jadeServer isNil

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jadeServer isNil

Sabine Manaa

I am new to GemStone (and Pharo and Unix) and a am learning a lot this days, coming from VisualAge/IBM Smalltalk and Windows environment with VOSS OO database for 14 years.

I agree with http://forum.world.st/Overview-very-difficult-td4085740.html. Is is not so easy to collect the information from different pages. Perhaps because it is so much information and, at the beginning, it is not possible to see, which is the important one. Also, information about the architecture was missing for me (see * below).

But I am very happy about this mailing list and I do NOT want to complain.
Yesterday evening I listened the podcast of Norbert and it was very useful for me (it is in german language).

I recognized that I have to run GemTools from my windows system where I develop and NOT at the unix system, where Gemstone is running*. argh. This was not clear for me.

So, today I started this image

on my local windows system where I want to develop. I updated GemTools Launcher.

Then I created a session  

OGStandardSessionDescription new
        name: 'Standard';
        stoneHost: 'localhost';
        stoneName: 'seaside';
        gemHost: 'localhost';
        netLDI: '50377';
        userId: 'DataCurator';
        password: 'swordfish';
        backupDirectory: '';

I get a debugger because jadeServer isNil.

Telnet to localhost on port 50377 works, I enabled port tunneling to my amazon ec2 instance.
I use Gemstone ''.

Can you help me please to find out whats wrong?


28 November 2012 9:05:08 am

VM: Win32 - IX86 - NT - Squeak3.10.2 of '5 June 2008' [latest update: #7179]
Image: Pharo-1.1-11411 [Latest update: #11411]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir C:\Users\Sabine\Daten\entwicklung\gemtools\GemTools-1.0-beta.8.7-3101x.app\Contents\Resources
Trusted Dir C:\Users\Sabine\Daten\entwicklung\gemtools\GemTools-1.0-beta.8.7-3101x.app\Contents\Resources\Sabine
Untrusted Dir C:\Users\Sabine\Documents\My Squeak

UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #openDebuggerOn:
        Receiver: nil
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aMessage: openDebuggerOn: Oop(20)
                exception: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "openDebuggerOn:" is nil
                resumeValue: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:

[] in GsProcess>>openDebugger:
        Receiver: a GsProcess
        Arguments and temporary variables:
<<error during printing>
        Receiver's instance variables:
                session: a GciSession [6]
                oopType: Oop(20)
                stack: nil

        Receiver: [| args signalText proc process |
terminated := true.
        label := anException tag number == ...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [terminated
                ifTrue: [self clearStack]]
                complete: nil
                returnValue: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: GsProcess>>openDebugger:
                startpc: 189
                numArgs: 0

        Receiver: a GsProcess
        Arguments and temporary variables:
<<error during printing>
        Receiver's instance variables:
                session: a GciSession [6]
                oopType: Oop(20)
                stack: nil

        Receiver: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or unexpected.
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                messageText: nil
                tag: a Gci31xErrSType64
                signalContext: GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
                handlerContext: BlockClosure>>on:do:
                outerContext: nil
                session: a GciSession [6]

        Receiver: nil
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or unexpected...etc...
        Receiver's instance variables:

        Receiver: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or unexpected.
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                messageText: nil
                tag: a Gci31xErrSType64
                signalContext: GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
                handlerContext: BlockClosure>>on:do:
                outerContext: nil
                session: a GciSession [6]

[] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
        Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                priorWorld: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or unexpecte...etc...
                priorHand: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                priorEvent: a HandMorph(843055104)
                ex: [144@146 mouseOver red nil nil]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 980@750
                owner: nil
                submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(811335680) a SystemWindow(341311488) a Syste...etc...
                fullBounds: nil
                color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
                extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]  [othe...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
                model: a MorphicModel(504889344)
                cursor: 1
                padding: 3
                backgroundMorph: an AlphaImageMorph(686292992)
                isPartsBin: nil
                autoLineLayout: false
                indicateCursor: nil
                resizeToFit: nil
                worldState: a WorldState
                griddingOn: nil

        Receiver: [:ex |
ActiveWorld := priorWorld.
        ActiveEvent := priorEvent.
        ActiveHand := priorHand.
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anArray: an Array(Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or une...etc...
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
                startpc: 78
                numArgs: 1

[] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
        Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or unexpected...etc...
        Receiver's instance variables:
                sender: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
                pc: 17
                stackp: 3
                method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(885784576)")
                closureOrNil: nil
                receiver: [aBlock value]

        Receiver: [(self tempAt: 2)
                valueWithPossibleArgs: {exception}]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [self tempAt: 3 put: true]
                complete: nil
                returnValue: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
                startpc: 90
                numArgs: 0

        Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or unexpected...etc...
                val: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                sender: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
                pc: 17
                stackp: 3
                method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(885784576)")
                closureOrNil: nil
                receiver: [aBlock value]

        Receiver: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or unexpected.
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                messageText: nil
                tag: a Gci31xErrSType64
                signalContext: GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
                handlerContext: BlockClosure>>on:do:
                outerContext: nil
                session: a GciSession [6]

[] in OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
        Receiver: an OGSessionNode
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                ex: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or unexpected.
        Receiver's instance variables:
                metaNode: Session

                session: nil
                sessionDescription: an OGStandardSessionDescription
                windowSessionNumber: nil
                autoAbort: nil
                autoCommit: nil
                autoMigrate: nil
                glassPackageName: nil
                usingMetacello: nil
                backupFileName: nil
                workspaceNode: an OGWorkspaceNode

        Receiver: [:ex |
session := nil.
        ^ ex pass]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anArray: an Array(Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or une...etc...
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
                startpc: 220
                numArgs: 1

[] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
        Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or unexpected...etc...
        Receiver's instance variables:
                sender: OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
                pc: 17
                stackp: 3
                method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(885784576)")
                closureOrNil: nil
                receiver: [| gciError messageText | (session
                        login: desc password

        Receiver: [(self tempAt: 2)
                valueWithPossibleArgs: {exception}]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [self tempAt: 3 put: true]
                complete: nil
                returnValue: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
                startpc: 90
                numArgs: 0

        Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or unexpected...etc...
                val: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                sender: OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
                pc: 17
                stackp: 3
                method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(885784576)")
                closureOrNil: nil
                receiver: [| gciError messageText | (session
                        login: desc password

        Receiver: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or unexpected.
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                messageText: nil
                tag: a Gci31xErrSType64
                signalContext: GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
                handlerContext: BlockClosure>>on:do:
                outerContext: nil
                session: a GciSession [6]

        Receiver: a GciSession [6]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                assoc: 2->20
                result: 20
                error: a Gci31xErrSType64
                actionArgs: nil
                i: 0
                cursor: (Cursor
        extent: 16@16
        depth: 1
        fromArray: #(
                continueWith: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                number: 6
                gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
                stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
                userID: 'DataCurator'
                server: nil
                cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                nbSemaphore: nil
                clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                updateDistributor: nil
                jadeServer: nil
                supportsAutoAbort: nil
                supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
                windowLabel: nil

        Receiver: a GciSession [6]
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                number: 6
                gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
                stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
                userID: 'DataCurator'
                server: nil
                cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                nbSemaphore: nil
                clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                updateDistributor: nil
                jadeServer: nil
                supportsAutoAbort: nil
                supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
                windowLabel: nil

        Receiver: a GciSession [6]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aString: '| class |
class := Object subclass: ''JadeServer''
  instVarNames: #(...etc...
                ans: nil
                result: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                number: 6
                gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
                stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
                userID: 'DataCurator'
                server: nil
                cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                nbSemaphore: nil
                clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                updateDistributor: nil
                jadeServer: nil
                supportsAutoAbort: nil
                supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
                windowLabel: nil

[] in GciSession>>executeString:
        Receiver: a GciSession [6]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aString: '| class |
class := Object subclass: ''JadeServer''
  instVarNames: #(...etc...
                result: #(nil)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                number: 6
                gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
                stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
                userID: 'DataCurator'
                server: nil
                cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                nbSemaphore: nil
                clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                updateDistributor: nil
                jadeServer: nil
                supportsAutoAbort: nil
                supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
                windowLabel: nil

        Receiver: [result := self executeStringNB: aString]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [oldcursor show]
                complete: nil
                returnValue: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: GciSession>>executeString:
                startpc: 37
                numArgs: 0

