we would like to have display several time the same piece of code (here 'find') into a piece of text (here in method testCycle).
In the following method we would like to have all the find occurrences selected.
Does anybody have a pointer?
Stef and Simon
| a b c |
MOGraphFixture cycleGraph: dom.
dom run.
dom nodes do: [:n|
n model = $c
ifTrue: [self assert: n isDominant. self deny: n isDominated]
ifFalse: [
self deny: n isDominant.
n model = $d
ifTrue: [self deny: n isDominated]
ifFalse: [self assert: n isDominated]
a := dom findNode: $a.
b := dom findNode: $b.
c := dom findNode: $c.
self assert: (a find = c).
self assert: (b find = c).
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