minor issues

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minor issues

Ted Bracht-2
- This tip could be extended: You can associate an individual method of a
class with a package other than that in which its class resides. Such
methods are termed 'loose methods' _and are shown in Red in the CHB_.

- When inspecting a big array in Flipper and modifying values, after
modification of the value in the value pane, the selected line in the
Published Aspects list jumps to the bottom of the screen. Can't it stay
where it is?


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Re: minor issues

Bill Schwab

> - This tip could be extended: You can associate an individual method of a
> class with a package other than that in which its class resides. Such
> methods are termed 'loose methods' _and are shown in Red in the CHB_.

I would add where it appears red, otherwise, a newbie might be confused,
expecting to see something different in the source pane.  Worse, if they
expect the source to turn red, they might not want to use loose methods???
It might be better to keep it simple in the tips, and let the user go the
help for a detailed description, complete with a picture of what to expect.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: minor issues

Ted Bracht-2
Hi Bill,

"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Ted,
> > - This tip could be extended: You can associate an individual method of
> > class with a package other than that in which its class resides. Such
> > methods are termed 'loose methods' _and are shown in Red in the CHB_.
> I would add where it appears red, otherwise, a newbie might be confused,
> expecting to see something different in the source pane.  Worse, if they
> expect the source to turn red, they might not want to use loose methods???
> It might be better to keep it simple in the tips, and let the user go the
> help for a detailed description, complete with a picture of what to

Good point, yeah the wording could have been done better; _and are shown in
the methods list in Red_

> Have a good one,
> Bill
> --
> Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
> [hidden email]
