method names - grey or black

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method names - grey or black

Sheridan Mahoney

Hi there,

While looking at the String class methods, I noticed that some methods are in grey, and the protocol pane indicates that the method belongs to a different package (I think).  How is this implemented?  I'm curious how the System browser knows how to display the methods this way...

Many thanks,


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Re: method names - grey or black


MethodWidget>>#methodWrapper: is the method that styles the text entries of the method list in Nautilus.


Best regards,



Fra: Pharo-users [mailto:[hidden email]] På vegne av [hidden email]
Sendt: 03 February 2017 17:45
Til: [hidden email]
Emne: [Pharo-users] method names - grey or black


Hi there,

While looking at the String class methods, I noticed that some methods are in grey, and the protocol pane indicates that the method belongs to a different package (I think).  How is this implemented?  I'm curious how the System browser knows how to display the methods this way...

Many thanks,
