jenkins do not read the xml reports from Arki

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jenkins do not read the xml reports from Arki

Fabrizio Perin-3
I have a problem with automoose and jenkins.
I basically use automoose to load some code than at the end of the st file I do:

Gofer new
    renggli: 'hudson';
    package: 'HudsonBuildTools';

"Run reports"
report := MyReport on: MooseModel root first.
report open.
REPHudson runOn: report spec.

SmalltalkImage current snapshot: true andQuit: true.

What happen is that jenkins ends with a failure claiming that there are no test runned but the xml file generated by REPHudson is in the folder together with the Moose image.

Do I miss something? Shouldn't jenkins report about the Arki report?

Thanks for any help.


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Re: jenkins do not read the xml reports from Arki

Fabrizio Perin-3
I found the problem. The configuration of Jenkins was wrong, I was pointing to the wrong report file.


2012/3/28 Fabrizio Perin <[hidden email]>
I have a problem with automoose and jenkins.
I basically use automoose to load some code than at the end of the st file I do:

Gofer new
    renggli: 'hudson';
    package: 'HudsonBuildTools';

"Run reports"
report := MyReport on: MooseModel root first.
report open.
REPHudson runOn: report spec.

SmalltalkImage current snapshot: true andQuit: true.

What happen is that jenkins ends with a failure claiming that there are no test runned but the xml file generated by REPHudson is in the folder together with the Moose image.

Do I miss something? Shouldn't jenkins report about the Arki report?

Thanks for any help.


Moose-dev mailing list
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Re: jenkins do not read the xml reports from Arki

Tudor Girba-2

Anyway, you do not need HudsonBuildTools. REPHudson is part of Arki
and is present in the Moose distribution.


On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Fabrizio Perin
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I found the problem. The configuration of Jenkins was wrong, I was pointing
> to the wrong report file.
> Cheers,
> Fabrizio
> 2012/3/28 Fabrizio Perin <[hidden email]>
>> Hi,
>> I have a problem with automoose and jenkins.
>> I basically use automoose to load some code than at the end of the st file
>> I do:
>> Gofer new
>>     renggli: 'hudson';
>>     package: 'HudsonBuildTools';
>>     load.
>> "Run reports"
>> report := MyReport on: MooseModel root first.
>> report open.
>> REPHudson runOn: report spec.
>> SmalltalkImage current snapshot: true andQuit: true.
>> What happen is that jenkins ends with a failure claiming that there are no
>> test runned but the xml file generated by REPHudson is in the folder
>> together with the Moose image.
>> Do I miss something? Shouldn't jenkins report about the Arki report?
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Cheers,
>> Fabrizio
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