While playing with the HTML package or (Scamper)
I got the following error
specialValue isoToSqueak
isoToSqueak not understood by character
What is now the correct invocation?
| pos ampIndex scIndex special specialValue outString outPos
newOutPos |
outString _ String new: self size.
outPos _ 0.
pos _ 1.
[ pos <= self size ] whileTrue: [
"read up to the next ampersand"
ampIndex _ self indexOf: $& startingAt: pos ifAbsent:
ampIndex = 0 ifTrue: [
pos = 1 ifTrue: [ ^self ] ifFalse: [ ampIndex
_ self size+1 ] ].
newOutPos _ outPos + ampIndex - pos.
replaceFrom: outPos + 1
to: newOutPos
with: self
startingAt: pos.
outPos _ newOutPos.
pos _ ampIndex.
ampIndex <= self size ifTrue: [
"find the $;"
scIndex _ self indexOf: $; startingAt:
ampIndex ifAbsent: [ self size + 1 ].
special _ self copyFrom: ampIndex+1 to:
[specialValue _ HtmlEntity valueOfHtmlEntity:
ifError: [specialValue := nil].
ifNil: [
"not a recognized entity.
wite it back"
scIndex > self size ifTrue: [ scIndex _ self size ].
newOutPos _ outPos + scIndex -
ampIndex + 1.
replaceFrom: outPos+1
to: newOutPos
with: self
startingAt: ampIndex.
outPos _ newOutPos.]
ifNotNil: [
outPos _ outPos + 1.
outString at: outPos put:
specialValue isoToSqueak.].
pos _ scIndex + 1. ]. ].
^outString copyFrom: 1 to: outPos
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