> Being quite a newbie to ST in general, I evaluated VW, X, Squeak and now
> Dolphin Smalltalk.
> While I begin to like dolphin ST a lot, one fundamental feature present in
> all other dialects is when I accept a method definition, the environment
> corrects missing or superfluous variable declarations for me.
> Why is this convenient feature not present in dolphin Pro? Or can I enable
> it somehow?
Take a look at the message posted to this group by Christopher Demers on
13/6/02 entitled:
"ANN: Free Dolphin Tools - Code Completion Lookup..."
Chris has written an add-on to the Dolphin browsers that, amongst other
things, will allow you to choose variable names from pop-up lists. This
should go some way towards addressing the issue that irks you so (although
to describe it as a "fundamental" feature is perhaps going a bit far).
Best Regards,
Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?