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loading Metacello

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loading Metacello


I'm trying to load Metacello with ConfigurationOfMetacello on a extent0.seaside.dbf. When I load it using topaz, it fails with
"No method was found for the selector
#'bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories' when sent to
aMetacelloGemStonePlatform". I discovered that this is because the
class MCPlatformSupport has a class var called Current, that is not
migrated yet, and version 1 does not have such a method. I've tried to
make sure that autoMigrate is on when I load this, but it does not
seem to help.

The strategy I'm following is to start with the shipped seaside
extent, assuming that Metacello is loaded there. Then to load
Metacello, but from a local cached repository. I can be missing
something; is this strategy OK?

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Re: loading Metacello

Dale Henrichs

Your strategy should work, but sometimes there can be glitches when trying to load Metacello using Metacello...

If I'm not mistaken, out of the box the seaside extent has GLASS 1.0-beta.8.1 installed ... I don't have a extent handy, but I just tried the following on a seaside extent with no problems:

  ConfigurationOfMetacello project updateProject.
  ConfigurationOfMetacello project latestVersion load

What version of Metacello are loading from the cached repository and what version of Metacello are you starting with?

The #'bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories'  sounds familiar to me and certainly does seem to be a migration-related issue, I'd like to be able to reproduce this so I can figure it out ...

In development I resort to loading the raw Metacello mcz packages when I hit load issues: Metacello-Core, Metacello-MC, and Metacello-Platform.gemstone, so as a workaround you can do the same.

In the longer term I am aiming to do some sort of 'atomic install' so that the installer can install a new version of itself without problems ...


On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:25 AM, Otto Behrens wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to load Metacello with ConfigurationOfMetacello on a
> extent0.seaside.dbf. When I load it using topaz, it fails with
> "No method was found for the selector
> #'bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories' when sent to
> aMetacelloGemStonePlatform". I discovered that this is because the
> class MCPlatformSupport has a class var called Current, that is not
> migrated yet, and version 1 does not have such a method. I've tried to
> make sure that autoMigrate is on when I load this, but it does not
> seem to help.
> The strategy I'm following is to start with the shipped seaside
> extent, assuming that Metacello is loaded there. Then to load
> Metacello, but from a local cached repository. I can be missing
> something; is this strategy OK?
> Thanks
> Otto

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Re: loading Metacello

Thanks, Dale. I'm loading 28.2. Not sure what's in the DB. I'll just
Gofer the files in. I'm getting now and will give that a try.

On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 9:45 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Otto,
> Your strategy should work, but sometimes there can be glitches when trying to load Metacello using Metacello...
> If I'm not mistaken, out of the box the seaside extent has GLASS 1.0-beta.8.1 installed ... I don't have a extent handy, but I just tried the following on a seaside extent with no problems:
>  ConfigurationOfMetacello project updateProject.
>  ConfigurationOfMetacello project latestVersion load
> What version of Metacello are loading from the cached repository and what version of Metacello are you starting with?
> The #'bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories'  sounds familiar to me and certainly does seem to be a migration-related issue, I'd like to be able to reproduce this so I can figure it out ...
> In development I resort to loading the raw Metacello mcz packages when I hit load issues: Metacello-Core, Metacello-MC, and Metacello-Platform.gemstone, so as a workaround you can do the same.
> In the longer term I am aiming to do some sort of 'atomic install' so that the installer can install a new version of itself without problems ...
> Dale
> On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:25 AM, Otto Behrens wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to load Metacello with ConfigurationOfMetacello on a
>> extent0.seaside.dbf. When I load it using topaz, it fails with
>> "No method was found for the selector
>> #'bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories' when sent to
>> aMetacelloGemStonePlatform". I discovered that this is because the
>> class MCPlatformSupport has a class var called Current, that is not
>> migrated yet, and version 1 does not have such a method. I've tried to
>> make sure that autoMigrate is on when I load this, but it does not
>> seem to help.
>> The strategy I'm following is to start with the shipped seaside
>> extent, assuming that Metacello is loaded there. Then to load
>> Metacello, but from a local cached repository. I can be missing
>> something; is this strategy OK?
>> Thanks
>> Otto
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Re: loading Metacello

Dale Henrichs
In reply to this post by otto
On 02/05/2011 10:25 AM, Otto Behrens wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to load Metacello with ConfigurationOfMetacello on a
> extent0.seaside.dbf. When I load it using topaz, it fails with
> "No method was found for the selector
> #'bypassGoferLoadUpdateCategories' when sent to
> aMetacelloGemStonePlatform". I discovered that this is because the
> class MCPlatformSupport has a class var called Current, that is not
> migrated yet, and version 1 does not have such a method. I've tried to
> make sure that autoMigrate is on when I load this, but it does not
> seem to help.
> The strategy I'm following is to start with the shipped seaside
> extent, assuming that Metacello is loaded there. Then to load
> Metacello, but from a local cached repository. I can be missing
> something; is this strategy OK?
> Thanks
> Otto


Norbert ran into this problem as well and I finally got it through my
thick head that I should try to run the test from topaz (not GemTools)
and was able to reproduce the problem (Issue 232)... the big difference
being that autoMigrate and autoCommit are usually turned on in GemTools
and turned off in topaz ...

The following worked for me:

   MCPlatformSupport autoMigrate: true.
   ConfigurationOfMetacello project updateProject.
   ConfigurationOfMetacello project latestVersion load.

But you have commented that you tried setting autoMigrate to true ...
autoMigrate is not a persistent setting so it needs to be set after
every login...

I did do my test against a ... I'll try a later today.