        Receiver: (Cursor
        extent: 16@16
        depth: 1
        fromArray: #(
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [result := self executeStringNB: aString]
                oldcursor: ((CursorWithMask
        extent: 16@16
        depth: 1
        fromArray: #(
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bits: a Bitmap of length 16
                width: 16
                height: 16
                depth: 1
                offset: 0@0

        Receiver: a GciSession [6]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aString: '| class |
class := Object subclass: ''JadeServer''
  instVarNames: #(...etc...
                result: #(nil)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                number: 6
                gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
                stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
                userID: 'DataCurator'
                server: nil
                cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                nbSemaphore: nil
                clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                updateDistributor: nil
                jadeServer: nil
                supportsAutoAbort: nil
                supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
                windowLabel: nil

        Receiver: a GciSession [6]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                stream: an Array(a WriteStream '| class |
class := Object subclass: ''JadeServe...etc...
        Receiver's instance variables:
                number: 6
                gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
                stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
                userID: 'DataCurator'
                server: nil
                cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                nbSemaphore: nil
                clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                updateDistributor: nil
                jadeServer: nil
                supportsAutoAbort: nil
                supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
                windowLabel: nil

        Receiver: a GciSession [6]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                gsPassword: 'swordfish'
                osUser: ''
                osPassword: ''
                initializeServer: true
                result: #(true)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                number: 6
                gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
                stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
                userID: 'DataCurator'
                server: nil
                cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                nbSemaphore: nil
                clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
                updateDistributor: nil
                jadeServer: nil
                supportsAutoAbort: nil
                supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
                windowLabel: nil

[] in OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
        Receiver: an OGSessionNode
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                initializeServer: true
                desc: an OGStandardSessionDescription
                gciError: nil
                messageText: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                metaNode: Session

                session: nil
                sessionDescription: an OGStandardSessionDescription
                windowSessionNumber: nil
                autoAbort: nil
                autoCommit: nil
                autoMigrate: nil
                glassPackageName: nil
                usingMetacello: nil
                backupFileName: nil
                workspaceNode: an OGWorkspaceNode

--- The full stack ---
UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #openDebuggerOn:
[] in GsProcess>>openDebugger:
[] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
[] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
[] in OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
[] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
[] in GciSession>>executeString:
[] in OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:

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Re: jadeServer isNil

Yanni Chiu
On 28/11/12 4:53 AM, Sabine Knöfel wrote:
> Telnet to localhost on port 50377 works, I enabled port tunneling to my
> amazon ec2 instance.
> I use Gemstone ''.
> Can you help me please to find out whats wrong?

Can I suggest two approaches.

(1) Rather than struggle with infrastructure at this point, just get to
a running "Hello World" instead. Hopefully, along the way, what's going
wrong with your set up will suddenly become clear.

To get your own hello-world, try this alternate approach:
- you have GemStone running on amazon-ec2
- so get Seaside running there; make sure the Seaside examples work
- if you're new to Seaside, then play with Seaside in the Pharo image
first, taking GemStone out of the picture
- then code your hello-world app, save as a Monticello package
- transfer the Monticello pkg to your GemStone on amazon-ec2; use topaz
to load the code; verify your hello-world works
- at this point you have a code dev/deploy process
- now, try to get the GemTools to work, if necessary

(2) To attack your infrastructure problem, is it possible to take the
amazon-ec2 out of the picture. In theory, it should work. But, it
doesn't. So, maybe try something like VMWare to run Linux on your
Windows machine (or some real Linux box on your network would be even
better). I suspect a firewall issue, so that's why I'm suggesting taking
amazon-ec2 out of the equation, to figure out what's going wrong.
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Re: jadeServer isNil

Dale Henrichs
In reply to this post by Sabine Manaa

I second Yanni suggestion ... frankly running GemTools from Windows against a remote ec2 instance is one of the more difficult environments you can choose to cut your teeth on using GLASS. Besides, which GemTools performance over the WAN is not very satisfying and I would recommend that you use topaz on remote hosts ...

For my production systems (ss3 most notably), I have a local sandbox development environment that I run gemtools against. I make backups of the my production system, copy the backup to my sandbox, restore the backup and do development against the copy of production in my sandbox ...

When development is complete, I use the sandbox and production backups to develop a topaz script for updating the production instance and when I'm satisfied with the update script... I run topaz on the production system and run the script ...

