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Stéphane Ducasse
Hi guys

I migrated XMLParser, XMLWriter, Pastell to SmalltalkHub and revisited their complete configurations.
Now I will do the same for OPAX.

After I will suggest to put OPAX in readonly and to mention it on the squeaksource web site.

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Re: migrated...

stephane ducasse

On Mar 3, 2013, at 5:01 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi guys
> I migrated XMLParser, XMLWriter, Pastell to SmalltalkHub and revisited their complete configurations.
> Now I will do the same for OPAX.

done for OPAX too.

> After I will suggest to put OPAX in readonly and to mention it on the squeaksource web site.
> Stef
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Re: migrated...

In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse
Stef, how do you migrate the code? Do you have a script or something?


On Mar 3, 2013, at 1:01 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi guys
> I migrated XMLParser, XMLWriter, Pastell to SmalltalkHub and revisited their complete configurations.
> Now I will do the same for OPAX.
> After I will suggest to put OPAX in readonly and to mention it on the squeaksource web site.
> Stef
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> Moose-dev mailing list
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Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

Moose-dev mailing list
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Re: migrated...

stephane ducasse
I sent scripts to the pharo mailing-list

| go |
go := Gofer new.
go squeaksource: 'DrGeo'.
(go allResolved select: [ :each | 'DrGeo*' match: each packageName])
     do: [ :pack | 
pack packageName crLog.
                go package: pack packageName; fetch]

| go repo |
go := Gofer new.
repo := MCSmalltalkhubRepository
     owner: 'Pharo'
     project: 'ArchiveNEC'
     user: 'StephaneDucasse'
     password: ''.
go repository: repo.
(go allResolved select: [ :each | '*ECompletion*' match: each packageName])
     do: [ :pack | pack packageName crLog.
                         go package: pack packageName; fetch]

often before commiting I check (go allResolved groupedBy: #packageName) keys to see

Stef, how do you migrate the code? Do you have a script or something?


On Mar 3, 2013, at 1:01 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi guys

I migrated XMLParser, XMLWriter, Pastell to SmalltalkHub and revisited their complete configurations.
Now I will do the same for OPAX.

After I will suggest to put OPAX in readonly and to mention it on the squeaksource web site.

Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: migrated...

I am working on migrating the code from Squeaksource to SmalltalkHub.

Stef, the script you gave raises an error time to times. It happens in the method:

readStreamForFileNamed: aString do: aBlock
        | client |
        self displayProgress: 'Downloading ', aString during: [
                (client := self httpClient)
                        ifFail: [ :exception | self error: 'Could not load ', aString, ': ', exception printString ];
                        get: (self urlForFileNamed: aString).
                self assertBinaryResponse: client response.
                "immediately cache the version and avoid an unnecessary serialization"
                self cacheRawVersionNamed: aString stream: client contents ].
        ^ aBlock value: client contents readStream

apparently "self httpClient" returns a number, which is not understood by ifFail:

Am I the only one to experience this problem?


On Mar 6, 2013, at 6:36 PM, stephane ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I sent scripts to the pharo mailing-list
> | go |
> go := Gofer new.
> go squeaksource: 'DrGeo'.
> (go allResolved select: [ :each | 'DrGeo*' match: each packageName])
>      do: [ :pack |
> pack packageName crLog.
>                 go package: pack packageName; fetch]
> | go repo |
> go := Gofer new.
> repo := MCSmalltalkhubRepository
>      owner: 'Pharo'
>      project: 'ArchiveNEC'
>      user: 'StephaneDucasse'
>      password: ''.
> go repository: repo.
> (go allResolved select: [ :each | '*ECompletion*' match: each packageName])
>      do: [ :pack | pack packageName crLog.
>                          go package: pack packageName; fetch]
> often before commiting I check (go allResolved groupedBy: #packageName) keys to see
> ever
>> Stef, how do you migrate the code? Do you have a script or something?
>> Cheers,
>> Alexandre
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 1:01 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> I migrated XMLParser, XMLWriter, Pastell to SmalltalkHub and revisited their complete configurations.
>>> Now I will do the same for OPAX.
>>> After I will suggest to put OPAX in readonly and to mention it on the squeaksource web site.
>>> Stef
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Moose-dev mailing list
>>> [hidden email]
>>> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/moose-dev
>> --
>> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>> Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu
>> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moose-dev mailing list
>> [hidden email]
>> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/moose-dev
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/moose-dev

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: migrated...

stephane ducasse

> I am working on migrating the code from Squeaksource to SmalltalkHub.
> Stef, the script you gave raises an error time to times. It happens in the method:
> readStreamForFileNamed: aString do: aBlock
> | client |
> self displayProgress: 'Downloading ', aString during: [
> (client := self httpClient)
> ifFail: [ :exception | self error: 'Could not load ', aString, ': ', exception printString ];
> get: (self urlForFileNamed: aString).
> self assertBinaryResponse: client response.
> "immediately cache the version and avoid an unnecessary serialization"
> self cacheRawVersionNamed: aString stream: client contents ].
> ^ aBlock value: client contents readStream
> apparently "self httpClient" returns a number, which is not understood by ifFail:
> Am I the only one to experience this problem?

Never and I migrated many projects.
May be you have a strange file on your repo.

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