific user and symbol dictionary to isolate the
>> experimental installation
>> * filein the Seaside classes from topaz
>> input $GEMSTONE/seaside/topaz/installMaster24.topaz
>> where the var $GEMSTONE refers to the installation directory.
>> Unfortunately, this does not work as advertized.
>> First, installMaster24.topaz refers to a variable $upgradeDir which does
>> not seem to be documented but is inferred to be
>> $GEMSTONE/seaside/bootstrap, so one should
>> export upgradeDir=$GEMSTONE/seaside/bootstrap
>> before starting topaz.
>> Second, installMaster24.topaz refers to the file which
>> simply does not exist: embarrassing... Errors then accumulate and the
>> installation fails.
>> Any suggestion on how to proceed from here?
>> Thanks

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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

I was too hasty.

While the installation of classes and methods goes without troubles, the
last steps go wrong. Here are the last few lines of the very long
output. Sorry for the annoying lines, I don't know how to do it better.
It starts with TestResource that cannot be found.


                'Metacello-Core' ->
{''. }.
                'ConfigurationOfGofer' ->
{''. }.
                'ConfigurationOfGsOB' ->
{''. }.
topaz 2>
topaz 2> commit
Successful commit
topaz 2> run
BootstrapDriver installMcz.
BootstrapDriver installMetacello.
GemStone Smalltalk Compiler Errors:
   TestResource class methodsFor: '*bootstrap' stamp: 'dkh 03/02/2009 14:02'
 * ^1

1: [1031] undefined symbol
topaz 2>
topaz 2> # standard configuration install
topaz 2> run
BootstrapDriver installConfigurationPackage.
GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
No method was found for the selector #'new' when sent to nil with
arguments contained in #().
Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
Arg 1: nil
Arg 2: new
Arg 3: an Array
topaz 2>
topaz 2> run
BootstrapDriver installConfiguration.
SystemOrganizer resetSystemOrganization.
GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
No method was found for the selector #'new' when sent to nil with
arguments contained in #().
Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
Arg 1: nil
Arg 2: new
Arg 3: an Array
topaz 2>
topaz 2> commit
Successful commit
topaz 2>
topaz 2> # install Gofer Project Loader
topaz 2> # see
topaz 2> run
Gofer new
        gemsource: 'MetacelloRepository';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader) project version:
'1.0-alpha2.1') load.
GemStone Smalltalk Compiler Errors:
   Gofer new
 * ^1
           gemsource: 'MetacelloRepository';
           package: 'ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader';
   ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader) project version:
'1.0-alpha2.1') load.
 *   ^2


1: [1031] undefined symbol
2: [1031] undefined symbol
topaz 2>
topaz 2> commit
Successful commit
topaz 2>
topaz 2> run
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapUseRepositoryDirectory.
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapSymbolDictionaryName.
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapRepositoryDirectory.
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationLoads.
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationClassName.
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapDriver.
topaz 2>
topaz 2> commit
Successful commit
topaz 2> quit

On 2012-03-21 12:50, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:

> Fantastic, James, seems to work correctly!
> I've been deceived by the $GEMSTONE/seaside/bootstrap directory because
> two of the included files also appear there.
> Thanks
> On 2012-03-21 12:38, James Foster wrote:
>> I am not sure I can help with the whole process, but at least I can offer the following:
>> $ export upgradeDir=$GEMSTONE/upgrade
>> That should help find
>> James
>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> we need to install the Seaside classes on existing GemStone
>>> repositories.
>>> In summary we were instructed to do it this way:
>>> * create a specific user and symbol dictionary to isolate the
>>> experimental installation
>>> * filein the Seaside classes from topaz
>>> input $GEMSTONE/seaside/topaz/installMaster24.topaz
>>> where the var $GEMSTONE refers to the installation directory.
>>> Unfortunately, this does not work as advertized.
>>> First, installMaster24.topaz refers to a variable $upgradeDir which does
>>> not seem to be documented but is inferred to be
>>> $GEMSTONE/seaside/bootstrap, so one should
>>> export upgradeDir=$GEMSTONE/seaside/bootstrap
>>> before starting topaz.
>>> Second, installMaster24.topaz refers to the file which
>>> simply does not exist: embarrassing... Errors then accumulate and the
>>> installation fails.
>>> Any suggestion on how to proceed from here?
>>> Thanks

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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

James Foster-8
Does TestResource exist in your repository before you start the Seaside load? I don't have handy but in upgrade/ defines TestResource and is loaded by upgrade/filein2.topaz.

On Mar 21, 2012, at 9:49 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:

> I was too hasty.
> While the installation of classes and methods goes without troubles, the
> last steps go wrong. Here are the last few lines of the very long
> output. Sorry for the annoying lines, I don't know how to do it better.
> It starts with TestResource that cannot be found.
> ...
> topaz 2> run
> BootstrapDriver installMcz.
> BootstrapDriver installMetacello.
> true
> %
> GemStone Smalltalk Compiler Errors:
>   TestResource class methodsFor: '*bootstrap' stamp: 'dkh 03/02/2009 14:02'
> * ^1
>    *

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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

TestResource is not part of the "initial" repository, extent0.dbf.
There are, however, both a upgrade/filein2.topaz and upgrade/ in
the GS installation as well.

To avoid a long series of posts to this mailing list, do you know of
other prerequisites to install Seaside? Evidently,
$GEMSTONE/seaside/topaz/installMaster24.topaz is not enough to ensure a
smooth installation. I would like to write a short "Guide for Dummies"
like me for those who need to add Seaside to existing repositories.

