issue with PharoLauncher

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issue with PharoLauncher

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

Are there any recent update with PharoLauncher ? It worked fine yesterday, but today I cannot launch default 8.0 image. It fail with a debug message: Instance of ZnBufferedWriteStream did not understand #name. I'm surprised to receive such message, and can't find out what has change to get suddenly such behaviour.

Pharo Launcher is the latest version: Pharo 1.9.2-2019.08.01 - This distribution was built August 01, 2019.

I'm using default Pharo 8.0 VM and Image, all refreshed to their latest version.
However, the launcher is working well with default Pharo 9.0 VM and Image.

Here is an extract of the log (full log attached)
Instance of ZnBufferedWriteStream did not understand #name
11 March 2020 10:51:09.200161 am

VM: Win32 - IX86 - 10.0 - CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2504 uuid: a00b0fad-c04c-47a6-8a11-5dbff110ac11 Jan  5 2019
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2504 uuid: a00b0fad-c04c-47a6-8a11-5dbff110ac11 Jan  5 2019
VM: 201901051900 Date: Sat Jan 5 20:00:11 2019 CommitHash: 7a3c6b6 Plugins: 201901051900

Image: Pharo7.0.3 [Build information: Pharo-7.0.3+build.158.sha.0903ade8a6c96633f07e0a7f1baa9a5d48cfdf55 (32 Bit)]

ZnBufferedWriteStream(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #name
Receiver: a ZnBufferedWriteStream
Arguments and temporary variables:
aMessage: name
exception: MessageNotUnderstood: ZnBufferedWriteStream>>name
resumeValue: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
stream: BinaryFileStream: 'C:\Users\villemre\devzone\Pharo\images\Pharo 8.0 - 6...etc...
buffer: nil
position: 0

Any advice ?

PharoDebug.log (57K) Download Attachment
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Re: issue with PharoLauncher

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Hi again

Apparently, the issue is on the VM side. I unpack the 9.0 VM into the 8.0 folder, and everything went fine.

Looks like there is an issue on windows when getting the latest 8.0 VM.
Looking the the dev mailing list, I can see a similar issue has been raised, when you have unzip program on your computer, that can corrupt the VM extraction archive


Mar. 11, 2020, 13:38 by [hidden email]:

Are there any recent update with PharoLauncher ? It worked fine yesterday, but today I cannot launch default 8.0 image. It fail with a debug message: Instance of ZnBufferedWriteStream did not understand #name. I'm surprised to receive such message, and can't find out what has change to get suddenly such behaviour.

Pharo Launcher is the latest version: Pharo 1.9.2-2019.08.01 - This distribution was built August 01, 2019.

I'm using default Pharo 8.0 VM and Image, all refreshed to their latest version.
However, the launcher is working well with default Pharo 9.0 VM and Image.

Here is an extract of the log (full log attached)
Instance of ZnBufferedWriteStream did not understand #name
11 March 2020 10:51:09.200161 am

VM: Win32 - IX86 - 10.0 - CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2504 uuid: a00b0fad-c04c-47a6-8a11-5dbff110ac11 Jan  5 2019
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2504 uuid: a00b0fad-c04c-47a6-8a11-5dbff110ac11 Jan  5 2019
VM: 201901051900 Date: Sat Jan 5 20:00:11 2019 CommitHash: 7a3c6b6 Plugins: 201901051900

Image: Pharo7.0.3 [Build information: Pharo-7.0.3+build.158.sha.0903ade8a6c96633f07e0a7f1baa9a5d48cfdf55 (32 Bit)]

ZnBufferedWriteStream(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #name
Receiver: a ZnBufferedWriteStream
Arguments and temporary variables:
aMessage: name
exception: MessageNotUnderstood: ZnBufferedWriteStream>>name
resumeValue: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
stream: BinaryFileStream: 'C:\Users\villemre\devzone\Pharo\images\Pharo 8.0 - 6...etc...
buffer: nil
position: 0

Any advice ?