nil error - JObject

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nil error - JObject

I am trying to use with amber.

I can pass messages to the javascript object io in the WorkSpace and it will execute nicely. When I inspect io, i see that its name is nil but except from that I can see its values. 

Now when I try to pass messages to io inside a smalltalk object, I get nil doesnt understand specific method. The debugger sees it as nil.

What should i do?

Here is the code. 

You need the module.

npm install

If you have time: 

Try creating a new IOClient object. It will try to connect.


Sincerely yours, 
     Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis

index.html (874 bytes) Download Attachment (2K) Download Attachment (746 bytes) Download Attachment
SocketIOClient.js (7K) Download Attachment
SocketIOClientLogic.js (2K) Download Attachment
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Re: nil error - JObject

Hi Apostolis,

What I did, as an example:

  s := io connect: '<a href="http://localhost:80'">http://localhost:80'.
  s on: 'getPosted' do: [:data | self showMessage: data].

And do not assign io as a variable. As io is already defined in
socketio javascript (as you already saw in the workspace)

Hope that helps.

On 20 jun, 18:36, Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis <[hidden email]>

> I am trying to use with amber.
> I can pass messages to the javascript object io in the WorkSpace and it
> will execute nicely. When I inspect io, i see that its name is nil but
> except from that I can see its values.
> Now when I try to pass messages to io inside a smalltalk object, I get nil
> doesnt understand specific method. The debugger sees it as nil.
> What should i do?
> Here is the code.
> You need the module.
> npm install
> If you have time:
> Try creating a new IOClient object. It will try to connect.
> --
> Sincerely yours,
>      Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis
>  index.html
> < 1 KWeergevenDownloaden
> 2KWeergevenDownloaden
> < 1 KWeergevenDownloaden
>  SocketIOClient.js
> 7KWeergevenDownloaden
>  SocketIOClientLogic.js
> 2KWeergevenDownloaden
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Re: nil error - JObject

It would be nice if there was a tutorial for us smalltalkers that dont know javascript how to use the existent javascript libraries.

On the server side, I didnt have any problems. The reason for that is that I used 'require' to load the javascript. Then everything worked like a charm.

On the client side, it seems that loading the javascript outside of the smalltalk class creates problems. And since having a global object would never happen in smalltalk, I dont know how to fix it.

Jochem, can you pass s on a smalltalk object of a different class without a problem? I noticed that i cannot transfer the socket to the SocketClient. Maybe I am doing something wrong.

thanks for your help by the way..

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Re: nil error - JObject

Hi Apostolis,

Here is just an example for on the client :
<title>My Project</title>
<script src="../../js/amber.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../js/socket/dist/" type="text/
<script type="text/javascript">
                files: ['myproject.js'],
                prefix: 'examples/myproject/js',
                ready: function() {  smalltalk.MyProject._open(),


Here's the Amber source (.st file)

Smalltalk current createPackage: 'myproject' properties: #{}!
Widget subclass: #MyProject
        instanceVariableNames: 'socket'
        package: 'myproject'!

!MyProject methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!

    socket emit: 'doPosted' with: 'just  a string'.

      socket := io connect: '<a href="http://localhost:80'">http://localhost:80'.
      socket on: 'receivePosted' do: [:data | self showMessage:

    socket emit: 'getPosted' with: ' '.

renderOn: html
        html div
                with: [ html button class: 'btn';
                            with: 'Connect'; id: 'bc';
                        onClick: [ self establishConnection]];
               with: [ html button class: 'btn';
                            with: 'Emit to socket'; id: 'bdoit';
                        onClick: [ self doit]];
               with: [ html button class: 'btn';
                            with: 'get socket'; id: 'bget';
                        onClick: [ self getit]].

showMessage: aString
        | q|
q := 'body' asJQuery.
q append: '<p>' , aString, '</p>'.
! !

!MyProject class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!

        self new appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery.
! !


On 21 jun, 22:44, Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis <[hidden email]>

> It would be nice if there was a tutorial for us smalltalkers that dont know
> javascript how to use the existent javascript libraries.
> On the server side, I didnt have any problems. The reason for that is that
> I used 'require' to load the javascript. Then everything worked
> like a charm.
> On the client side, it seems that loading the javascript outside of the
> smalltalk class creates problems. And since having a global object would
> never happen in smalltalk, I dont know how to fix it.
> Jochem, can you pass s on a smalltalk object of a different class without a
> problem? I noticed that i cannot transfer the socket to the SocketClient.
> Maybe I am doing something wrong.
> thanks for your help by the way..
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Re: nil error - JObject

To make it complete, I have added the Nodejs code, also with a simple
Redis call
What I did to test is to have one nodejs server running on
port 4000 using the standard server for loading Amber, and another
nodejs server on port 80 to play with and redis.

        http := require value: 'http'.
        redis := require value: 'redis'.

        client := redis createClient.