On 2012-03-21 16:52, James Foster wrote:

> Does TestResource exist in your repository before you start the Seaside load? I don't have handy but in upgrade/ defines TestResource and is loaded by upgrade/filein2.topaz.
> On Mar 21, 2012, at 9:49 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
>> I was too hasty.
>> While the installation of classes and methods goes without troubles, the
>> last steps go wrong. Here are the last few lines of the very long
>> output. Sorry for the annoying lines, I don't know how to do it better.
>> It starts with TestResource that cannot be found.
>> ...
>> topaz 2> run
>> BootstrapDriver installMcz.
>> BootstrapDriver installMetacello.
>> true
>> %
>> GemStone Smalltalk Compiler Errors:
>>   TestResource class methodsFor: '*bootstrap' stamp: 'dkh 03/02/2009 14:02'
>> * ^1
>>    *

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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

James Foster-8
It appears to me that TestResource is part of an initial extent:

jfoster@portugal $ cp $GEMSTONE/bin/extent0.dbf jfoster1.dbf
jfoster@portugal $ chmod 600 jfoster1.dbf
jfoster@portugal $ startstone jfoster1
startstone[Info]: GemStone version ''
startstone[Info]: Starting Stone repository monitor "jfoster1".
startstone[Info]: GemStone server 'jfoster1' has been started.
jfoster@portugal $ topaz -l
topaz> set user DataCurator pass swordfish
Warning: GemStone is clearing the previous GemStone password.
topaz> login
[Info]: LNK client/gem GCI levels = 844/844
[Info]: User ID: DataCurator
[Info]: Repository: jfoster1
[Info]: Session ID: 5
[Info]: GCI Client Host: <Linked>
[Info]: Page server PID: -1
[Info]: Login Time: 03/21/2012 11:35:29 AM.989 PDT
[03/21/2012 11:35:29 AM.990 PDT] gci login: currSession 1 rpc gem processId -1
successful login
topaz 1> send TestResource yourself
TestResource class
  superClass      Object class
  format          0
  instVars        2
  instVarNames    an Array
  constraints     an Array
  classVars       a SymbolDictionary
  methodDict      a GsMethodDictionary
  poolDictionaries an Array
  categories      a GsMethodDictionary
  secondarySuperclasses nil
  name            TestResource
  classHistory    a ClassHistory
  description     a GsClassDocumentation
  migrationDestination nil
  timeStamp       a DateTime
  userId          SystemUser
  extraDict       a SymbolDictionary
  classCategory   nil
  subclasses      nil
  current         nil

topaz 1> logout

[Info]: Logging out at 03/21/2012 11:35:52 AM PDT
topaz> exit
jfoster@portugal $

I'm afraid I can't predict what problems you will have in doing this install. We'll probably have to continue the conversation this way.


On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:

> TestResource is not part of the "initial" repository, extent0.dbf.
> There are, however, both a upgrade/filein2.topaz and upgrade/ in
> the GS installation as well.
> To avoid a long series of posts to this mailing list, do you know of
> other prerequisites to install Seaside? Evidently,
> $GEMSTONE/seaside/topaz/installMaster24.topaz is not enough to ensure a
> smooth installation. I would like to write a short "Guide for Dummies"
> like me for those who need to add Seaside to existing repositories.
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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

James Foster-8
In reply to this post by raffaello.giulietti
On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:

> TestResource is not part of the "initial" repository, extent0.dbf.
> There are, however, both a upgrade/filein2.topaz and upgrade/ in
> the GS installation as well.

As mentioned earlier, it seems to me that TestResource is indeed part of the initial extent0.dbf.

> To avoid a long series of posts to this mailing list, do you know of
> other prerequisites to install Seaside? Evidently,
> $GEMSTONE/seaside/topaz/installMaster24.topaz is not enough to ensure a
> smooth installation. I would like to write a short "Guide for Dummies"
> like me for those who need to add Seaside to existing repositories.

I've started with a clean repository, set $upgradeDir, and then in Topaz I installed installMaster24.topaz. This finished without error. Then I followed the instructions at and it finished without error.

The upgrade process should make Globals (core classes and methods) equivalent to an initial repository. I suggest that you try with a clean repository to see if you can get things to work without error. When that works, perform an upgrade to your test repository and try the same steps.


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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

I'm not in the office the next few days. I'll retry starting next week.

On 2012-03-21 20:09, James Foster wrote:

> On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
>> TestResource is not part of the "initial" repository, extent0.dbf.
>> There are, however, both a upgrade/filein2.topaz and upgrade/ in
>> the GS installation as well.
> As mentioned earlier, it seems to me that TestResource is indeed part of the initial extent0.dbf.
>> To avoid a long series of posts to this mailing list, do you know of
>> other prerequisites to install Seaside? Evidently,
>> $GEMSTONE/seaside/topaz/installMaster24.topaz is not enough to ensure a
>> smooth installation. I would like to write a short "Guide for Dummies"
>> like me for those who need to add Seaside to existing repositories.
> I've started with a clean repository, set $upgradeDir, and then in Topaz I installed installMaster24.topaz. This finished without error. Then I followed the instructions at and it finished without error.
> The upgrade process should make Globals (core classes and methods) equivalent to an initial repository. I suggest that you try with a clean repository to see if you can get things to work without error. When that works, perform an upgrade to your test repository and try the same steps.
> James

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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

Dale Henrichs

I was at STIC last week and wasn't following email closely, so sorry for not getting back to you earlier.

The fact that TestResource is "missing" is odd. As James mentions that basic process should work fine in a standard release (the installMaster24 script is run as part of our standard tests).

The fact that you are having trouble indicates that there must be something non-standard about your setup or procedure.

Could you supply me with the exact topaz scripts that you are using (just send private email), when you get a chance?


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 1:22:24 AM
| Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository
| I'm not in the office the next few days. I'll retry starting next
| week.
| On 2012-03-21 20:09, James Foster wrote:
| > On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
| >
| >> TestResource is not part of the "initial" repository, extent0.dbf.
| >> There are, however, both a upgrade/filein2.topaz and
| >> upgrade/ in
| >> the GS installation as well.
| >
| > As mentioned earlier, it seems to me that TestResource is indeed
| > part of the initial extent0.dbf.
| >
| >> To avoid a long series of posts to this mailing list, do you know
| >> of
| >> other prerequisites to install Seaside? Evidently,
| >> $GEMSTONE/seaside/topaz/installMaster24.topaz is not enough to
| >> ensure a
| >> smooth installation. I would like to write a short "Guide for
| >> Dummies"
| >> like me for those who need to add Seaside to existing
| >> repositories.
| >
| > I've started with a clean repository, set $upgradeDir, and
| > then in Topaz I installed installMaster24.topaz. This finished
| > without error. Then I followed the instructions at
| >
| > and it finished without error.
| >
| > The upgrade process should make Globals (core classes and methods)
| > equivalent to an initial repository. I suggest that you try with a
| > clean repository to see if you can get things to work without
| > error. When that works, perform an upgrade to your test repository
| > and try the same steps.
| >
| > James
| >
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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository


indeed my installation was quite messy. I restarted from scratch and the
TestResource class is now found.

