news about the association and the consortium

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news about the association and the consortium

Stéphane Ducasse
Hi guys

We were checking a bit the situation and this is promising :)

-> Consortium: 9 Members, 1 Sponsor ==> 20500 EUR/Year
-> Association: 47 Members ==> 4040 EUR/Year

We really think that we can reach the first goal of enough money for 1 full time engineer
within the next year

Stef and Marcus
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Re: [Pharo-project] news about the association and the consortium

Luc Fabresse
thanks to all.



2013/3/31 Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]>
Hi guys

We were checking a bit the situation and this is promising :)

-> Consortium: 9 Members, 1 Sponsor ==> 20500 EUR/Year
-> Association: 47 Members ==> 4040 EUR/Year

We really think that we can reach the first goal of enough money for 1 full time engineer
within the next year

Stef and Marcus