little help to deploy an exe

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little help to deploy an exe

Hi all,

    well I'm making right now my first wave of exes with DST5 and I'm having
some trouble with that.

    1) Some times I have a GPF in the process of stripping the image, right
now it seems to stop to happen, but I don't know why   :) sorry. So now I
can deploy the exe but:

    2) Most of the times I had this intrigating 'Error -3 loading
executable' and then a GPC.

    Unhopefully I don't see any log to track the problem back so that's why
I'm asking for your help.

    Thank you,


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Re: little help to deploy an exe

It's me again,

    I've found the origin of this trouble comes when you try to pretend it's
normal to work with a DST4 and a DST5 at the same time on same machine.

    I've found that because a dialog said that there was some kind of VM
version conflict with that image. This image where a originally DST5 source
worked in this system with two dolphins, and saved many times.

    When I've uninstalled DST4, the deployments on DST5 were easy and
'smooth' as I'm used to.

    best regards,


"Smalltalkiano" <[hidden email]> escribió en el mensaje
news:b080e7$mgtpi$[hidden email]...
> Hi all,
>     well I'm making right now my first wave of exes with DST5 and I'm
> some trouble with that.
>     1) Some times I have a GPF in the process of stripping the image,
> now it seems to stop to happen, but I don't know why   :) sorry. So now I
> can deploy the exe but:
>     2) Most of the times I had this intrigating 'Error -3 loading
> executable' and then a GPC.
>     Unhopefully I don't see any log to track the problem back so that's
> I'm asking for your help.
>     Thank you,
> Seb

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Re: little help to deploy an exe

Bill Schwab-2

>     I've found the origin of this trouble comes when you try to pretend
> normal to work with a DST4 and a DST5 at the same time on same machine.
>     I've found that because a dialog said that there was some kind of VM
> version conflict with that image. This image where a originally DST5
> worked in this system with two dolphins, and saved many times.
>     When I've uninstalled DST4, the deployments on DST5 were easy and
> 'smooth' as I'm used to.

I'm glad you got it working.  If you are having problems w/ D4 and D5, the
first thing that comes to my mind is the "default image" concept and/or
association of the img with a particular executable, that were introduced
with D4.  It burned me once, and I finally started creating my own shortcuts
for D5 to avoid a repeat (though it seems less necessary with D5???).
Anyway, the shortcuts are easy  to make, even easier to copy and tweak, and
avoid most/all of the ugliness that might result if an image opens with the
wrong VM.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: little help to deploy an exe

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Smalltalkiano-4
"Smalltalkiano" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:b09f5d$nddu9$[hidden email]...
> It's me again,
>     I've found the origin of this trouble comes when you try to pretend
> normal to work with a DST4 and a DST5 at the same time on same machine.
>     I've found that because a dialog said that there was some kind of VM
> version conflict with that image. This image where a originally DST5
> worked in this system with two dolphins, and saved many times.
>     When I've uninstalled DST4, the deployments on DST5 were easy and
> 'smooth' as I'm used to.

There shouldn't be any problem as long as you install D5 after D4, and not
the other way around. Obviously D4 was not aware of D5!

As a matter of course we run different versions of Dolphin on the same
machine, and it is certainly possible to do it. D5 introduced a lauch stub
that is version aware, and will start the correct VM for the image you are
loading, i.e. if you double click an image it will find the correct VM for
that image and load it.

To avoid any kind of VM versioning issues in a deployed application it is
advisable to deploy in ToGo mode (the default). This binds the VM into the
executable, at the small cost (these days) of about 200Kb, and means that,
with the exception of the C runtime libraries, the application is
effectively standalone and it will not be broken by someone installing a
different Dolphin VM version.

