need suggestion badly

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need suggestion badly

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I am doing masters project where i need to use pharo and freeCAD. In my work
i need to send some parameter to freeCAD which can create a cube or other
type shape. After getting some idea i write a C++ code that can send command
to freeCAD to create a cube.step file so that means i have the file for cube

Just i need to compile and send some parameter to through command line.
below i have attached my screenshot to show the gui. a simple gui to send
command line command using LibC function. where i can compile and execute
than run my box or other file using pharo gui.

But my supervisor want me to send parameter from pharo to that file which i
dont know how to do. if i can send the parameter to that file or exe than my
work complete. as my limition is c++ file cause c++ file can hand freeCAD
command. Also i know if my file is c file than maybe i can use ffi .

Now i need suggestion is there any way to do ? need your kind advice .


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Re: need suggestion badly

Ben Coman
Rather than spoon feed you for your masters project (and also your question is a bit generic and hard to answer), 
can you report the tutorial examples you've found for LibC, OSProcess and OSSubProcess.  
Then perhaps you can ask more focussed questions about any difficulties you have doing those tutorials.

Apart from basic google search, a good place to search is...
or focus your google search like this...      OSProcess
Also, I'm not sure which book, but you may find something here...  

cheers -ben

On Sun, 12 Jul 2020 at 12:33, shawon58 <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am doing masters project where i need to use pharo and freeCAD. In my work
i need to send some parameter to freeCAD which can create a cube or other
type shape. After getting some idea i write a C++ code that can send command
to freeCAD to create a cube.step file so that means i have the file for cube
now. Just i need to compile and send some parameter to through command line.
below i have attached my screenshot to show the gui. a simple gui to send
command line command using LibC function. where i can compile and execute
than run my box or other file using pharo gui.
But my supervisor want me to send parameter from pharo to that file which i
dont know how to do. if i can send the parameter to that file or exe than my
work complete. as my limition is c++ file cause c++ file can hand freeCAD
command. Also i know if my file is c file than maybe i can use ffi .

Now i need suggestion is there any way to do ? need your kind advice .


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