new release of Seaside integration for JQueryMobile

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new release of Seaside integration for JQueryMobile


I've released a new version of the Seaside integration for jQueryMobile -

The release is available for Pharo and VASt

The new release incorporates support for events and scripting as well as improves the documentation.

Now for the brave souls who tried out the initial release, thanks for the feedback, and I'm afraid to say I've made a few changes to the API.  Basically the work I've incorporated to enable scripting meant that I had to generate template markup for pages and I realised that it meant that there was really no need for decorators. Hopefully the end result is simpler code.

If I've done my work correctly. You should be able to take your Seaside components, register them with:


and your components should be JQueryMobile-ified - Of course you'll need to rework the UI and interaction - the point is you can use your existing knowledge to target a new platform (html generation, form submission, attaching event handlers etc)

Some useful links:
mobile specific events (e.g. touch events, rotation etc):

What's new
Updated from RC1 to RC2 JQueryMobile.
Scripting and Event support
Fixes to issues that have arisen since the initial release.
Improved documentation
RESTful functional test suite.
Reduced flicker between page transitions
Session based element id generation.



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Re: new release of Seaside integration for JQueryMobile

Marten Feldtmann-2
Good work. I just updated my demo code with your new release yesterday evening and all my sound problems went away - and the whole stuff works pretty well for me in my initial phase of work ....

Thanks again and I'm looking forward for new releases ...

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Re: [Seaside] new release of Seaside integration for JQueryMobile

In reply to this post by Nick
Hi Marten,

Ok, I have found a way to do it - but actually how do I force a refresh of my screen ...

| ajaxFunction |
ajaxFunction := (html jQuery ajax
 dataType: 'script';
 callback: [ :v | ... action in smalltalk ... ]
 value: (Array with: (JSStream on: 'arguments[0]'));
 async: false) asFunctionNamed: 'swipeLeft' arguments: #(e).
 script: ajaxFunction.

html image
 width: '100%' ;
 onSwipeLeft: 'swipeLeft("swipeLeft")';
 url: link].

I get Smalltalk called - but the screen content is NOT refreshed !


Am 27.10.2011 07:49, schrieb Marten Feldtmann:
Is something possible like:

html heading
onSwipeLeft: [ .... ]

I released another version last night (Pharo and VASt), which fixes some bugs we found associated with event handling, so it would be worthwhile downloading that version.

Have you seen the event handling samples: 

(click on: Element scoped events->Touch events)

I've also added some examples of using Ajax to update:
The example titled "check box version 2" most closely resembles your use-case.

In your specific example you could try something like:

html heading
      (html jQuery ajax 
            callback: [ :val | "val will contain 'swipeLeft' ] 
            value: 'swipeLeft'; 
            script: [ :s | s << (s jQuery id: idOfElementToUpdate) text: 'updated text' ]).

IIUC you missed off a call to #script: which all actually perform the update.

Hope this helps


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Re: [Seaside] new release of Seaside integration for JQueryMobile

I've just released a new version of jQueryMobile on Pharo and VASt

Some of the improvements include:

Improved "show code" - especially when trying to understand event handling.
Improved page transtions on the iPhone, the address bar on-longer drops-down during page navigation.
Added icons, splash screen and "bookmark bubble" to support saving the app to the home screen on an iPhone

See also:

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Re: [Seaside] new release of Seaside integration for JQueryMobile


there seems to be problems when updating buttons (with theme styles) during an ajax callback ...

I think the issue is that jQueryMobile only interprets styles during page load. Your post reminded me that I hadn't integrated jQueryMobile widgets which allow dynamically added elements to be styled.

For future reference - we've just learnt that you can make jQueryMobile style multiple elements at once, by triggering a "create" event on the element's container. I've added an example:

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