labelConversion: in latest Grapher

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labelConversion: in latest Grapher


I’ve launched my oldish project, and encountered an issue with new grapher. When one uses #labelConversion: he has to define an axis label for a certain index of dataset. But in latest Grapher this index can exceed the total number of dataset entries. While this is not an issue for continuos data, I am experiencing problems when I want to graph readings in a stacked manner. For example I have data readings taken in a different moment of time, and I wan to label the index of a reading and it’s time, to give and idea where in time it is, but when I’m asked about the label on 4 indices after my last reading I cannot put there anything.

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Re: labelConversion: in latest Grapher

Hi Yuriy,

Can you provide a code snippet please? It would help to really grasp the problem :-)

Alexandre Bergel

On May 11, 2015, at 5:55 AM, Yuriy Tymchuk <[hidden email]> wrote:


I’ve launched my oldish project, and encountered an issue with new grapher. When one uses #labelConversion: he has to define an axis label for a certain index of dataset. But in latest Grapher this index can exceed the total number of dataset entries. While this is not an issue for continuos data, I am experiencing problems when I want to graph readings in a stacked manner. For example I have data readings taken in a different moment of time, and I wan to label the index of a reading and it’s time, to give and idea where in time it is, but when I’m asked about the label on 4 indices after my last reading I cannot put there anything.

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Re: labelConversion: in latest Grapher

Ok, look at something like this:

| b ds items |

items := (100 to: 0 by: -5) asOrderedCollection.

b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 500 @ 100.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: items.
ds y: #yourself.
ds barShape.

b add: ds.
b axisX
    labelConversion: [ :index |
        (items at: (index min: items size max: 1)) asString ].

b build.
b view

In my case I put time values on x axis. As you can see 0 in the end is really misleading. In the previous axis of grapher last tick was placed right on the last element.


On 11 May 2015, at 22:43, Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Yuriy,

Can you provide a code snippet please? It would help to really grasp the problem :-)

Alexandre Bergel

On May 11, 2015, at 5:55 AM, Yuriy Tymchuk <[hidden email]> wrote:


I’ve launched my oldish project, and encountered an issue with new grapher. When one uses #labelConversion: he has to define an axis label for a certain index of dataset. But in latest Grapher this index can exceed the total number of dataset entries. While this is not an issue for continuos data, I am experiencing problems when I want to graph readings in a stacked manner. For example I have data readings taken in a different moment of time, and I wan to label the index of a reading and it’s time, to give and idea where in time it is, but when I’m asked about the label on 4 indices after my last reading I cannot put there anything.

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