interesting incompatibility between squeak 4.3 and Pharo 1.4

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interesting incompatibility between squeak 4.3 and Pharo 1.4

I've been playing with NativeBoost so a lot of my development time has
been in Pharo. I was having problems with simple syntax so I decided to
fileout my class and test it in the latest squeak.

A problem:   class AlphaImage doesn't exist in squeak, so the filein
process ended up defining my class to be a subclass of ProtoObject...

OK, sorta makes sense: don't guess, just give the lowest possible point
in the hierarchy. Even so, the first time I tried to create an instance
of the class, I recived debugging messages complaining about how the
object didn't understand the message newForm:, as you might expect...
then the debugger itself kept on popping up the same error message as I
tried to enter the debugger window.

Working as intended?

Anyway, just an interesting gotcha when programming in Pharo and porting
back to squeak.


Squeak from the very start (introduction to Squeak and Pharo Smalltalk for the (almost) complete and compleate beginner).