     (httpServer := http createServer: [:request :response |
        self handleRequest: request respondTo: response]) listen:

    io := (require value: '') listen: httpServer.
     console log: 'io started'.
     io sockets on: 'connection' do:
        [:socket| socket on: 'doPosted' do:
                     [ :data | client set: 'key' with: data do:
                         [:err :reply |console log: reply]].
                  socket on: 'getPosted' do:
                     [ :data | client get: 'key' do:
                         [:err :reply |socket emit: 'receivePosted'
withData: reply.
                            console log: reply]]].

I am just playing with and redis, so I do not have a full
application running...


On 22 jun, 21:28, Jochem <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Apostolis,
> Here is just an example for on the client :
> Index.html
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>My Project</title>
> <script src="../../js/amber.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> <script src="../../js/socket/dist/" type="text/
> javascript"></script>
> </head>
> <body>
> <script type="text/javascript">
>         loadAmber({
>                 files: ['myproject.js'],
>                 prefix: 'examples/myproject/js',
>                 ready: function() {  smalltalk.MyProject._open(),
> smalltalk.Browser._open();;
>                 }});
> </script>
> </body>
> </html>
> Here's the Amber source (.st file)
> Smalltalk current createPackage: 'myproject' properties: #{}!
> Widget subclass: #MyProject
>         instanceVariableNames: 'socket'
>         package: 'myproject'!
> !MyProject methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
> doit
>     socket emit: 'doPosted' with: 'just  a string'.
> !
> establishConnection
>       socket := io connect: '<a href="http://localhost:80'">http://localhost:80'.
>       socket on: 'receivePosted' do: [:data | self showMessage:
> data.].
> !
> getit
>     socket emit: 'getPosted' with: ' '.
> !
> renderOn: html
>         html div
>                 with: [ html button class: 'btn';
>                             with: 'Connect'; id: 'bc';
>                         onClick: [ self establishConnection]];
>                with: [ html button class: 'btn';
>                             with: 'Emit to socket'; id: 'bdoit';
>                         onClick: [ self doit]];
>                with: [ html button class: 'btn';
>                             with: 'get socket'; id: 'bget';
>                         onClick: [ self getit]].
> !
> showMessage: aString
>         | q|
> q := 'body' asJQuery.
> q append: '<p>' , aString, '</p>'.
> ! !
> !MyProject class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
> open
>         self new appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery.
> ! !
> Regards,
> Jochem
> On 21 jun, 22:44, Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
> > It would be nice if there was a tutorial for us smalltalkers that dont know
> > javascript how to use the existent javascript libraries.
> > On the server side, I didnt have any problems. The reason for that is that
> > I used 'require' to load the javascript. Then everything worked
> > like a charm.
> > On the client side, it seems that loading the javascript outside of the
> > smalltalk class creates problems. And since having a global object would
> > never happen in smalltalk, I dont know how to fix it.
> > Jochem, can you pass s on a smalltalk object of a different class without a
> > problem? I noticed that i cannot transfer the socket to the SocketClient.
> > Maybe I am doing something wrong.
> > thanks for your help by the way..
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Re: nil error - JObject

Nice, I made it to work as well. For those that might have the same problems with me, it seems that there is an ongoing discussion how to deal with global variables in this mailing list. Just make a search with: 'global variables' on this list.

2012/6/23 Jochem <[hidden email]>
To make it complete, I have added the Nodejs code, also with a simple
Redis call
What I did to test is to have one nodejs server running on
port 4000 using the standard server for loading Amber, and another
nodejs server on port 80 to play with and redis.

       http := require value: 'http'.
       redis := require value: 'redis'.

       client := redis createClient.

    (httpServer := http createServer: [:request :response |
       self handleRequest: request respondTo: response]) listen:

   io := (require value: '') listen: httpServer.
    console log: 'io started'.
    io sockets on: 'connection' do:
       [:socket| socket on: 'doPosted' do:
                    [ :data | client set: 'key' with: data do:
                        [:err :reply |console log: reply]].
                 socket on: 'getPosted' do:
                    [ :data | client get: 'key' do:
                        [:err :reply |socket emit: 'receivePosted'
withData: reply.
                           console log: reply]]].

I am just playing with and redis, so I do not have a full
application running...


