jQuery --> make Tabs

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jQuery --> make Tabs

Alexandre BP
Ok, no problem. 
I'm going to describe the beginner's way to make tabs with jQuery.
  1. Get ready: include in your environment all the things to make jQuery work properly
    • add the libraries jQUIDevelopmentLibrary and jQDevelopmentLibrary
there is 2 options (as far as I know):
  • add them to the configuration of seaside localhost 
    • open a webbrowser --> localhost:8080/seaside --> config
  • add them directly in your code (that's what I did):
    • create an initialize method on the class side of the class starting your application:
super initialize.
WAKomEncoded startOn: 8080.
(self registerAsApplication: 'NameOfYourApplication')
preferenceAt: #sessionClass put: WUserSession;
addLibrary: JQDeploymentLibrary;
addLibrary: JQUiDeploymentLibrary;

!!!! Don't forget to launch initialize manually in a Workspace of Seaside/Pharo !!!!
   -->  YourClass initialize. (doit = ctrl+d)
    • add the jQuery CSS
      • Find the CSS: (there might be an easier way ^_^)
      • Add the CSS file to your project
        • par exemple avec une classe WAFileLibrary: WAFileLibrary addFileAt:'C:/.../jquery-ui.css'
      • Download the pictures of the CSS if you want to have nice tabs 
2. The code for tabs: 


canvas div
      script: (canvas jQuery new tabs
         selected: selectedTab;
         onSelect: (canvas jQuery ajax 
            callbackTabs: [ :event | selectedTab := event at: #index.]));
      with: [
         canvas unorderedList: [
            self berries keysAndValuesDo: [ :name :description |
               canvas listItem: [
                  canvas anchor
                     url: (canvas jQuery ajax
                        html: [ :h | h render: description];
                     with: name ] ] ] ]

berries (or whatever you want to display in the tabs)
^ Dictionary new
at: 'Blackberry' put: 'The blackberry is an aggregate fruit from a bramble bush, genus Rubus in the rose family Rosaceae.';
at: 'Raspberry' put: 'The raspberry is the edible fruit of a multitude of plant species in the subgenus Idaeobatus of the genus Rubus.';
at: 'Blueberry' put: 'Blueberries are flowering plants in the genus Vaccinium, sect. Cyanococcus.';
at: 'Cloudberry' put: 'The cloudberry is a slow-growing alpine or sub-Arctic species of Rubus, producing amber-colored edible fruit.';
at: 'Cranberry' put: 'Cranberries are a group of evergreen dwarf shrubs or trailing vines in the genus Vaccinium subgenus Oxycoccos, or in some treatments, in the distinct genus Oxycoccos.';

By the way, you can put whatever you want in the Dictionary
Dictionary new at: 'ClassName' put: ClassName new.
-->display the renderContentOn: of the class ClassName

3. The references: to go further
It's a bit of a mess but I hope this help guys. :-) (should be nicer with Word or OpenOffice)
Tell me if there are mistakes.

2010/12/20 Fritz Schenk <[hidden email]>
alexandre, would you mind summarizing?
Please include your source code, and what needs to be present in your
environement. Seaside users might find this very helpful.

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Re: jQuery --&gt; make Tabs

Very kind of you including these instructions. I will follow as soon as I recover
from installing 3.0.3. My IDE is hosed; see below the thread about updating to
According to the documentation the two libraries are included but do not show up
in the browser; how do I load them? Monticello?

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Re: jQuery --&gt; make Tabs

Alexandre BP
Actually I didn't have to do anything. I just add the two lines in the method initialize and it worked fine.
I started with pharo and added the seaside package with the following code:

Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside30';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside30) load.

2010/12/20 Fritz Schenk <[hidden email]>
Very kind of you including these instructions. I will follow as soon as I recover
from installing 3.0.3. My IDE is hosed; see below the thread about updating to
According to the documentation the two libraries are included but do not show up
in the browser; how do I load them? Monticello?

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Re: jQuery --&gt; make Tabs

Alexandre BP
Sorry I didn't see the post about seaside 3.0.3 but I guess it will be the same :-)

2010/12/20 alexandre bp <[hidden email]>
Actually I didn't have to do anything. I just add the two lines in the method initialize and it worked fine.
I started with pharo and added the seaside package with the following code:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside30';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside30) load.

2010/12/20 Fritz Schenk <[hidden email]>

Very kind of you including these instructions. I will follow as soon as I recover
from installing 3.0.3. My IDE is hosed; see below the thread about updating to
According to the documentation the two libraries are included but do not show up
in the browser; how do I load them? Monticello?

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Re: jQuery --&amp;gt; make Tabs

Is 'WUserSession' 'WASession'?
Or should I define my one WAUserSession inheriting from WASession?


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Re: jQuery --&amp;gt; make Tabs

Alexandre BP
WUserSession inherits from WASession. 
It's a way to get the current user of the session.

2010/12/21 Fritz Schenk <[hidden email]>
Is 'WUserSession' 'WASession'?
Or should I define my one WAUserSession inheriting from WASession?


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Re: jQuery --&amp;amp;gt; make Tabs

Thanks Alexandre,
I will be defining a WUserSession as in my image as it does not exist. It will
inherit from WASession with its own initialize (instance) and one instance
variable 'currentUser'

"The following is from Cincom's tutorial code - so it follows their namespace
MyJQueryTestsCategory defineClass: #WUserSession
        superclass: #WASession
        indexedType: #none
        private: false
        instanceVariableNames: 'currentUser '
        classInstanceVariableNames: ''
        imports: ''
        category: '

        "Initialize a newly created instance. This method must answer the
"Taken from Cincom tutorial's code"

        super initialize.
        " *** Edit the following to properly initialize instance variables ***"
        currentUser := nil.
        " *** And replace this comment with additional initialization code *** "
I appreciate your following and comments.

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