loading Moose in Pharo 1.0

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loading Moose in Pharo 1.0

Hayatou Oumarou
Hi all,
I have two questions  :
how to load Moose in Pharo 1.0?
then how can I make in a programmatic way a MooseModel with packages that I chose in Pharo 1.0?



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Re: loading Moose in Pharo 1.0

some clarification
the goal is to create MooseModel in different versions of Pharo, to run SmallLint rules on these versions and make diffs. these diffs will allow us to see what has been changed to remove an alerts.


Le Vendredi 23 mai 2014 8h57, Hayatou Oumarou <[hidden email]> a écrit :

Hi all,
I have two questions  :
how to load Moose in Pharo 1.0?
then how can I make in a programmatic way a MooseModel with packages that I chose in Pharo 1.0?



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Re: loading Moose in Pharo 1.0

Usman Bhatti
In reply to this post by Hayatou Oumarou

You can start with this script to create the model that should run on some of the recent versions of Pharo and then adapt to your own needs.

|importer model1 |
importer := MoosePharoImporterTask new.
importer importingContext: (MooseImportingContext new
 importClass; importMethod; importAccess; importInvocation; importInheritance; mergeClassAndMetaclass; yourself). 
importer candidateClass: CandidateListOperator.
importer importerClass: SmalltalkImporter.
importer model: MooseModel new; addFromPackagesNamed: #(#'XML-Writer-Tests'); run.
model1 :=  importer model.
model1 name: 'a moose model'.


On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Hayatou Oumarou <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,
I have two questions  :
how to load Moose in Pharo 1.0?
then how can I make in a programmatic way a MooseModel with packages that I chose in Pharo 1.0?



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Re: loading Moose in Pharo 1.0

Stephan Eggermont-3
In reply to this post by Hayatou Oumarou
You might want to take a look at DeprecationFinder (on smalltalkhub).
You could make a data structure representing all missing dependencies for a package, so you can create independent models for all versions of packages. If you can reason about multiple versions of packages you calculate which versions can (not) work together based on class/method signatures.

To do this over something as large as Moose, you currently need to create deltas or at least a structure more memory efficient than Famix, otherwise you'll run out of memory. I'm looking forward to a 64 bit image+vm

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