But there still are 2 nonfatal errors, I don't know how far reaching. Is
this expected and under control or is it attributable to a misconfiguration?


topaz 2> run
BootstrapDriver installMcz.
BootstrapDriver installMetacello.
topaz 2>
topaz 2> # standard configuration install
topaz 2> run
BootstrapDriver installConfigurationPackage.
topaz 2>
topaz 2> run
BootstrapDriver installConfiguration.
SystemOrganizer resetSystemOrganization.
GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
No method was found for the selector #'repositoryOverrides:' when
sent to nil with arguments contained in anArray( anArray(
Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
Arg 1: nil
Arg 2: repositoryOverrides:
Arg 3: an Array
  #1 an Array

topaz 2>
topaz 2> commit
Successful commit
topaz 2>
topaz 2> # install Gofer Project Loader
topaz 2> # see
topaz 2> run
Gofer new
        gemsource: 'MetacelloRepository';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader) project version:
'1.0-alpha2.1') load.
GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
No method was found for the selector #'load' when sent to nil with
arguments contained in anArray( ).
Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
Arg 1: nil
Arg 2: load
Arg 3: an Array
topaz 2>
topaz 2> commit
Successful commit
topaz 2>
topaz 2> run
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapUseRepositoryDirectory.
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapSymbolDictionaryName.
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapRepositoryDirectory.
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationLoads.
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationClassName.
UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapDriver.
topaz 2>
topaz 2> commit
Successful commit

On 2012-03-26 18:12, Dale Henrichs wrote:

> Rafaello,
> I was at STIC last week and wasn't following email closely, so sorry for not getting back to you earlier.
> The fact that TestResource is "missing" is odd. As James mentions that basic process should work fine in a standard release (the installMaster24 script is run as part of our standard tests).
> The fact that you are having trouble indicates that there must be something non-standard about your setup or procedure.
> Could you supply me with the exact topaz scripts that you are using (just send private email), when you get a chance?
> Dale
> ----- Original Message -----
> | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
> | To: [hidden email]
> | Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 1:22:24 AM
> | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository
> |
> | I'm not in the office the next few days. I'll retry starting next
> | week.
> |
> |
> | On 2012-03-21 20:09, James Foster wrote:
> | > On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
> | >
> | >> TestResource is not part of the "initial" repository, extent0.dbf.
> | >> There are, however, both a upgrade/filein2.topaz and
> | >> upgrade/ in
> | >> the GS installation as well.
> | >
> | > As mentioned earlier, it seems to me that TestResource is indeed
> | > part of the initial extent0.dbf.
> | >
> | >> To avoid a long series of posts to this mailing list, do you know
> | >> of
> | >> other prerequisites to install Seaside? Evidently,
> | >> $GEMSTONE/seaside/topaz/installMaster24.topaz is not enough to
> | >> ensure a
> | >> smooth installation. I would like to write a short "Guide for
> | >> Dummies"
> | >> like me for those who need to add Seaside to existing
> | >> repositories.
> | >
> | > I've started with a clean repository, set $upgradeDir, and
> | > then in Topaz I installed installMaster24.topaz. This finished
> | > without error. Then I followed the instructions at
> | >
> | > and it finished without error.
> | >
> | > The upgrade process should make Globals (core classes and methods)
> | > equivalent to an initial repository. I suggest that you try with a
> | > clean repository to see if you can get things to work without
> | > error. When that works, perform an upgrade to your test repository
> | > and try the same steps.
> | >
> | > James
> | >
> |
> |

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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

Dale Henrichs

Both messages that you are getting imply that you are missing something to do with Metacello, although I'm a bit confused about the circumstances of the errors, so I'd be interesed in a full Smalltalk stack so I can get a better idea of what might be wrong ...

Just in case, are you running behind a firewall that doesn't allow access to the internet?


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:52:28 AM
| Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository
| Hello,
| indeed my installation was quite messy. I restarted from scratch and
| the
| TestResource class is now found.
| But there still are 2 nonfatal errors, I don't know how far reaching.
| Is
| this expected and under control or is it attributable to a
| misconfiguration?
| ...
| topaz 2> run
| BootstrapDriver installMcz.
| BootstrapDriver installMetacello.
| true
| %
| true
| topaz 2>
| topaz 2> # standard configuration install
| topaz 2> run
| BootstrapDriver installConfigurationPackage.
| true
| %
| true
| topaz 2>
| topaz 2> run
| BootstrapDriver installConfiguration.
| SystemOrganizer resetSystemOrganization.
| true
| %
| -----------------------------------------------------
| GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
| No method was found for the selector #'repositoryOverrides:' when
| sent to nil with arguments contained in anArray( anArray(
| aMCServerDirectoryRepo
| sitory(db14:/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.3-x86_64.Linux/seaside/monticello/repos
| itory))).
| Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
| Arg 1: nil
| Arg 2: repositoryOverrides:
| Arg 3: an Array
|   #1 an Array
| topaz 2>
| topaz 2> commit
| Successful commit
| topaz 2>
| topaz 2> # install Gofer Project Loader
| topaz 2> # see
| topaz 2> run
| Gofer new
|         gemsource: 'MetacelloRepository';
|         package: 'ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader';
|         load.
| ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader) project version:
| '1.0-alpha2.1') load.
| true
| %
| -----------------------------------------------------
| GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
| No method was found for the selector #'load' when sent to nil with
| arguments contained in anArray( ).
| Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
| Arg 1: nil
| Arg 2: load
| Arg 3: an Array
| topaz 2>
| topaz 2> commit
| Successful commit
| topaz 2>
| topaz 2> run
| UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapUseRepositoryDirectory.
| UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapSymbolDictionaryName.
| UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapRepositoryDirectory.
| UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationLoads.
| UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationClassName.
| UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapDriver.
| true
| %
| true
| topaz 2>
| topaz 2> commit
| Successful commit
| On 2012-03-26 18:12, Dale Henrichs wrote:
| > Rafaello,
| >
| > I was at STIC last week and wasn't following email closely, so
| > sorry for not getting back to you earlier.
| >
| > The fact that TestResource is "missing" is odd. As James mentions
| > that basic process should work fine in a standard release (the
| > installMaster24 script is run as part of our standard tests).
| >
| > The fact that you are having trouble indicates that there must be
| > something non-standard about your setup or procedure.
| >
| > Could you supply me with the exact topaz scripts that you are using
| > (just send private email), when you get a chance?
| >
| > Dale
| >
| > ----- Original Message -----
| > | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
| > | To: [hidden email]
| > | Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 1:22:24 AM
| > | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing
| > | GemStone repository
| > |
| > | I'm not in the office the next few days. I'll retry starting next
| > | week.
| > |
| > |
| > | On 2012-03-21 20:09, James Foster wrote:
| > | > On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
| > | >
| > | >> TestResource is not part of the "initial" repository,
| > | >> extent0.dbf.
| > | >> There are, however, both a upgrade/filein2.topaz and
| > | >> upgrade/ in
| > | >> the GS installation as well.
| > | >
| > | > As mentioned earlier, it seems to me that TestResource is
| > | > indeed
| > | > part of the initial extent0.dbf.
| > | >
| > | >> To avoid a long series of posts to this mailing list, do you
| > | >> know
| > | >> of
| > | >> other prerequisites to install Seaside? Evidently,
| > | >> $GEMSTONE/seaside/topaz/installMaster24.topaz is not enough to
| > | >> ensure a
| > | >> smooth installation. I would like to write a short "Guide for
| > | >> Dummies"
| > | >> like me for those who need to add Seaside to existing
| > | >> repositories.
| > | >
| > | > I've started with a clean repository, set $upgradeDir,
| > | > and
| > | > then in Topaz I installed installMaster24.topaz. This finished
| > | > without error. Then I followed the instructions at
| > | >
| > | > and it finished without error.
| > | >
| > | > The upgrade process should make Globals (core classes and
| > | > methods)
| > | > equivalent to an initial repository. I suggest that you try
| > | > with a
| > | > clean repository to see if you can get things to work without
| > | > error. When that works, perform an upgrade to your test
| > | > repository
| > | > and try the same steps.
| > | >
| > | > James
| > | >
| > |
| > |
Reply | Threaded
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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

