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Dennis Schetinin
Hello All!

I've sent a message here earlier, but nobody replied. To be sure
nobody is going (for some reason) to answer I'll repeat it. :)

I'm trying to automate some tasks concerning navigating through some
specific web resources using MS Internet Explorer. During the
execution a site forces to open a new window in browser where I want
to fill some fields and send the form back. The problem is to handle
NewWindow2 event from MS IE so the new window can be controlled from
vw. According to MSDN I can create a new (blank) browser window for it
and return IDispatch interface pointer to it in ppDisp parameter.
(It's displayed as 'a COMVariantValueReference on: nil (VT_DISPATCH)' .)
So, the question is how can I set the value of that parameter to
IDispatch of the browser I've created and return it?

I didn't find neither a clear (for me) explanation in documentations,
nor an example. I tried to guess but witout success. Can anybody help,

Btw, I couldn't set the value of the second parameter to cancel
download either...

Thank you in advance (once again:)!

Dennis Schetinin