mentor question 1

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mentor question 1

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

Im doing the OOP book written by Ducassse and im now stuck at the network-simulator.
Code so far can be found here :

Im stuck at 2 places

1) What for datatype is loopback ?  Is it a string or something else.
    The book is not telling that.

2)  I have to make this method/function

linksTowards: anAddress do: aBlock
    "Simple flood algorithm: route via all outgoing links.
   However, just loopback if the receiver node is the routing destination."
   (address destination == loopback)
   ifTrue: [self send:  via: loopback ];
   ifFalse: [self send: via: anAddress]

but I do not have a clue what the aBlock is  and if im on the right path.
I know the solutions can be found online but then I do not learn anything.

This is what is stated in the book :

This method has to rely on some routing algorithm to identify which links will transmit the packet
closer to its destination. Since some routing algorithms select more than one link, we will implement routing as an
iteration method, which evaluates the given block for each selected link.
KANetworkNode >> send: aPacket
"Send aPacket, leaving the responsibility of routing to the node."
linksTowards: aPacket destinationAddress
do: [ :link | self send: aPacket via: link ]
One of the simplest routing algorithm is flooding: just send the packet via every outgoing link. Obviously, this is a waste of bandwidth, but it works without any knowledge of the network topology
beyond the list of outgoing links.
However, there is one case where we know how to route the packet: if the destination address
matches the one of the current node, we can select the loopback link. The logic of
is then: compare the packet’s destination address with the one of the node, if it is the same, we
execute the block using the loopback link, else we simply iterate on the outgoing links of the receiver.
KANetworkNode >> linksTowards: anAddress do: aBlock
"Simple flood algorithm: route via all outgoing links.
However, just loopback if the receiver node is the routing destination."
... Your code ...

I hope someone can help me on the way or let me see which steps I had to take to solve this on my own.


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Re: mentor question 1

1. 'loopback' is a node, just like 'source' and 'destination'.  A network is
a mesh of 'nodes' joined by 'links'.  Your Pharo program represents one of
those nodes: It is the 'loopback' node.

2. The block in the #linksTowards:do: method is the action to take on a
packet, depending on whether its destination is "you" (loopback), or
something else.  

The flood algorithm is the simplest algorithm: "If the destination is not
me, send the packet to everyone else (except the one who sent it to me)."

However, there is the possibility of loops in the network, so a slightly
better algorithm is to check "have I seen this packet before?" and if the
answer is "yes", then drop it; otherwise send it via my links.  This will
prevent endless packet sending loops in your network.


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Re: mentor question 1

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Op 25-4-2020 om 20:04 schreef tbrunz:
> 1. 'loopback' is a node, just like 'source' and 'destination'.  A network is
> a mesh of 'nodes' joined by 'links'.  Your Pharo program represents one of
> those nodes: It is the 'loopback' node.

oke, so I can do : loopback := KNetworkNode new.

> 2. The block in the #linksTowards:do: method is the action to take on a
> packet, depending on whether its destination is "you" (loopback), or
> something else.
> The flood algorithm is the simplest algorithm: "If the destination is not
> me, send the packet to everyone else (except the one who sent it to me)."

and that part I still do not see. I "fail"  to see what the block
exactly is.

> However, there is the possibility of loops in the network, so a slightly
> better algorithm is to check "have I seen this packet before?" and if the
> answer is "yes", then drop it; otherwise send it via my links.  This will
> prevent endless packet sending loops in your network.
> -t
> --
> Sent from:

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Re: mentor question 1

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
In reply to this post by tbrunz
Op 25-4-2020 om 20:17 schreef Roelof Wobben:

> Op 25-4-2020 om 20:04 schreef tbrunz:
>> 1. 'loopback' is a node, just like 'source' and 'destination'.  A
>> network is
>> a mesh of 'nodes' joined by 'links'.  Your Pharo program represents
>> one of
>> those nodes: It is the 'loopback' node.
> oke, so I can do : loopback := KNetworkNode new.
>> 2. The block in the #linksTowards:do: method is the action to take on a
>> packet, depending on whether its destination is "you" (loopback), or
>> something else.
>> The flood algorithm is the simplest algorithm: "If the destination is
>> not
>> me, send the packet to everyone else (except the one who sent it to
>> me)."
> and that part I still do not see. I "fail"  to see what the block
> exactly is.
>> However, there is the possibility of loops in the network, so a slightly
>> better algorithm is to check "have I seen this packet before?" and if
>> the
>> answer is "yes", then drop it; otherwise send it via my links. This will
>> prevent endless packet sending loops in your network.
>> -t
>> --
>> Sent from:


Did some thinking and see how things are working if the loopback is not
used :

linksTowards: anAddress do: aBlock
     "Simple flood algorithm: route via all outgoing links.
However, just loopback if the receiver node is the routing destination."

     address = anAddress
         ifTrue: [  ]
         ifFalse: [ outgoingLinks do: aBlock ]

but still I "fail"  to see what need to be done when the loopback is
used with the block.