Hi Dale,

we are behind a firewall but http is open. Are there other protocols
that need to be opened?

Debugging reveals that, deeper in the invocation of
  BootstrapDriver installConfiguration
the version returned by
  (System myUserProfile symbolList objectNamed: 'ConfigurationOfGLASS')
new project version: '1.0-beta.8.1'
returns nil.
Could this be related to some protocol that our firewalls filter out?

BTW, it would be helpful if the calls to open a file were done by
GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ... onClient: false
rather than with
GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ...
so that debugging via GBS from a client machine becomes possible.
But this is really only a minor issue.

On 2012-03-27 19:03, Dale Henrichs wrote:

> Raffaello,
> Both messages that you are getting imply that you are missing something to do with Metacello, although I'm a bit confused about the circumstances of the errors, so I'd be interesed in a full Smalltalk stack so I can get a better idea of what might be wrong ...
> Just in case, are you running behind a firewall that doesn't allow access to the internet?
> Dale
> ----- Original Message -----
> | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
> | To: [hidden email]
> | Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:52:28 AM
> | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository
> |
> | Hello,
> |
> | indeed my installation was quite messy. I restarted from scratch and
> | the
> | TestResource class is now found.
> |
> | But there still are 2 nonfatal errors, I don't know how far reaching.
> | Is
> | this expected and under control or is it attributable to a
> | misconfiguration?
> |
> |
> | ...
> |
> | topaz 2> run
> | BootstrapDriver installMcz.
> | BootstrapDriver installMetacello.
> | true
> | %
> | true
> | topaz 2>
> | topaz 2> # standard configuration install
> | topaz 2> run
> | BootstrapDriver installConfigurationPackage.
> | true
> | %
> | true
> | topaz 2>
> | topaz 2> run
> | BootstrapDriver installConfiguration.
> | SystemOrganizer resetSystemOrganization.
> | true
> | %
> | -----------------------------------------------------
> | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
> | No method was found for the selector #'repositoryOverrides:' when
> | sent to nil with arguments contained in anArray( anArray(
> | aMCServerDirectoryRepo
> | sitory(db14:/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.3-x86_64.Linux/seaside/monticello/repos
> | itory))).
> | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
> | Arg 1: nil
> | Arg 2: repositoryOverrides:
> | Arg 3: an Array
> |   #1 an Array
> |
> | topaz 2>
> | topaz 2> commit
> | Successful commit
> | topaz 2>
> | topaz 2> # install Gofer Project Loader
> | topaz 2> # see
> | topaz 2> run
> | Gofer new
> |         gemsource: 'MetacelloRepository';
> |         package: 'ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader';
> |         load.
> | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader) project version:
> | '1.0-alpha2.1') load.
> | true
> | %
> | -----------------------------------------------------
> | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
> | No method was found for the selector #'load' when sent to nil with
> | arguments contained in anArray( ).
> | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
> | Arg 1: nil
> | Arg 2: load
> | Arg 3: an Array
> | topaz 2>
> | topaz 2> commit
> | Successful commit
> | topaz 2>
> | topaz 2> run
> | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapUseRepositoryDirectory.
> | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapSymbolDictionaryName.
> | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapRepositoryDirectory.
> | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationLoads.
> | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationClassName.
> | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapDriver.
> | true
> | %
> | true
> | topaz 2>
> | topaz 2> commit
> | Successful commit
> |
> |
> |
> |
Reply | Threaded
Open this post in threaded view

Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

Dale Henrichs

Okay ... could you send me the complete output log file from the run ... something is obviously not "right" and if I have the complete log file I will hopefully have enough info to go on ...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 5:16:12 AM
| Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository
| Hi Dale,
| we are behind a firewall but http is open. Are there other protocols
| that need to be opened?
| Debugging reveals that, deeper in the invocation of
|   BootstrapDriver installConfiguration
| the version returned by
|   (System myUserProfile symbolList objectNamed:
|   'ConfigurationOfGLASS')
| new project version: '1.0-beta.8.1'
| returns nil.
| Could this be related to some protocol that our firewalls filter out?
| BTW, it would be helpful if the calls to open a file were done by
| GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ... onClient: false
| rather than with
| GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ...
| so that debugging via GBS from a client machine becomes possible.
| But this is really only a minor issue.
| On 2012-03-27 19:03, Dale Henrichs wrote:
| > Raffaello,
| >
| > Both messages that you are getting imply that you are missing
| > something to do with Metacello, although I'm a bit confused about
| > the circumstances of the errors, so I'd be interesed in a full
| > Smalltalk stack so I can get a better idea of what might be wrong
| > ...
| >
| > Just in case, are you running behind a firewall that doesn't allow
| > access to the internet?
| >
| > Dale
| >
| > ----- Original Message -----
| > | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
| > | To: [hidden email]
| > | Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:52:28 AM
| > | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing
| > | GemStone repository
| > |
| > | Hello,
| > |
| > | indeed my installation was quite messy. I restarted from scratch
| > | and
| > | the
| > | TestResource class is now found.
| > |
| > | But there still are 2 nonfatal errors, I don't know how far
| > | reaching.
| > | Is
| > | this expected and under control or is it attributable to a
| > | misconfiguration?
| > |
| > |
| > | ...
| > |
| > | topaz 2> run
| > | BootstrapDriver installMcz.
| > | BootstrapDriver installMetacello.
| > | true
| > | %
| > | true
| > | topaz 2>
| > | topaz 2> # standard configuration install
| > | topaz 2> run
| > | BootstrapDriver installConfigurationPackage.
| > | true
| > | %
| > | true
| > | topaz 2>
| > | topaz 2> run
| > | BootstrapDriver installConfiguration.
| > | SystemOrganizer resetSystemOrganization.
| > | true
| > | %
| > | -----------------------------------------------------
| > | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
| > | No method was found for the selector #'repositoryOverrides:' when
| > | sent to nil with arguments contained in anArray( anArray(
| > | aMCServerDirectoryRepo
| > | sitory(db14:/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.3-x86_64.Linux/seaside/monticello/repos
| > | itory))).
| > | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
| > | Arg 1: nil
| > | Arg 2: repositoryOverrides:
| > | Arg 3: an Array
| > |   #1 an Array
| > |
| > | topaz 2>
| > | topaz 2> commit
| > | Successful commit
| > | topaz 2>
| > | topaz 2> # install Gofer Project Loader
| > | topaz 2> # see
| > |
| > | topaz 2> run
| > | Gofer new
| > |         gemsource: 'MetacelloRepository';
| > |         package: 'ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader';
| > |         load.
| > | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader) project
| > | version:
| > | '1.0-alpha2.1') load.
| > | true
| > | %
| > | -----------------------------------------------------
| > | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
| > | No method was found for the selector #'load' when sent to nil
| > | with
| > | arguments contained in anArray( ).
| > | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
| > | Arg 1: nil
| > | Arg 2: load
| > | Arg 3: an Array
| > | topaz 2>
| > | topaz 2> commit
| > | Successful commit
| > | topaz 2>
| > | topaz 2> run
| > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapUseRepositoryDirectory.
| > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapSymbolDictionaryName.
| > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapRepositoryDirectory.
| > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationLoads.
| > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationClassName.
| > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapDriver.
| > | true
| > | %
| > | true
| > | topaz 2>
| > | topaz 2> commit
| > | Successful commit
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
Reply | Threaded
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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

Hi Dale,

here it is attached. Hope this helps

On 2012-03-28 19:01, Dale Henrichs wrote:

> Raffaello,
> Okay ... could you send me the complete output log file from the run ... something is obviously not "right" and if I have the complete log file I will hopefully have enough info to go on ...
> Dale
> ----- Original Message -----
> | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
> | To: [hidden email]
> | Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 5:16:12 AM
> | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository
> |
> | Hi Dale,
> |
> | we are behind a firewall but http is open. Are there other protocols
> | that need to be opened?
> |
> | Debugging reveals that, deeper in the invocation of
> |   BootstrapDriver installConfiguration
> | the version returned by
> |   (System myUserProfile symbolList objectNamed:
> |   'ConfigurationOfGLASS')
> | new project version: '1.0-beta.8.1'
> | returns nil.
> | Could this be related to some protocol that our firewalls filter out?
> |
> |
> |
> | BTW, it would be helpful if the calls to open a file were done by
> | GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ... onClient: false
> | rather than with
> | GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ...
> | so that debugging via GBS from a client machine becomes possible.
> | But this is really only a minor issue.
> |
> |
> |
> |
> | On 2012-03-27 19:03, Dale Henrichs wrote:
> | > Raffaello,
> | >
> | > Both messages that you are getting imply that you are missing
> | > something to do with Metacello, although I'm a bit confused about
> | > the circumstances of the errors, so I'd be interesed in a full
> | > Smalltalk stack so I can get a better idea of what might be wrong
> | > ...
> | >
> | > Just in case, are you running behind a firewall that doesn't allow
> | > access to the internet?
> | >
> | > Dale
> | >
> | > ----- Original Message -----
> | > | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
> | > | To: [hidden email]
> | > | Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:52:28 AM
> | > | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing
> | > | GemStone repository
> | > |
> | > | Hello,
> | > |
> | > | indeed my installation was quite messy. I restarted from scratch
> | > | and
> | > | the
> | > | TestResource class is now found.
> | > |
> | > | But there still are 2 nonfatal errors, I don't know how far
> | > | reaching.
> | > | Is
> | > | this expected and under control or is it attributable to a
> | > | misconfiguration?
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | ...
> | > |
> | > | topaz 2> run
> | > | BootstrapDriver installMcz.
> | > | BootstrapDriver installMetacello.
> | > | true
> | > | %
> | > | true
> | > | topaz 2>
> | > | topaz 2> # standard configuration install
> | > | topaz 2> run
> | > | BootstrapDriver installConfigurationPackage.
> | > | true
> | > | %
> | > | true
> | > | topaz 2>
> | > | topaz 2> run
> | > | BootstrapDriver installConfiguration.
> | > | SystemOrganizer resetSystemOrganization.
> | > | true
> | > | %
> | > | -----------------------------------------------------
> | > | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
> | > | No method was found for the selector #'repositoryOverrides:' when
> | > | sent to nil with arguments contained in anArray( anArray(
> | > | aMCServerDirectoryRepo
> | > | sitory(db14:/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.3-x86_64.Linux/seaside/monticello/repos
> | > | itory))).
> | > | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
> | > | Arg 1: nil
> | > | Arg 2: repositoryOverrides:
> | > | Arg 3: an Array
> | > |   #1 an Array
> | > |
> | > | topaz 2>
> | > | topaz 2> commit
> | > | Successful commit
> | > | topaz 2>
> | > | topaz 2> # install Gofer Project Loader
> | > | topaz 2> # see
> | > |
> | > | topaz 2> run
> | > | Gofer new
> | > |         gemsource: 'MetacelloRepository';
> | > |         package: 'ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader';
> | > |         load.
> | > | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader) project
> | > | version:
> | > | '1.0-alpha2.1') load.
> | > | true
> | > | %
> | > | -----------------------------------------------------
> | > | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
> | > | No method was found for the selector #'load' when sent to nil
> | > | with
> | > | arguments contained in anArray( ).
> | > | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
> | > | Arg 1: nil
> | > | Arg 2: load
> | > | Arg 3: an Array
> | > | topaz 2>
> | > | topaz 2> commit
> | > | Successful commit
> | > | topaz 2>
> | > | topaz 2> run
> | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapUseRepositoryDirectory.
> | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapSymbolDictionaryName.
> | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapRepositoryDirectory.
> | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationLoads.
> | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationClassName.
> | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapDriver.
> | > | true
> | > | %
> | > | true
> | > | topaz 2>
> | > | topaz 2> commit
> | > | Successful commit
> | > |
> | > |
> | > |
> | > |
> |

sea.txt (361K) Download Attachment
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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

