jQuery questions

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jQuery questions

Rob Withers-2
I am trying to understand the latest CTReport example.  Lukas recently made
changes to allow a new item to be added.  I am confused by what exactly the
jQuery pieces are doing.

1) In CTReport>>renderContentOn: there is some code that binds 'refresh' to

        html table
                script: (html jQuery this
                        bind: 'refresh' do: (html jQuery this load
                                html: [ :h | self renderTableOn: h ]));

what does the message #this do?   What about 'html jQuery this load'.
Obviously the html: portion is the action taken, which re-renders the table.

2) In CTReport>>renderRowView:on: there is an anchor created with an
onClick: script:

        html tableData: [
                html anchor
                        url: '#';
                        " replace the owning row with an editable row "
                        onClick: ((html jQuery this closest: 'tr') load
                                html: [ :r | self renderRowEdit: anItem on: r ]);
                        with: 'edit' ]

What does '((html jQuery this closest: 'tr') load' do?

Now some AJAX stuff...

3) In CTReport>>renderAddOn: there is jQuery...

                onClick: (html jQuery ajax script: [ :script |
                        script add: ((script jQuery: 'table') append: [ :renderer |
                                renderer tableRow: [
                                                renderRowEdit: CTReportItem new
                                                action: [ :item | self items add: item ]
                                                on: renderer ] ]) ]);

What does 'html jQuery ajax script:' do?  In the script it looks like it
grabs the 'table' (although I don't see where the table was named) and
appends a tableRow.

4) In CTReport>>renderRowEdit:action:on: there is more jQuery ajax....

                        onClick: (html jQuery ajax
                                " serialize all form elements in the table "
                                serialize: ((html jQuery this closest: 'table') find: ':input');
                                " trigger a refresh on all connected tables "
                                html: [ :r |
                                        aBlock value: anItem.
                                        self pusher javascript: [ :s |
                                                s add: ((s jQuery: 'table')
                                                        trigger: 'refresh') ] ]);

Ditto on 'jQuery ajax'?  What does 'serialize: ((html jQuery this closest:
'table') find: ':input');' do?  Clearly the trigger: 'refresh' is sent to
all pages the pusher knows about, right?

If there is anything else you can tell me or point me to the appropriate
literature, it would be most appreciated!


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Re: jQuery questions

Lukas Renggli
> 1) In CTReport>>renderContentOn: there is some code that binds 'refresh' to
> jQuery:
>        html table
>                script: (html jQuery this
>                        bind: 'refresh' do: (html jQuery this load
>                                html: [ :h | self renderTableOn: h ]));
> what does the message #this do?

This returns a JQueryInstance that refers to the current DOM element
(see the method comment), i.e. the table.

> Obviously the html: portion is the action taken, which re-renders the table.

Exactly, the inner part of the table.

> 2) In CTReport>>renderRowView:on: there is an anchor created with an
> onClick: script:
>        html tableData: [
>                html anchor
>                        url: '#';
>                        " replace the owning row with an editable row "
>                        onClick: ((html jQuery this closest: 'tr') load
>                                html: [ :r | self renderRowEdit: anItem on: r
> ]);
>                        with: 'edit' ]
> What does '((html jQuery this closest: 'tr') load' do?

#this refers to the current DOM element (see the method comment), i.e.
the anchor.

#closest: walks outwards in the DOM tree to find the closes matching
element (see the method comment), i.e. the current row.

#load performs an AJAX action (see the method comment), i.e. it
replaces the contents of the matched elements with

> What does 'html jQuery ajax script:' do?  In the script it looks like it
> grabs the 'table' (although I don't see where the table was named) and
> appends a tableRow.

'table' is a CSS selector, it just appends the list to all tables on
the current page. Cleaner would be to give it a name or navigate to it
through this DOM node, but in this simple example I assume that there
is only one table.

> Ditto on 'jQuery ajax'?

This is an AJAX request (see the method comment and look for senders
to see other examples).

> What does 'serialize: ((html jQuery this closest:
> 'table') find: ':input');' do?

It serializes and triggers the callbacks of all the input-fields in
this table. Again, see the method comments of the respective messages.

> Clearly the trigger: 'refresh' is sent to
> all pages the pusher knows about, right?

This triggers the refresh event that was bound in your first question.


Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
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