Hi All,
I see that access to the microsecond clock is called "microsecondClockValue". This name is wrong. It derives from millisecondClockValue which was indeed a value. The millisecond clock started from zero on every image startup and wrapped around every 45 days or so. The microsecond clock is quite different; it is an absolute clock whose zero is midnight on January 1st 1901, the start of the 20th century (damn those monks). So "Value" should be omitted from the selector. In Squeak we provide both Time utcMicrosecondClock and Time localMicrosecondClock which provide the number of microseconds since the start of 1/1/1901 in utc and local time zones respectively. It wraps round no sooner than 24/4/20168 (/not/ 2168). Time millisecondClockValue is provided for backward compatibility.