Hi Bill,
"Bill Schwab" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> Ted,
> > - This tip could be extended: You can associate an individual method of
> > class with a package other than that in which its class resides. Such
> > methods are termed 'loose methods' _and are shown in Red in the CHB_.
> I would add where it appears red, otherwise, a newbie might be confused,
> expecting to see something different in the source pane. Worse, if they
> expect the source to turn red, they might not want to use loose methods???
> It might be better to keep it simple in the tips, and let the user go the
> help for a detailed description, complete with a picture of what to
Good point, yeah the wording could have been done better; _and are shown in
the methods list in Red_
> Have a good one,
> Bill
> --
> Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]