is Renraku general purpose rule checker?

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is Renraku general purpose rule checker?

Peter Uhnak

I'm looking at Renraku and I wonder, would Renraku be a good start for general-purpose checking?

E.g. I have a domain, where Person cannot drink if they are underage.

So I've created a simple ReAbstractRule subclass that does basic check

SomeRule>>basicCheck: anEntity
        ^ anEntity age < 18

and also custom Critique.

So for everything seems that it works well, however I am not sure if there are some potential roadbloacks down the road, because e.g. Renraku is meant only for AST/code based rules.


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Re: is Renraku general purpose rule checker?

Stephane Ducasse-3
Yes it is its purpose.

On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 2:44 PM, Peter Uhnak <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm looking at Renraku and I wonder, would Renraku be a good start for general-purpose checking?
> E.g. I have a domain, where Person cannot drink if they are underage.
> So I've created a simple ReAbstractRule subclass that does basic check
> SomeRule>>basicCheck: anEntity
>         ^ anEntity age < 18
> and also custom Critique.
> So for everything seems that it works well, however I am not sure if there are some potential roadbloacks down the road, because e.g. Renraku is meant only for AST/code based rules.
> Thanks,
> Peter

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Re: is Renraku general purpose rule checker?

Juraj Kubelka
In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak

At ESUG 2016, Yuriy showed that someone can use Renraku for any domain (object). So, it is not limited to AST/code based rules.

In the recent effort of Benoit, he adds some rules to improve writing and executing test cases experience. This is related to AST/source code, but with more complex logic behind.


> El 22-07-2017, a las 14:44, Peter Uhnak <[hidden email]> escribió:
> Hi,
> I'm looking at Renraku and I wonder, would Renraku be a good start for general-purpose checking?
> E.g. I have a domain, where Person cannot drink if they are underage.
> So I've created a simple ReAbstractRule subclass that does basic check
> SomeRule>>basicCheck: anEntity
> ^ anEntity age < 18
> and also custom Critique.
> So for everything seems that it works well, however I am not sure if there are some potential roadbloacks down the road, because e.g. Renraku is meant only for AST/code based rules.
> Thanks,
> Peter