Since you are using windows, I'd recommend that you download or create an Ubuntu 10.10 virtual machine as your sandbox, install gemstone on the virtual machine and then run gemtools from your windows client against the gemstone instance ...

If you insist on tackling the windows to ec2 connection, then I will have to defer to someone else to provide help in getting things going on windows as I am not familiar with windows at all:) ...

The standard drill applies in this case ... we need to run topaz -r to debug your session and port setup before trying to use GemTools. topaz is available for windows[1] and can be installed, but we don't publish an install guide for windows...


[1] ftp://ftp.gemstone.com/pub/GemStone64/
----- Original Message -----
| From: "Sabine Knöfel" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 1:53:28 AM
| Subject: [GS/SS Beta] jadeServer isNil
| Hi,
| I am new to GemStone (and Pharo and Unix) and a am learning a lot
| this days,
| coming from VisualAge/IBM Smalltalk and Windows environment with VOSS
| OO
| database for 14 years.
| I agree with
| http://forum.world.st/Overview-very-difficult-td4085740.html.
| Is is not so easy to collect the information from different pages.
| Perhaps
| because it is so much information and, at the beginning, it is not
| possible
| to see, which is the important one. Also, information about the
| architecture
| was missing for me (see * below).
| But I am very happy about this mailing list and I do NOT want to
| complain.
| Yesterday evening I listened the podcast of Norbert and it was very
| useful
| for me (it is in german language).
| http://smalltalkinspect.podspot.de/post/010-norbert-hartl-uber-vmware-gemstones/
| I recognized that I have to run GemTools from my windows system where
| I
| develop and NOT at the unix system, where Gemstone is running*. argh.
| This
| was not clear for me.
| So, today I started this image
| http://seaside.gemstone.com/squeak/GemTools-1.0-beta.8.7-3101x.zip
| on my local windows system where I want to develop. I updated
| GemTools
| Launcher.
| Then I created a session
| OGStandardSessionDescription new
| name: 'Standard';
| stoneHost: 'localhost';
| stoneName: 'seaside';
| gemHost: 'localhost';
| netLDI: '50377';
| userId: 'DataCurator';
| password: 'swordfish';
| backupDirectory: '';
| yourself.
| I get a debugger because jadeServer isNil.
| Telnet to localhost on port 50377 works, I enabled port tunneling to
| my
| amazon ec2 instance.
| I use Gemstone ''.
| Can you help me please to find out whats wrong?
| Sabine
| 28 November 2012 9:05:08 am
| VM: Win32 - IX86 - NT - Squeak3.10.2 of '5 June 2008' [latest update:
| #7179]
| Image: Pharo-1.1-11411 [Latest update: #11411]
| SecurityManager state:
| Restricted: false
| FileAccess: true
| SocketAccess: true
| Working Dir
| C:\Users\Sabine\Daten\entwicklung\gemtools\GemTools-1.0-beta.8.7-3101x.app\Contents\Resources
| Trusted Dir
| C:\Users\Sabine\Daten\entwicklung\gemtools\GemTools-1.0-beta.8.7-3101x.app\Contents\Resources\Sabine
| Untrusted Dir C:\Users\Sabine\Documents\My Squeak
| UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #openDebuggerOn:
| Receiver: nil
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aMessage: openDebuggerOn: Oop(20)
| exception: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "openDebuggerOn:" is
| nil
| resumeValue: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| nil
| [] in GsProcess>>openDebugger:
| Receiver: a GsProcess
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| <<error during printing>
| Receiver's instance variables:
| session: a GciSession [6]
| oopType: Oop(20)
| stack: nil
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| Receiver: [| args signalText proc process |
| terminated := true.
| label := anException tag number == ...etc...
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [terminated
| ifTrue: [self clearStack]]
| complete: nil
| returnValue: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| outerContext: GsProcess>>openDebugger:
| startpc: 189
| numArgs: 0
| GsProcess>>openDebugger:
| Receiver: a GsProcess
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| <<error during printing>
| Receiver's instance variables:
| session: a GciSession [6]
| oopType: Oop(20)
| stack: nil
| GsRuntimeError>>defaultAction
| Receiver: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or
| unexpected.
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| Receiver's instance variables:
| messageText: nil
| tag: a Gci31xErrSType64
| signalContext: GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
| handlerContext: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| outerContext: nil
| session: a GciSession [6]
| UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: nil
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown
| or
| unexpected...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| nil
| GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>pass
| Receiver: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or
| unexpected.
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| Receiver's instance variables:
| messageText: nil
| tag: a Gci31xErrSType64
| signalContext: GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
| handlerContext: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| outerContext: nil
| session: a GciSession [6]
| [] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
| Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| priorWorld: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown
| or
| unexpecte...etc...
| priorHand: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
| priorEvent: a HandMorph(843055104)
| ex: [144@146 mouseOver red nil nil]
| Receiver's instance variables:
| bounds: 0@0 corner: 980@750
| owner: nil
| submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(811335680) a
| SystemWindow(341311488) a
| Syste...etc...
| fullBounds: nil
| color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
| extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an
| EventHandler]
| [othe...etc...
| borderWidth: 0
| borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
| model: a MorphicModel(504889344)
| cursor: 1