Dale Henrichs

Ah ... you are loading Seaside as SystemUser and I think that is probably the source of your problem ... try running the install as DataCurator (or a user with the same permissions as DataCurator) ... I haven't done any testing loading Seaside as SystemUser ... there are a number of extensions to Object and other classes that come in as part of Seaside and by not installing as SystemUser, I can guarantee that these extensions won't interfere with SystemUser operations.


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
| To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:18:04 AM
| Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository
| Hi Dale,
| here it is attached. Hope this helps
| On 2012-03-28 19:01, Dale Henrichs wrote:
| > Raffaello,
| >
| > Okay ... could you send me the complete output log file from the
| > run ... something is obviously not "right" and if I have the
| > complete log file I will hopefully have enough info to go on ...
| >
| > Dale
| >
| > ----- Original Message -----
| > | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
| > | To: [hidden email]
| > | Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 5:16:12 AM
| > | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing
| > | GemStone repository
| > |
| > | Hi Dale,
| > |
| > | we are behind a firewall but http is open. Are there other
| > | protocols
| > | that need to be opened?
| > |
| > | Debugging reveals that, deeper in the invocation of
| > |   BootstrapDriver installConfiguration
| > | the version returned by
| > |   (System myUserProfile symbolList objectNamed:
| > |   'ConfigurationOfGLASS')
| > | new project version: '1.0-beta.8.1'
| > | returns nil.
| > | Could this be related to some protocol that our firewalls filter
| > | out?
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | BTW, it would be helpful if the calls to open a file were done by
| > | GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ... onClient: false
| > | rather than with
| > | GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ...
| > | so that debugging via GBS from a client machine becomes possible.
| > | But this is really only a minor issue.
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | On 2012-03-27 19:03, Dale Henrichs wrote:
| > | > Raffaello,
| > | >
| > | > Both messages that you are getting imply that you are missing
| > | > something to do with Metacello, although I'm a bit confused
| > | > about
| > | > the circumstances of the errors, so I'd be interesed in a full
| > | > Smalltalk stack so I can get a better idea of what might be
| > | > wrong
| > | > ...
| > | >
| > | > Just in case, are you running behind a firewall that doesn't
| > | > allow
| > | > access to the internet?
| > | >
| > | > Dale
| > | >
| > | > ----- Original Message -----
| > | > | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
| > | > | To: [hidden email]
| > | > | Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:52:28 AM
| > | > | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on
| > | > | existing
| > | > | GemStone repository
| > | > |
| > | > | Hello,
| > | > |
| > | > | indeed my installation was quite messy. I restarted from
| > | > | scratch
| > | > | and
| > | > | the
| > | > | TestResource class is now found.
| > | > |
| > | > | But there still are 2 nonfatal errors, I don't know how far
| > | > | reaching.
| > | > | Is
| > | > | this expected and under control or is it attributable to a
| > | > | misconfiguration?
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > | ...
| > | > |
| > | > | topaz 2> run
| > | > | BootstrapDriver installMcz.
| > | > | BootstrapDriver installMetacello.
| > | > | true
| > | > | %
| > | > | true
| > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | topaz 2> # standard configuration install
| > | > | topaz 2> run
| > | > | BootstrapDriver installConfigurationPackage.
| > | > | true
| > | > | %
| > | > | true
| > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | topaz 2> run
| > | > | BootstrapDriver installConfiguration.
| > | > | SystemOrganizer resetSystemOrganization.
| > | > | true
| > | > | %
| > | > | -----------------------------------------------------
| > | > | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
| > | > | No method was found for the selector #'repositoryOverrides:'
| > | > | when
| > | > | sent to nil with arguments contained in anArray( anArray(
| > | > | aMCServerDirectoryRepo
| > | > | sitory(db14:/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.3-x86_64.Linux/seaside/monticello/repos
| > | > | itory))).
| > | > | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
| > | > | Arg 1: nil
| > | > | Arg 2: repositoryOverrides:
| > | > | Arg 3: an Array
| > | > |   #1 an Array
| > | > |
| > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | topaz 2> commit
| > | > | Successful commit
| > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | topaz 2> # install Gofer Project Loader
| > | > | topaz 2> # see
| > | > |
| > | > | topaz 2> run
| > | > | Gofer new
| > | > |         gemsource: 'MetacelloRepository';
| > | > |         package: 'ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader';
| > | > |         load.
| > | > | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader) project
| > | > | version:
| > | > | '1.0-alpha2.1') load.
| > | > | true
| > | > | %
| > | > | -----------------------------------------------------
| > | > | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
| > | > | No method was found for the selector #'load' when sent to nil
| > | > | with
| > | > | arguments contained in anArray( ).
| > | > | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
| > | > | Arg 1: nil
| > | > | Arg 2: load
| > | > | Arg 3: an Array
| > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | topaz 2> commit
| > | > | Successful commit
| > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | topaz 2> run
| > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapUseRepositoryDirectory.
| > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapSymbolDictionaryName.
| > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapRepositoryDirectory.
| > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationLoads.
| > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationClassName.
| > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapDriver.
| > | > | true
| > | > | %
| > | > | true
| > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | topaz 2> commit
| > | > | Successful commit
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > |
Reply | Threaded
Open this post in threaded view

Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

Hi Dale,

yes, logging in as DataCurator solves the issue on the primordial
repository. Next week I'll give a try on one of our existing repositories.