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Re: mentor question 1

Richard Sargent
On Sat, Apr 25, 2020, 11:46 Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users <[hidden email]> wrote:
Op 25-4-2020 om 20:17 schreef Roelof Wobben:
> Op 25-4-2020 om 20:04 schreef tbrunz:
>> 1. 'loopback' is a node, just like 'source' and 'destination'.  A
>> network is
>> a mesh of 'nodes' joined by 'links'.  Your Pharo program represents
>> one of
>> those nodes: It is the 'loopback' node.
> oke, so I can do : loopback := KNetworkNode new.
>> 2. The block in the #linksTowards:do: method is the action to take on a
>> packet, depending on whether its destination is "you" (loopback), or
>> something else.
>> The flood algorithm is the simplest algorithm: "If the destination is
>> not
>> me, send the packet to everyone else (except the one who sent it to
>> me)."
> and that part I still do not see. I "fail"  to see what the block
> exactly is.
>> However, there is the possibility of loops in the network, so a slightly
>> better algorithm is to check "have I seen this packet before?" and if
>> the
>> answer is "yes", then drop it; otherwise send it via my links. This will
>> prevent endless packet sending loops in your network.
>> -t
>> --
>> Sent from:


Did some thinking and see how things are working if the loopback is not
used :

linksTowards: anAddress do: aBlock
     "Simple flood algorithm: route via all outgoing links.
However, just loopback if the receiver node is the routing destination."

     address = anAddress
         ifTrue: [  ]
         ifFalse: [ outgoingLinks do: aBlock ]

but still I "fail"  to see what need to be done when the loopback is
used with the block.

It's not clear to me if a link is an actual object in your model. I'll respond as if it is.

aBlock is the work you want done on the destination node. So, the question is how you get it there. You iterate through the outgoingLinks and ask the link to deliver the block to the destination node. In "blasting", each node sends it on through its own outgoingLinks, until it eventually reaches the destination node.

The destination node evaluates aBlock, probably supplying itself as an argument to the block.

In the case of a loopback, the node itself seems to be the one intended to evaluate aBlock. (I don't know the problem description, so that may not be entirely correct.)


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Re: mentor question 1

Hi Richard,

I looked the repo; he's defined 3 classes: one for packets, one for nodes,
and one for links.  So yes, he instantiates links.  Likely each node has a
collection of links (each of which leads to another node in the network).
The application is to simulate a network by modeling it in ST, so that means
generating packets, each with a destination node (where nodes have
addresses), and simulating how the packets flow through the network to get
from their source nodes to their destination nodes.

I hadn't though about sending the blocks to the nodes via the packets, but
that *is* a cool concept... And entirely do-able in Pharo.  However, if the
exercise is to make a simple network model that runs to simulate network
operation, I doubt that's what they're looking for, though (since it's not
what you typically do in a packet network).  I think they just want you to
model the packet-handling behavior, and that's what the block is for.  (I
may be wrong.)


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Re: mentor question 1

Richard Sargent
On Sat, Apr 25, 2020, 15:50 tbrunz <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Richard,

I looked the repo; he's defined 3 classes: one for packets, one for nodes,
and one for links.  So yes, he instantiates links.  Likely each node has a
collection of links (each of which leads to another node in the network).
The application is to simulate a network by modeling it in ST, so that means
generating packets, each with a destination node (where nodes have
addresses), and simulating how the packets flow through the network to get
from their source nodes to their destination nodes.

I hadn't though about sending the blocks to the nodes via the packets, but
that *is* a cool concept... And entirely do-able in Pharo.  However, if the
exercise is to make a simple network model that runs to simulate network
operation, I doubt that's what they're looking for, though (since it's not
what you typically do in a packet network).  I think they just want you to
model the packet-handling behavior, and that's what the block is for.  (I
may be wrong.)

Thanks, Ted. That makes sense. I agree the problem is almost certainly not about sending blocks. Silly of me, really. I didn't see anything in this thread that explained the block.

I could imagine that a link object knows how to deliver a packet to the node and the node object knows how to receive the packet. (Or something like that)

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Re: mentor question 1

In reply to this post by Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

The core concept (as I see it) is that each node in your simulated network
will receive packets as the simulation progresses, and the nodes must do
something with each packet they receive.

In OOP, it often helps to think about the objects in terms of "their
responsibilities".  And by that we mean: "when such-and-such event occurs,
or whenever one-or-another situation is active, this object has the
responsibility of doing this-or-that".

So what about the node objects?  The responsibility of a node object is to
react appropriately to the event of receiving a packet.

There are at least 3 behaviors that each node must employ to meet its
responsibilities.  Those three are: 1) Forward the packet to one or more
other nodes in the network that it's connected to, 2) Accept the packet (if
addressed to itself) and "process it", and 3) Drop the packet (because it's
been received previously, which means it's already either been forwarded or
accepted and processed, so this is a duplicate packet and should no longer
be handled).

In addition, each node must make the decision which behavior to follow when
it receives a packet.  It will do this based on information in the packet
(its destination address) and the node's own address (so that it can
recognize packets that are addressed to itself), and the address of the node
that sent the packet (perhaps; for efficiency, you don't want to forward a
packet back to the node that just sent it to you -- it already handled the
packet and decided it should forward it).

