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Jochen Riekhof

 From the beginning of using DolphinXP I experience the following message in
my Transcript on startup:
Resource library msmask32.ocx could not be opened ('msmask32.ocx' (16r2: Das
System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.))
So far, everything works fine, so I didn't bother much, but out of
curiosity, is it only me? Is something missing on my system (WinXPPro).



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Re: msmask32.ocx

Ian Bartholomew-17

> From the beginning of using DolphinXP I experience the following message
> my Transcript on startup:
> Resource library msmask32.ocx could not be opened ('msmask32.ocx' (16r2:
> System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.))
> So far, everything works fine, so I didn't bother much, but out of
> curiosity, is it only me? Is something missing on my system (WinXPPro).

msmask32 is a licensed ocx distributed with certain Microsoft tools.
Dolphin provides a wrapper for it in case the ocx exists on your system (you
have previously installed one of the MS tools) but if it doesn't then you
get the warning you describe.

There is further information in the news archive (or dejanews (or whatever
it's called now)) and in the "Masked Edit" package comment.