On 2012-03-28 22:54, Dale Henrichs wrote:

> Raffaello,
> Ah ... you are loading Seaside as SystemUser and I think that is probably the source of your problem ... try running the install as DataCurator (or a user with the same permissions as DataCurator) ... I haven't done any testing loading Seaside as SystemUser ... there are a number of extensions to Object and other classes that come in as part of Seaside and by not installing as SystemUser, I can guarantee that these extensions won't interfere with SystemUser operations.
> Dale
> ----- Original Message -----
> | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
> | To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion" <[hidden email]>
> | Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:18:04 AM
> | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository
> |
> | Hi Dale,
> |
> | here it is attached. Hope this helps
> |
> |
> |
> | On 2012-03-28 19:01, Dale Henrichs wrote:
> | > Raffaello,
> | >
> | > Okay ... could you send me the complete output log file from the
> | > run ... something is obviously not "right" and if I have the
> | > complete log file I will hopefully have enough info to go on ...
> | >
> | > Dale
> | >
> | > ----- Original Message -----
> | > | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
> | > | To: [hidden email]
> | > | Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 5:16:12 AM
> | > | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing
> | > | GemStone repository
> | > |
> | > | Hi Dale,
> | > |
> | > | we are behind a firewall but http is open. Are there other
> | > | protocols
> | > | that need to be opened?
> | > |
> | > | Debugging reveals that, deeper in the invocation of
> | > |   BootstrapDriver installConfiguration
> | > | the version returned by
> | > |   (System myUserProfile symbolList objectNamed:
> | > |   'ConfigurationOfGLASS')
> | > | new project version: '1.0-beta.8.1'
> | > | returns nil.
> | > | Could this be related to some protocol that our firewalls filter
> | > | out?
> | > |
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | BTW, it would be helpful if the calls to open a file were done by
> | > | GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ... onClient: false
> | > | rather than with
> | > | GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ...
> | > | so that debugging via GBS from a client machine becomes possible.
> | > | But this is really only a minor issue.
> | > |
> | > |
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | On 2012-03-27 19:03, Dale Henrichs wrote:
> | > | > Raffaello,
> | > | >
> | > | > Both messages that you are getting imply that you are missing
> | > | > something to do with Metacello, although I'm a bit confused
> | > | > about
> | > | > the circumstances of the errors, so I'd be interesed in a full
> | > | > Smalltalk stack so I can get a better idea of what might be
> | > | > wrong
> | > | > ...
> | > | >
> | > | > Just in case, are you running behind a firewall that doesn't
> | > | > allow
> | > | > access to the internet?
> | > | >
> | > | > Dale
> | > | >
> | > | > ----- Original Message -----
> | > | > | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
> | > | > | To: [hidden email]
> | > | > | Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:52:28 AM
> | > | > | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on
> | > | > | existing
> | > | > | GemStone repository
> | > | > |
> | > | > | Hello,
> | > | > |
> | > | > | indeed my installation was quite messy. I restarted from
> | > | > | scratch
> | > | > | and
> | > | > | the
> | > | > | TestResource class is now found.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | But there still are 2 nonfatal errors, I don't know how far
> | > | > | reaching.
> | > | > | Is
> | > | > | this expected and under control or is it attributable to a
> | > | > | misconfiguration?
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | > | ...
> | > | > |
> | > | > | topaz 2> run
> | > | > | BootstrapDriver installMcz.
> | > | > | BootstrapDriver installMetacello.
> | > | > | true
> | > | > | %
> | > | > | true
> | > | > | topaz 2>
> | > | > | topaz 2> # standard configuration install
> | > | > | topaz 2> run
> | > | > | BootstrapDriver installConfigurationPackage.
> | > | > | true
> | > | > | %
> | > | > | true
> | > | > | topaz 2>
> | > | > | topaz 2> run
> | > | > | BootstrapDriver installConfiguration.
> | > | > | SystemOrganizer resetSystemOrganization.
> | > | > | true
> | > | > | %
> | > | > | -----------------------------------------------------
> | > | > | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
> | > | > | No method was found for the selector #'repositoryOverrides:'
> | > | > | when
> | > | > | sent to nil with arguments contained in anArray( anArray(
> | > | > | aMCServerDirectoryRepo
> | > | > | sitory(db14:/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.3-x86_64.Linux/seaside/monticello/repos
> | > | > | itory))).
> | > | > | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
> | > | > | Arg 1: nil
> | > | > | Arg 2: repositoryOverrides:
> | > | > | Arg 3: an Array
> | > | > |   #1 an Array
> | > | > |
> | > | > | topaz 2>
> | > | > | topaz 2> commit
> | > | > | Successful commit
> | > | > | topaz 2>
> | > | > | topaz 2> # install Gofer Project Loader
> | > | > | topaz 2> # see
> | > | > |
> | > | > | topaz 2> run
> | > | > | Gofer new
> | > | > |         gemsource: 'MetacelloRepository';
> | > | > |         package: 'ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader';
> | > | > |         load.
> | > | > | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader) project
> | > | > | version:
> | > | > | '1.0-alpha2.1') load.
> | > | > | true
> | > | > | %
> | > | > | -----------------------------------------------------
> | > | > | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
> | > | > | No method was found for the selector #'load' when sent to nil
> | > | > | with
> | > | > | arguments contained in anArray( ).
> | > | > | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
> | > | > | Arg 1: nil
> | > | > | Arg 2: load
> | > | > | Arg 3: an Array
> | > | > | topaz 2>
> | > | > | topaz 2> commit
> | > | > | Successful commit
> | > | > | topaz 2>
> | > | > | topaz 2> run
> | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapUseRepositoryDirectory.
> | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapSymbolDictionaryName.
> | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapRepositoryDirectory.
> | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationLoads.
> | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationClassName.
> | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapDriver.
> | > | > | true
> | > | > | %
> | > | > | true
> | > | > | topaz 2>
> | > | > | topaz 2> commit
> | > | > | Successful commit
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > |
> |
> |

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Re: installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository

Dale Henrichs

When you add Seaside to your existing repositories, are you planning on adding the code directly to one of your existing users or are you planning on adding a seaside user account?