For behavior #1, there is more than one way to decide "how" to forward a
packet.  The "Flood" algorithm is one of many, and is the simplest one.  But
there are others.  Each of these possible forwarding schemes is "a
behavior".  Blocks in Pharo are behaviors.

So I think the "block" that confuses you is "a packet forwarding behavior".
When your node decides that the proper way to handle a packet it has
received is to forward it (option #1), it must supply two things: The packet
to be forwarded, and the forwarding behavior, which will be a block.

In this way, your code is more flexible: By changing the block that you
provide to the forwarding method, you can change the algorithm that the node
uses to decide which link(s) to forward the packet on.

And once you have your application finished, and you have more than one
forwarding scheme defined, you will be able to run you application, once for
each different forwarding scheme, and see how the packets flow through the
network -- which will show you (visually) which forwarding schemes are
efficient (i.e., minimizing the number of node-to-node transfers) and which
are inefficient (i.e., resulting in many node-to-node transfers, most of
which are unproductive).

You will find that (in general) the easiest forwarding schemes to write code
for are also the least efficient schemes.


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Re: mentor question 1

In reply to this post by Richard Sargent

I don't think it was silly.  I'm sitting here thinking to myself, "Wow,
that's creative...  Pharo being Pharo, you can write applications that can
send *blocks* between nodes, not just *data*..."  

The concept of sending behaviors as well as data opens up some interesting
and powerful possibilities for applications!  (Yet another way ST is
superior to other languages.)


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Re: mentor question 1

Richard Sargent
On Sat, Apr 25, 2020, 16:17 tbrunz <[hidden email]> wrote:

I don't think it was silly.  I'm sitting here thinking to myself, "Wow,
that's creative...  Pharo being Pharo, you can write applications that can
send *blocks* between nodes, not just *data*..." 

I understand. I meant that in the world this exercise models (separate compute nodes connected by a network), the single god-like Pharo application doesn't exist and sending blocks is harder. (Although, GemStone/S does make it simple, at least if all the nodes are connected to the GemStone/S database.)

The concept of sending behaviors as well as data opens up some interesting
and powerful possibilities for applications!  (Yet another way ST is
superior to other languages.)

Absolutely! It took a long time to *really* internalize the idea of everything is an object. Once I grokked that, it became easy to think that way all the time.

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Re: mentor question 1

Ben Coman
In reply to this post by Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
>  but I do not have a clue what the aBlock is

You say the method definition is...
> linksTowards: anAddress                                        do: aBlock

and then later indicate its called like this... 
>  linksTowards: aPacket destinationAddress            do: [ :link | self send: aPacket via: link ]  

so in this case aBlock would be "[ :link | self send: aPacket via: link ]"  
Or was that not your question?
Remember that "blocks are objects too".
In the same way that curly brackets create an instance of Array...
    { 1 . 2 . 3 } inspect
the square brackets create an instance of BlockClosure, or "block" for short.

In Playground, compare evaluating the above inspect with evaluating the following... (i.e. type "inspect" and evaluate the whole thing)
    [ :x | x + 1 ] inspect
then in bottom pane of that inspector, DoItAndGo evaluate the following...
   self value: 5
and you will see the result is 6 because #value: was sent to the block object that you inspected.

cheers -ben

On Sun, 26 Apr 2020 at 00:48, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users <[hidden email]> wrote:

Im doing the OOP book written by Ducassse and im now stuck at the network-simulator.
Code so far can be found here :

Im stuck at 2 places

1) What for datatype is loopback ?  Is it a string or something else.
    The book is not telling that.

2)  I have to make this method/function

linksTowards: anAddress do: aBlock
    "Simple flood algorithm: route via all outgoing links.
   However, just loopback if the receiver node is the routing destination."
   (address destination == loopback)
   ifTrue: [self send:  via: loopback ];
   ifFalse: [self send: via: anAddress]

but I do not have a clue what the aBlock is  and if im on the right path.
I know the solutions can be found online but then I do not learn anything.

This is what is stated in the book :

This method has to rely on some routing algorithm to identify which links will transmit the packet
closer to its destination. Since some routing algorithms select more than one link, we will implement routing as an
iteration method, which evaluates the given block for each selected link.
KANetworkNode >> send: aPacket
"Send aPacket, leaving the responsibility of routing to the node."
linksTowards: aPacket destinationAddress
do: [ :link | self send: aPacket via: link ]
One of the simplest routing algorithm is flooding: just send the packet via every outgoing link. Obviously, this is a waste of bandwidth, but it works without any knowledge of the network topology
beyond the list of outgoing links.
However, there is one case where we know how to route the packet: if the destination address
matches the one of the current node, we can select the loopback link. The logic of
is then: compare the packet’s destination address with the one of the node, if it is the same, we
execute the block using the loopback link, else we simply iterate on the outgoing links of the receiver.
KANetworkNode >> linksTowards: anAddress do: aBlock
"Simple flood algorithm: route via all outgoing links.
However, just loopback if the receiver node is the routing destination."
... Your code ...

I hope someone can help me on the way or let me see which steps I had to take to solve this on my own.
