make a simple sample(for korean)

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make a simple sample(for korean)

peter yoo
this requirements.

1. nginx + php-fpm (another web env is ok. important is PHP)
2. Pharo 5

so.. me know now. but need "sample code" then can help to any newbie.

always thank you to community. and... Pharo 64bit for linux is good for korean. because input korea charactor is not have problem. all clear now. :D
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Re: make a simple sample(for korean)

Ben Coman
On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 10:10 PM, peter yoo <[hidden email]> wrote:

> this requirements.
> 1. nginx + php-fpm (another web env is ok. important is PHP)
> 2. Pharo 5
> so.. me know now. but need "sample code" then can help to any newbie.
> always thank you to community. and... Pharo 64bit for linux is good for
> korean. because input korea charactor is not have problem. all clear now. :D

I can't read Korean, but from the code samples it looks like an
intersting demo. Thanks for posting.
Do I guess correctly that PHP is used for the server and Pharo for the client?

Nice to hear of another corner of the world where Pharo is being used.
cheers -ben

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Re: make a simple sample(for korean)

Stephane Ducasse-3
In reply to this post by peter yoo
Hi peter

in Pharo we have a problem, we do not have enough "non ascii speaking language" developer involved. 
we may break without even seeing it other languages. 
So if you see that we broke something let us know. 


On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 4:10 PM, peter yoo <[hidden email]> wrote:
this requirements.

1. nginx + php-fpm (another web env is ok. important is PHP)
2. Pharo 5

so.. me know now. but need "sample code" then can help to any newbie.

always thank you to community. and... Pharo 64bit for linux is good for korean. because input korea charactor is not have problem. all clear now. :D

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Re: make a simple sample(for korean)

peter yoo

of course. server side is PHP. client side is using Pharo. data format using JSON(NeoJSON).
PHP code is receive JSON data using "post stream". and managing data with mysql(mariadb)
thanks to your interesting. i want more usefull Pharo to my work. but my Main business is complex. maybe cannot now.
and.. you interesting to korea then look this service. contents is free. can look. of course english. (it's my service. for forigner)
and... can download from appstore(android and iOS)


after can then Pharo using for my service. but can not find use now.
and.... im already "SMALLTALK-80/The Language and Its Implementation" draft translation to korean. but dont have time. cannot study now.


after have a time then more deep study to Smalltalk. i wish.


of course. but multi lingual is perfect. Im using Korean Font in Pharo 5(alt 64bit) with 64bit linux.

* NanumGothic(
* NanumGothicCoding( type

this font is Free.

maybe Pharo Using XIM now(fcitx). input and look korean is very beautiful. dont worry. and "Really" Always thanks to Pharo developer. have a problem then report to community.
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Re: make a simple sample(for korean)

Stephane Ducasse-3
Tx Peter

To encourage you to use Pharo :) I know lot of people doing really complex business with Pharo. 
And I'm also surprised how complex they are and well managed by pharo. 


On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 6:32 AM, peter yoo <[hidden email]> wrote:

of course. server side is PHP. client side is using Pharo. data format using JSON(NeoJSON).
PHP code is receive JSON data using "post stream". and managing data with mysql(mariadb)
thanks to your interesting. i want more usefull Pharo to my work. but my Main business is complex. maybe cannot now.
and.. you interesting to korea then look this service. contents is free. can look. of course english. (it's my service. for forigner)
and... can download from appstore(android and iOS)


after can then Pharo using for my service. but can not find use now.
and.... im already "SMALLTALK-80/The Language and Its Implementation" draft translation to korean. but dont have time. cannot study now.


after have a time then more deep study to Smalltalk. i wish.


of course. but multi lingual is perfect. Im using Korean Font in Pharo 5(alt 64bit) with 64bit linux.

* NanumGothic(
* NanumGothicCoding( type

this font is Free.

maybe Pharo Using XIM now(fcitx). input and look korean is very beautiful. dont worry. and "Really" Always thanks to Pharo developer. have a problem then report to community.