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 1:29:45 AM
| Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing GemStone repository
| Hi Dale,
| yes, logging in as DataCurator solves the issue on the primordial
| repository. Next week I'll give a try on one of our existing
| repositories.
| Thanks!
| Raffaello
| On 2012-03-28 22:54, Dale Henrichs wrote:
| > Raffaello,
| >
| >
| > Ah ... you are loading Seaside as SystemUser and I think that is
| > probably the source of your problem ... try running the install as
| > DataCurator (or a user with the same permissions as DataCurator)
| > ... I haven't done any testing loading Seaside as SystemUser ...
| > there are a number of extensions to Object and other classes that
| > come in as part of Seaside and by not installing as SystemUser, I
| > can guarantee that these extensions won't interfere with
| > SystemUser operations.
| >
| > Dale
| >
| > ----- Original Message -----
| > | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
| > | To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion"
| > | <[hidden email]>
| > | Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:18:04 AM
| > | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on existing
| > | GemStone repository
| > |
| > | Hi Dale,
| > |
| > | here it is attached. Hope this helps
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | On 2012-03-28 19:01, Dale Henrichs wrote:
| > | > Raffaello,
| > | >
| > | > Okay ... could you send me the complete output log file from
| > | > the
| > | > run ... something is obviously not "right" and if I have the
| > | > complete log file I will hopefully have enough info to go on
| > | > ...
| > | >
| > | > Dale
| > | >
| > | > ----- Original Message -----
| > | > | From: "Raffaello Giulietti" <[hidden email]>
| > | > | To: [hidden email]
| > | > | Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 5:16:12 AM
| > | > | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on
| > | > | existing
| > | > | GemStone repository
| > | > |
| > | > | Hi Dale,
| > | > |
| > | > | we are behind a firewall but http is open. Are there other
| > | > | protocols
| > | > | that need to be opened?
| > | > |
| > | > | Debugging reveals that, deeper in the invocation of
| > | > |   BootstrapDriver installConfiguration
| > | > | the version returned by
| > | > |   (System myUserProfile symbolList objectNamed:
| > | > |   'ConfigurationOfGLASS')
| > | > | new project version: '1.0-beta.8.1'
| > | > | returns nil.
| > | > | Could this be related to some protocol that our firewalls
| > | > | filter
| > | > | out?
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > | BTW, it would be helpful if the calls to open a file were
| > | > | done by
| > | > | GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ... onClient: false
| > | > | rather than with
| > | > | GsFile class >> open: ... mode: ...
| > | > | so that debugging via GBS from a client machine becomes
| > | > | possible.
| > | > | But this is really only a minor issue.
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > | On 2012-03-27 19:03, Dale Henrichs wrote:
| > | > | > Raffaello,
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Both messages that you are getting imply that you are
| > | > | > missing
| > | > | > something to do with Metacello, although I'm a bit confused
| > | > | > about
| > | > | > the circumstances of the errors, so I'd be interesed in a
| > | > | > full
| > | > | > Smalltalk stack so I can get a better idea of what might be
| > | > | > wrong
| > | > | > ...
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Just in case, are you running behind a firewall that
| > | > | > doesn't
| > | > | > allow
| > | > | > access to the internet?
| > | > | >
| > | > | > Dale
| > | > | >
| > | > | > ----- Original Message -----
| > | > | > | From: "Raffaello Giulietti"
| > | > | > | <[hidden email]>
| > | > | > | To: [hidden email]
| > | > | > | Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:52:28 AM
| > | > | > | Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] installing Seaside classes on
| > | > | > | existing
| > | > | > | GemStone repository
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | Hello,
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | indeed my installation was quite messy. I restarted from
| > | > | > | scratch
| > | > | > | and
| > | > | > | the
| > | > | > | TestResource class is now found.
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | But there still are 2 nonfatal errors, I don't know how
| > | > | > | far
| > | > | > | reaching.
| > | > | > | Is
| > | > | > | this expected and under control or is it attributable to
| > | > | > | a
| > | > | > | misconfiguration?
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | ...
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | topaz 2> run
| > | > | > | BootstrapDriver installMcz.
| > | > | > | BootstrapDriver installMetacello.
| > | > | > | true
| > | > | > | %
| > | > | > | true
| > | > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | > | topaz 2> # standard configuration install
| > | > | > | topaz 2> run
| > | > | > | BootstrapDriver installConfigurationPackage.
| > | > | > | true
| > | > | > | %
| > | > | > | true
| > | > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | > | topaz 2> run
| > | > | > | BootstrapDriver installConfiguration.
| > | > | > | SystemOrganizer resetSystemOrganization.
| > | > | > | true
| > | > | > | %
| > | > | > | -----------------------------------------------------
| > | > | > | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
| > | > | > | No method was found for the selector
| > | > | > | #'repositoryOverrides:'
| > | > | > | when
| > | > | > | sent to nil with arguments contained in anArray( anArray(
| > | > | > | aMCServerDirectoryRepo
| > | > | > | sitory(db14:/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.3-x86_64.Linux/seaside/monticello/repos
| > | > | > | itory))).
| > | > | > | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
| > | > | > | Arg 1: nil
| > | > | > | Arg 2: repositoryOverrides:
| > | > | > | Arg 3: an Array
| > | > | > |   #1 an Array
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | > | topaz 2> commit
| > | > | > | Successful commit
| > | > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | > | topaz 2> # install Gofer Project Loader
| > | > | > | topaz 2> # see
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | topaz 2> run
| > | > | > | Gofer new
| > | > | > |         gemsource: 'MetacelloRepository';
| > | > | > |         package: 'ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader';
| > | > | > |         load.
| > | > | > | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader)
| > | > | > | project
| > | > | > | version:
| > | > | > | '1.0-alpha2.1') load.
| > | > | > | true
| > | > | > | %
| > | > | > | -----------------------------------------------------
| > | > | > | GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
| > | > | > | No method was found for the selector #'load' when sent to
| > | > | > | nil
| > | > | > | with
| > | > | > | arguments contained in anArray( ).
| > | > | > | Error Category: [GemStone] Number: 2010 Arg Count: 3
| > | > | > | Arg 1: nil
| > | > | > | Arg 2: load
| > | > | > | Arg 3: an Array
| > | > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | > | topaz 2> commit
| > | > | > | Successful commit
| > | > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | > | topaz 2> run
| > | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapUseRepositoryDirectory.
| > | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapSymbolDictionaryName.
| > | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapRepositoryDirectory.
| > | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationLoads.
| > | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapConfigurationClassName.
| > | > | > | UserGlobals removeKey: #BootstrapDriver.
| > | > | > | true
| > | > | > | %
| > | > | > | true
| > | > | > | topaz 2>
| > | > | > | topaz 2> commit
| > | > | > | Successful commit
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > |
| > | > |
| > |
| > |