I did
streamContents: [ :str |
do: [ :aChar |
aChar isLetter
ifTrue: [ str nextPut: aChar asLowercase ] ] ]
I'm curious about other solution because I was lucky that isLetter exist.
Le 10/8/16 à 19:48, stepharo a écrit :
> Hi
> I have the following problem I want to transform a string into another
> while removing a set of characters
> 'Uquillas G\'{o}mez'
> ->
> 'uquillasgomez'
> And I wonder how to do that?
> copyWithoutAll:
> I was thinking to create a string of the same size and copy only the
> valid characters.
> Now I do not know how to set the size of the resulting string.
> I could use stream.
> Any ideas is welcome.
> Stef