| padding: 3
| backgroundMorph: an AlphaImageMorph(686292992)
| isPartsBin: nil
| autoLineLayout: false
| indicateCursor: nil
| resizeToFit: nil
| worldState: a WorldState
| griddingOn: nil
| BlockClosure>>valueWithPossibleArgs:
| Receiver: [:ex |
| ActiveWorld := priorWorld.
| ActiveEvent := priorEvent.
| ActiveHand := priorHand.
| ...etc...
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| anArray: an Array(Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is
| unknown
| or une...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| outerContext: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
| startpc: 78
| numArgs: 1
| [] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown
| or
| unexpected...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| sender: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
| pc: 17
| stackp: 3
| method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(885784576)")
| closureOrNil: nil
| receiver: [aBlock value]
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| Receiver: [(self tempAt: 2)
| valueWithPossibleArgs: {exception}]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [self tempAt: 3 put: true]
| complete: nil
| returnValue: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| outerContext: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| startpc: 90
| numArgs: 0
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown
| or
| unexpected...etc...
| val: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| sender: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
| pc: 17
| stackp: 3
| method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(885784576)")
| closureOrNil: nil
| receiver: [aBlock value]
| GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>pass
| Receiver: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or
| unexpected.
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| Receiver's instance variables:
| messageText: nil
| tag: a Gci31xErrSType64
| signalContext: GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
| handlerContext: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| outerContext: nil
| session: a GciSession [6]
| [] in OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
| Receiver: an OGSessionNode
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| ex: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or
| unexpected.
| Receiver's instance variables:
| metaNode: Session
| session: nil
| sessionDescription: an OGStandardSessionDescription
| windowSessionNumber: nil
| autoAbort: nil
| autoCommit: nil
| autoMigrate: nil
| glassPackageName: nil
| usingMetacello: nil
| backupFileName: nil
| workspaceNode: an OGWorkspaceNode
| BlockClosure>>valueWithPossibleArgs:
| Receiver: [:ex |
| session := nil.
| ^ ex pass]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| anArray: an Array(Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is
| unknown
| or une...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| outerContext: OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
| startpc: 220
| numArgs: 1
| [] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown
| or
| unexpected...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| sender: OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
| pc: 17
| stackp: 3
| method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(885784576)")
| closureOrNil: nil
| receiver: [| gciError messageText | (session
| login: desc password
| osUser:...etc...
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| Receiver: [(self tempAt: 2)
| valueWithPossibleArgs: {exception}]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [self tempAt: 3 put: true]
| complete: nil
| returnValue: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| outerContext: MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| startpc: 90
| numArgs: 0
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| exception: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown
| or
| unexpected...etc...
| val: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| sender: OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
| pc: 17
| stackp: 3
| method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(885784576)")
| closureOrNil: nil
| receiver: [| gciError messageText | (session
| login: desc password
| osUser:...etc...
| GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
| Receiver: Internal error:  Gem to Client packet kind is unknown  or
| unexpected.
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| Receiver's instance variables:
| messageText: nil
| tag: a Gci31xErrSType64
| signalContext: GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
| handlerContext: BlockClosure>>on:do:
| outerContext: nil
| session: a GciSession [6]
| GciSession>>getNbResult
| Receiver: a GciSession [6]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| assoc: 2->20
| result: 20
| error: a Gci31xErrSType64
| actionArgs: nil
| i: 0
| cursor: (Cursor
| extent: 16@16
| depth: 1
| fromArray: #(
| 2r0
| 2r1110000111000...etc...
| continueWith: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| number: 6
| gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
| stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
| userID: 'DataCurator'
| server: nil
| cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| nbSemaphore: nil
| clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| updateDistributor: nil
| jadeServer: nil
| supportsAutoAbort: nil
| supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
| windowLabel: nil
| GciSession>>getNbResultAsOop
| Receiver: a GciSession [6]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| Receiver's instance variables:
| number: 6
| gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
| stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
| userID: 'DataCurator'
| server: nil
| cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| nbSemaphore: nil
| clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| updateDistributor: nil
| jadeServer: nil
| supportsAutoAbort: nil
| supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
| windowLabel: nil
| GciSession>>executeStringNB:
| Receiver: a GciSession [6]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aString: '| class |
| class := Object subclass: ''JadeServer''
|   instVarNames: #(...etc...
| ans: nil
| result: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| number: 6
| gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
| stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
| userID: 'DataCurator'
| server: nil
| cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| nbSemaphore: nil
| clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| updateDistributor: nil
| jadeServer: nil
| supportsAutoAbort: nil
| supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
| windowLabel: nil
| [] in GciSession>>executeString:
| Receiver: a GciSession [6]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aString: '| class |
| class := Object subclass: ''JadeServer''
|   instVarNames: #(...etc...
| result: #(nil)
| Receiver's instance variables:
| number: 6
| gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
| stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
| userID: 'DataCurator'
| server: nil
| cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| nbSemaphore: nil
| clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| updateDistributor: nil
| jadeServer: nil
| supportsAutoAbort: nil
| supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
| windowLabel: nil
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| Receiver: [result := self executeStringNB: aString]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [oldcursor show]
| complete: nil
| returnValue: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| outerContext: GciSession>>executeString:
| startpc: 37
| numArgs: 0
| Cursor>>showWhile:
| Receiver: (Cursor
| extent: 16@16
| depth: 1
| fromArray: #(
| 2r0
| 2r11100001110000000000000000
| 2r1...etc...
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aBlock: [result := self executeStringNB: aString]
| oldcursor: ((CursorWithMask
| extent: 16@16
| depth: 1
| fromArray: #(
| 2r0
| 2r1...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| bits: a Bitmap of length 16
| width: 16
| height: 16
| depth: 1
| offset: 0@0
| GciSession>>executeString:
| Receiver: a GciSession [6]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| aString: '| class |
| class := Object subclass: ''JadeServer''
|   instVarNames: #(...etc...
| result: #(nil)
| Receiver's instance variables:
| number: 6
| gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
| stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
| userID: 'DataCurator'
| server: nil
| cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| nbSemaphore: nil
| clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| updateDistributor: nil
| jadeServer: nil
| supportsAutoAbort: nil
| supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
| windowLabel: nil
| GciSession>>initializeServer
| Receiver: a GciSession [6]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| stream: an Array(a WriteStream '| class |
| class := Object subclass: ''JadeServe...etc...
| Receiver's instance variables:
| number: 6
| gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
| stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
| userID: 'DataCurator'
| server: nil
| cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| nbSemaphore: nil
| clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| updateDistributor: nil
| jadeServer: nil
| supportsAutoAbort: nil
| supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
| windowLabel: nil
| GciSession>>login:osUser:osPassword:initializeServer:
| Receiver: a GciSession [6]
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| gsPassword: 'swordfish'
| osUser: ''
| osPassword: ''
| initializeServer: true
| result: #(true)
| Receiver's instance variables:
| number: 6
| gemNRS: '!tcp@localhost#netldi:50377#task!gemnetobject'
| stoneNRS: '!tcp@localhost#server!seaside'
| userID: 'DataCurator'
| server: nil
| cache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| nbSemaphore: nil
| clientForwarderCache: a WeakValueDictionary()
| updateDistributor: nil
| jadeServer: nil
| supportsAutoAbort: nil
| supportsInspectingUndefined: nil
| windowLabel: nil
| [] in OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
| Receiver: an OGSessionNode
| Arguments and temporary variables:
| initializeServer: true
| desc: an OGStandardSessionDescription
| gciError: nil
| messageText: nil
| Receiver's instance variables:
| metaNode: Session
| session: nil
| sessionDescription: an OGStandardSessionDescription
| windowSessionNumber: nil
| autoAbort: nil
| autoCommit: nil
| autoMigrate: nil
| glassPackageName: nil
| usingMetacello: nil
| backupFileName: nil
| workspaceNode: an OGWorkspaceNode
| ......
| --- The full stack ---
| UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #openDebuggerOn:
| [] in GsProcess>>openDebugger:
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| GsProcess>>openDebugger:
| GsRuntimeError>>defaultAction
| UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
| GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>pass
| [] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
| BlockClosure>>valueWithPossibleArgs:
| [] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>pass
| [] in OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
| BlockClosure>>valueWithPossibleArgs:
| [] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal:
| GsRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
| GciSession>>getNbResult
| GciSession>>getNbResultAsOop
| GciSession>>executeStringNB:
| [] in GciSession>>executeString:
| BlockClosure>>ensure:
| Cursor>>showWhile:
| GciSession>>executeString:
| GciSession>>initializeServer
| GciSession>>login:osUser:osPassword:initializeServer:
| [] in OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
| BlockClosure>>on:do:
| OGSessionNode>>basicLogin:
| OGSessionNode>>login
| OGCmdLoginSession>>execute
| PluggableButtonMorphPlus(PluggableButtonMorph)>>performAction
| PluggableButtonMorphPlus>>performAction
| ....
| --
| View this message in context:
| http://forum.world.st/jadeServer-isNil-tp4657099.html
| Sent from the GLASS mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Re: jadeServer isNil

