mscomct2.ocx could not be opened

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mscomct2.ocx could not be opened


on vanila win2k, I get this in transcript:

Resource library mscomct2.ocx could not be opened ('mscomct2.ocx' (16r7E:
The specified module could not be found.))

when dragging a class into another one in System browser (not that it makes
musch sense, but my finger slipped on the mouse).

Davorin Rusevljan

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Re: mscomct2.ocx could not be opened

Blair McGlashan

"rush" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Hi,
> on vanila win2k, I get this in transcript:
> Resource library mscomct2.ocx could not be opened ('mscomct2.ocx' (16r7E:
> The specified module could not be found.))
> when dragging a class into another one in System browser (not that it
> musch sense, but my finger slipped on the mouse).

That's probably because you were in the area of the new MonthView control
view class. This is attempting to pull its icon from an OCX that will not be
installed on plain vanilla Win2k box. It goes without saying that the
control itself won't work either, e.g. try

    DatePresenter show: 'Month view'

The same probably goes for the new MaskedEdit control view which requires
that msmask32.ocx be installed:

    (TextPresenter show: 'Masked edit') view mask: '99.99'; extent: 100@20

(this particular view isn't of much interest until one has configured the
mask of course).