On 22 jun, 21:28, Jochem <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Apostolis,
> Here is just an example for on the client :
> Index.html
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>My Project</title>
> <script src="../../js/amber.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> <script src="../../js/socket/dist/" type="text/
> javascript"></script>
> </head>
> <body>
> <script type="text/javascript">
>         loadAmber({
>                 files: ['myproject.js'],
>                 prefix: 'examples/myproject/js',
>                 ready: function() {  smalltalk.MyProject._open(),
> smalltalk.Browser._open();;
>                 }});
> </script>
> </body>
> </html>
> Here's the Amber source (.st file)
> Smalltalk current createPackage: 'myproject' properties: #{}!
> Widget subclass: #MyProject
>         instanceVariableNames: 'socket'
>         package: 'myproject'!
> !MyProject methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
> doit
>     socket emit: 'doPosted' with: 'just  a string'.
> !
> establishConnection
>       socket := io connect: 'http://localhost:80'.
>       socket on: 'receivePosted' do: [:data | self showMessage:
> data.].
> !
> getit
>     socket emit: 'getPosted' with: ' '.
> !
> renderOn: html
>         html div
>                 with: [ html button class: 'btn';
>                             with: 'Connect'; id: 'bc';
>                         onClick: [ self establishConnection]];
>                with: [ html button class: 'btn';
>                             with: 'Emit to socket'; id: 'bdoit';
>                         onClick: [ self doit]];
>                with: [ html button class: 'btn';
>                             with: 'get socket'; id: 'bget';
>                         onClick: [ self getit]].
> !
> showMessage: aString
>         | q|
> q := 'body' asJQuery.
> q append: '<p>' , aString, '</p>'.
> ! !
> !MyProject class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
> open
>         self new appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery.
> ! !
> Regards,
> Jochem
> On 21 jun, 22:44, Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
> > It would be nice if there was a tutorial for us smalltalkers that dont know
> > javascript how to use the existent javascript libraries.
> > On the server side, I didnt have any problems. The reason for that is that
> > I used 'require' to load the javascript. Then everything worked
> > like a charm.
> > On the client side, it seems that loading the javascript outside of the
> > smalltalk class creates problems. And since having a global object would
> > never happen in smalltalk, I dont know how to fix it.
> > Jochem, can you pass s on a smalltalk object of a different class without a
> > problem? I noticed that i cannot transfer the socket to the SocketClient.
> > Maybe I am doing something wrong.
> > thanks for your help by the way..


Sincerely yours, 
     Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis

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Re: nil error - JObject

Amber Milan Eskridge
Maybe interessting, too:

On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis <[hidden email]> wrote:
Nice, I made it to work as well. For those that might have the same problems with me, it seems that there is an ongoing discussion how to deal with global variables in this mailing list. Just make a search with: 'global variables' on this list.

2012/6/23 Jochem <[hidden email]>
To make it complete, I have added the Nodejs code, also with a simple
Redis call
What I did to test is to have one nodejs server running on
port 4000 using the standard server for loading Amber, and another
nodejs server on port 80 to play with and redis.

       http := require value: 'http'.
       redis := require value: 'redis'.

       client := redis createClient.

    (httpServer := http createServer: [:request :response |
       self handleRequest: request respondTo: response]) listen:

   io := (require value: '') listen: httpServer.
    console log: 'io started'.
    io sockets on: 'connection' do:
       [:socket| socket on: 'doPosted' do:
                    [ :data | client set: 'key' with: data do:
                        [:err :reply |console log: reply]].
                 socket on: 'getPosted' do:
                    [ :data | client get: 'key' do:
                        [:err :reply |socket emit: 'receivePosted'
withData: reply.
                           console log: reply]]].

I am just playing with and redis, so I do not have a full
application running...


On 22 jun, 21:28, Jochem <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Apostolis,
> Here is just an example for on the client :
> Index.html
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>My Project</title>
> <script src="../../js/amber.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> <script src="../../js/socket/dist/" type="text/
> javascript"></script>
> </head>
> <body>
> <script type="text/javascript">
>         loadAmber({
>                 files: ['myproject.js'],
>                 prefix: 'examples/myproject/js',
>                 ready: function() {  smalltalk.MyProject._open(),
> smalltalk.Browser._open();;
>                 }});
> </script>
> </body>
> </html>
> Here's the Amber source (.st file)
> Smalltalk current createPackage: 'myproject' properties: #{}!
> Widget subclass: #MyProject
>         instanceVariableNames: 'socket'
>         package: 'myproject'!
> !MyProject methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
> doit
>     socket emit: 'doPosted' with: 'just  a string'.
> !
> establishConnection
>       socket := io connect: 'http://localhost:80'.
>       socket on: 'receivePosted' do: [:data | self showMessage:
> data.].
> !
> getit
>     socket emit: 'getPosted' with: ' '.
> !
> renderOn: html
>         html div
>                 with: [ html button class: 'btn';
>                             with: 'Connect'; id: 'bc';
>                         onClick: [ self establishConnection]];
>                with: [ html button class: 'btn';
>                             with: 'Emit to socket'; id: 'bdoit';
>                         onClick: [ self doit]];
>                with: [ html button class: 'btn';
>                             with: 'get socket'; id: 'bget';
>                         onClick: [ self getit]].
> !
> showMessage: aString
>         | q|
> q := 'body' asJQuery.
> q append: '<p>' , aString, '</p>'.
> ! !
> !MyProject class methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!
> open
>         self new appendToJQuery: 'body' asJQuery.
> ! !
> Regards,
> Jochem
> On 21 jun, 22:44, Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
> > It would be nice if there was a tutorial for us smalltalkers that dont know
> > javascript how to use the existent javascript libraries.
> > On the server side, I didnt have any problems. The reason for that is that
> > I used 'require' to load the javascript. Then everything worked
> > like a charm.
> > On the client side, it seems that loading the javascript outside of the
> > smalltalk class creates problems. And since having a global object would
> > never happen in smalltalk, I dont know how to fix it.
> > Jochem, can you pass s on a smalltalk object of a different class without a
> > problem? I noticed that i cannot transfer the socket to the SocketClient.
> > Maybe I am doing something wrong.
> > thanks for your help by the way..


Sincerely yours, 
     Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis