AW: keyboard events for a popUp type window
More testing shows:
- The application (that opens a popUp window) works just fine on Windows (XP and Vista), catching all keyboard
events and performing what is expected.
- The same application (from the same image) on a Linux redHat 5.2 x86_64 machine with 32bit image and object engine does not work:
The keyboard events are running into Nirvana, the application doesn't catch any keyboard event. Mouse events are working.
I am connected to the Linux via ExceedOnDemand7.
The window is opened with the method below and the keyboard-hook is set with the second method below:
openInterface: aSymbol withPolicy: aPolicy inSession: anApplicationContext
"Open the ApplicationModel's user interface, using the specification
named and the given look policy and application context."
| spec |
builder := aPolicy newBuilder.
uiSession := anApplicationContext.
builder source: self.
spec := self interfaceSpecFor: aSymbol.
self installApplicationNamedFonts.
self preBuildWith: builder.
hookUpWindow: self defaultWindowClassOrNil
spec: spec
builder: builder.
builder add: spec.
"builder isForWeb ifTrue:
[builder composite htmlEntity components do:
[:each | each adjustJSNames: builder namedComponents].
builder window htmlEntity adjustJSNames: builder namedComponents]."
self setupPrivateEventsWith: builder.
self postBuildWith: builder.
builder adjustForWeb.
builder window model: self.
builder bindings at: #__specName put: aSymbol.
builder doFinalHookup.
InputState default cursorPoint: Screen default bounds center.
builder openWithoutHookupFromWindowSpec: spec window type: #popUp.
"Get the window initially built before letting the application model
alter the state of things. Otherwise, we could get multiple, unnecessary
redisplay events."
builder window displayPendingInvalidation.
builder window windowManager processOutstandingEvents.
self postOpenWith: builder.
postBuildWith: aBuilder
| widget comp |
super postBuildWith: aBuilder.
aBuilder window keyboardProcessor keyboardHook: [:kbEvent :c | self processKeyboardEvent: kbEvent].
(aBuilder window)
application: self;
sendWindowEvents: #(#collapse).
Karl Breith
Postfach 1109
91001 Erlangen
Phone: +49 (0) 9131 900 95544
Fax: +49 (0) 9131 900 94081
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Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Olivier Wantz - Geschäftsführer: Ulrich Gräber, Rüdiger Steuerlein
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Erlangen - Registergericht: Fürth, HRB 7817 - - Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 206407096
Supervisory Board Chairman: Olivier Wantz - Managing Directors: Ulrich Gräber, Rüdiger Steuerlein
Company Seat: Erlangen - Commercial Registries Fürth, HRB 7817 - - VAT ID code: DE 206407096
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Von: BREITH Karl-Albert FDN5-G (AREVA NP GmbH)
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011 12:39
An: vwnc List
Betreff: keyboard events for a popUp type window
With older versions of VW I could have keyboard events for a window with type #popUp.
It looks like this doesn't work anymore for VW 7.8.
Has anyone made the same experience and eventually already developed a solution ?
Karl Breith
Postfach 1109
91001 Erlangen
Phone: +49 (0) 9131 900 95544
Fax: +49 (0) 9131 900 94081
mail to: [hidden email]
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Olivier Wantz - Geschäftsführer: Ulrich Gräber, Rüdiger Steuerlein
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Erlangen - Registergericht: Fürth, HRB 7817 - - Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 206407096
Supervisory Board Chairman: Olivier Wantz - Managing Directors: Ulrich Gräber, Rüdiger Steuerlein
Company Seat: Erlangen - Commercial Registries Fürth, HRB 7817 - - VAT ID code: DE 206407096
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