"Louis Sumberg" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> UserLibrary>>isIconic: seems to be more reliable than
> in determining if a window is minimized or not, as evidenced by the
> following workspace code:
> sv1 := ShellView show.
> eventBlock1 := [:aPositionEvent | aPositionEvent isResize ifTrue:
> [aPositionEvent window isMinimized ifTrue: [Sound bell]]].
> sv1 when: #positionChanged: send: #value: to: eventBlock1.
> "Maximize shellview, then toggle between max and min and the bell will
> every time."
The internal flag is set in response to the WM_SIZE event, which itself is
sent by the default window procedure as part of its processing of
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, i.e. if you test it in a handler for #positionChanged:,
then it will not yet have been updated.
You can detect minimisation and restoration events by hooking #viewMinimized
and #viewRestored events. There is no #viewMaximized event (I'm not sure
There is a "todo" in place to have the internal flag updated in the
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED to avoid the need for a WM_SIZE handler, but the latter
has flags which make it easier to determine what type of resize event has
taken place and these do not appear to accompany the former.