missing halos & some trouble getting started

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missing halos & some trouble getting started

Tassilo Philipp
Hello mailing list,

I'm new to seaside and have some questions about the setup, etc.
I'm trying to run Seaside on GNU Smalltalk 3.1 but gst-remote doesn't seem to work correctly on my machine. So I tried to get around that without using gst-remote.

For the sake of completeness, although this isn't a GST mailing list: I tried to follow the 'Seaside on GST' section at the GST website, but the following simple test already fails, and well, pretty much everything I try to --eval fails.

# gst-remote --daemon
gst-remote server started.
# gst-remote --eval '12 factorial'
/usr/local/share/smalltalk/kernel/../scripts/Remote.st:275: Aborted
/usr/local/share/smalltalk/kernel/../scripts/Remote.st:275: Aborted
/usr/local/share/smalltalk/kernel/../scripts/Remote.st:275: Error occurred while not in byte code interpreter!!

Well, since this isn't a GST mailing list, let's talk about seaside - for starters I just tried to get seaside running without gst-remote, and this is what I came up with (trying to recreate the simple counter example):

PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'Seaside'.
PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'Seaside-Development'.
PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'Seaside-Examples'.

Seaside.SwazooSeaside startOn: 9999.

Seaside.WAComponent subclass: MyCounter [
        | count |
        MyCounter class >> canBeRoot [ ^true ]

        initialize [
                super initialize.
                count := 0.
        states [ ^{ self } ]
                renderContentOn: html [
                html heading: count.
                html anchor callback: [ count := count + 1 ]; with: '++'.
                html space.
                html anchor callback: [ count := count - 1 ]; with: '--'.

app := MyCounter registerAsApplication: 'mycounter'.
Processor activeProcess suspend

This starts the swazoo server, registers my counter, and well... works without gst-remote (running gst in foreground, of course).

However, putting 'self registerAsApplication: 'mycounter'.' in 'initialize', and creating a MyCounter instance with 'app := MyCounter new.' instead of registering it as in the code snippet above doesn't work, yielding:

Object: MyCounter new "<-0x4c75e6a0>" error: did not understand #registerAsApplication:
MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>signal (AnsiExcept.st:216)
MyCounter(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #registerAsApplication: (AnsiExcept.st:1556)
MyCounter>>initialize (a String:5)
MyCounter class(Seaside.WAPresenter class)>>new (Seaside-Core.star#VFS.ZipFile/Seaside-Core.st:9693)
UndefinedObject>>executeStatements (a String:1)

Why is that?

Another thing that I didn't manage to figure out is how to display halos - in the configuration panel for the 'mycounter' application, there is no WAToolConfiguration as described by Paolo: http://smalltalk.gnu.org/blog/bonzinip/seaside-development-gnu-smalltalk#comment-62

Evaluating 'app preferenceAt: #deploymentMode put: false.' yields:
Object: WAUserConfiguration new "<-0x4c7b98d8>" error: No attribute named #deploymentMode

However, evaluating 'app deploymentMode' yields 'false'.

I'm a bit confused now, because I seems that I'm in development mode, but I don't see any toolbar at the bottom of the page.

If someone could shed some light on this, please? Well, I'm new to seaside and I don't have a strong Smalltalk background, so please excuse if I did miss the obvious.
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