Sabine Manaa
Hi Dale, hi Yanni,

thank you for your answers.
I had to google the meaning of "Cut my teeths" and was laughing. You are right.
I will work with a local unix sandbox and topaz as you recommend.

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Re: jadeServer isNil

Dale Henrichs

Sounds like a plan ... the easiest setup will be to run gemtools on the virtual machine hosting your stone (as we did last week with ec2), but you _should_ be able to run gemtools on your windows machine and connect the stone on your linux virtual machine. If you choose to go this route, there should be no need to use tunneling, but you will need to use the ip address or host name of the virtual machine in your session description when you try to connect ...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Sabine Knöfel" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 11:58:48 AM
| Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] jadeServer isNil
| Hi Dale, hi Yanni,
| thank you for your answers.
| I had to google the meaning of "Cut my teeths" and was laughing. You
| are
| right.
| I will work with a local unix sandbox and topaz as you recommend.
| Sabine
| --
| View this message in context:
| http://forum.world.st/jadeServer-isNil-tp4657099p4657170.html
| Sent from the GLASS mailing list archive at Nabble.com
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Re: jadeServer isNil

James Foster-8
In reply to this post by Dale Henrichs
On Nov 28, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:

> If you insist on tackling the windows to ec2 connection, then I will have to defer to someone else to provide help in getting things going on windows as I am not familiar with windows at all:) ...
> The standard drill applies in this case ... we need to run topaz -r to debug your session and port setup before trying to use GemTools. topaz is available for windows[1] and can be installed, but we don't publish an install guide for windows...

If and when you need to use Topaz on Windows, see http://programminggems.wordpress.com/2012/11/28/using-topaz-on-windows/ for a description of how to do so.


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Re: jadeServer isNil

Dale Henrichs
Thanks a ton, James!


----- Original Message -----
| From: "James Foster" <[hidden email]>
| To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 2:50:31 PM
| Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] jadeServer isNil
| On Nov 28, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
| > If you insist on tackling the windows to ec2 connection, then I
| > will have to defer to someone else to provide help in getting
| > things going on windows as I am not familiar with windows at all:)
| > ...
| >
| > The standard drill applies in this case ... we need to run topaz -r
| > to debug your session and port setup before trying to use
| > GemTools. topaz is available for windows[1] and can be installed,
| > but we don't publish an install guide for windows...
| If and when you need to use Topaz on Windows, see
| http://programminggems.wordpress.com/2012/11/28/using-topaz-on-windows/
| for a description of how to do so.
| James