list of keyboard shortcuts for Dolphin 5 XP

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list of keyboard shortcuts for Dolphin 5 XP

Jochen Riekhof

I am currently evaluating Dolphin Smalltalk Pro 5 and it looks pretty good.
One important thing missing in the (still V.4) docs is a list of the
possible keyboard shortcuts.

Is there something available?



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Re: list of keyboard shortcuts for Dolphin 5 XP

Ian Bartholomew-14

> I am currently evaluating Dolphin Smalltalk Pro 5 and it looks pretty
> good. One important thing missing in the (still V.4) docs is a list of the
> possible keyboard shortcuts.
> Is there something available?

Probably not what you had in mind but you can create a list of the
key-function mappings for each tool yourself.  Evaluate the following in a
workspace and look on the Transcript for the lists.

#(TranscriptShell Debugger ClassBrowserShell
    SystemBrowserShell PackageBrowserShell)
    do: [:class |
        shellView := (Smalltalk at: class) show view.
        accels := shellView combinedAcceleratorTable accelerators collect:
[:each |
        each value acceleratorKeyString
            -> ((each value description) copyWithout: $&)].
        accels := accels asSet asSortedCollection: [:a :b | a key < b key].
        shellView close.
        Transcript print: class; cr.
        accels do: [:each |
                nextPutAll: ('%-30s' sprintfWith: each key);
                nextPutAll: each value; cr].
                Transcript cr; cr]

It actually shows up one or two slight errors (Ctrl-D in the
ClassBrowserShell, Ctrl-S in the PackageBrowser) and some missing


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Re: list of keyboard shortcuts for Dolphin 5 XP

Jochen Riekhof
Way cool!

Thanks a lot!



"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Jochen,
> > I am currently evaluating Dolphin Smalltalk Pro 5 and it looks pretty
> > good. One important thing missing in the (still V.4) docs is a list of

> > possible keyboard shortcuts.
> >
> > Is there something available?
> Probably not what you had in mind but you can create a list of the
> key-function mappings for each tool yourself.  Evaluate the following in a
> workspace and look on the Transcript for the lists.
> #(TranscriptShell Debugger ClassBrowserShell
>     SystemBrowserShell PackageBrowserShell)
>     do: [:class |
>         shellView := (Smalltalk at: class) show view.
>         accels := shellView combinedAcceleratorTable accelerators collect:
> [:each |
>         each value acceleratorKeyString
>             -> ((each value description) copyWithout: $&)].
>         accels := accels asSet asSortedCollection: [:a :b | a key < b

>         shellView close.
>         Transcript print: class; cr.
>         accels do: [:each |
>             Transcript
>                 nextPutAll: ('%-30s' sprintfWith: each key);
>                 nextPutAll: each value; cr].
>                 Transcript cr; cr]
> It actually shows up one or two slight errors (Ctrl-D in the
> ClassBrowserShell, Ctrl-S in the PackageBrowser) and some missing
> descriptions.
> Ian