npdolphin.dll failed to register

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npdolphin.dll failed to register

sanjay minni-4
When trying to install DolphinIEPlugin.msi
I get the error 1904 the module npdolphin.dll
failed to register HRESULT 2147023739

What is to be Done
When is it relevant
(Pl. bear I am totally new to Dolphin & ST)

  Sanjay Minni                               [hidden email]

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Re: npdolphin.dll failed to register

sanjay minni-4
Can I please have some indications on this error
also what is to be done with the .msm files in the download area,
how is it to be installed / or when is it required
(msvcirt.msm, msvcrt.msm, PluginRuntime.msm,

Sanjay Minni

"Sanjay Minni" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:93755v$r11$[hidden email]...

> When trying to install DolphinIEPlugin.msi
> I get the error 1904 the module npdolphin.dll
> failed to register HRESULT 2147023739
> What is to be Done
> When is it relevant
> (Pl. bear I am totally new to Dolphin & ST)
> Regards
> ---
>   Sanjay Minni                               [hidden email]
> ---

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Re: npdolphin.dll failed to register

Chris Double-2
"Sanjay Minni" <[hidden email]> writes:

> also what is to be done with the .msm files in the download area,
> how is it to be installed / or when is it required (msvcirt.msm,
> msvcrt.msm, PluginRuntime.msm, DolphinSmalltalkRuntime)

You use them when you want to create an installation program using the
Windows Installer. The .msm are merge files that you add to your
installer to automatically add support for installing and registering
the Dolphin runtime files. I've used them with Microsoft Visual
Installer (Free for users of VC 6,etc) and they work fine.


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Re: npdolphin.dll failed to register

Andy Bower
In reply to this post by sanjay minni-4

> When trying to install DolphinIEPlugin.msi
> I get the error 1904 the module npdolphin.dll
> failed to register HRESULT 2147023739
> What is to be Done
> When is it relevant
> (Pl. bear I am totally new to Dolphin & ST)

The Dolphin plugin resides in a DLL, NPDolphin.DLL. Within this are several
COM objects and these must be registered on the local machine to include
details about the interfaces available in the system registry. This
registration process normally takes place automatically during installation
but sometimes, for a variety of reasons, it may fail. The usual cause for
failure is when trying to install on an older version of Windows, or at
least one that does not have all the latest DLLs. It is also possible to
manually register the plug-in after the installation process has finished so
I suggest you do the following:

1) Check you have the minimum system requirements for Dolphin. You need
Win9x,ME,NT4 SP3, 2000 with Internet Explorer 4 or later. My suggestion
would be to install IE5.5 since you'll get a lot of the latest DLLs that

2) Try the plug-in installation a second time after rebooting the machine.
The plug-in makes use of the MS C Runtime library DLL (MSVCRT, MSVCIRT) and
requires that these are at version 6 or later. The setup file includes the
appropriate versions of these DLLs but sometimes the old ones are in use and
cannot be replaced at the time of installation so the registration process
fails. After a reboot the new DLLs are loaded so a subsequent attempt at
installation should be able to register the plug-in.

3) If this doesn't work try registering NPDolphin manually. Open a command
prompt and change to the directory where NPDolphin has been installed. Then

regsvr32 npdolphin.dll

This will tell you if it succeeds. You may have find regsvr32.exe on your
machine (I think it is normally in Windows\System).

4) If this doesn't work we need to find out what is preventing NPDolphin
from loading. A good way to do this is to use a utility called DEPENDS.EXE.
This will tell you if there are any prerequisite DLLs missing from your
system. If you don't already have the dependency walker utility then you can
download it at:

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

Visit the Dolphin Smalltalk WikiWeb

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Re: npdolphin.dll failed to register

sanjay minni-4
manually registering thru regsvr32 failed
using depends.exe it shows
  not found MSVCP60.DLL
can you pl. chk if I have done anything wrong

I am trying to fix it by downloading the VC6REDISTSETUP_ENU.EXE
hope it works
  Sanjay Minni                               [hidden email]

"Andy Bower" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:93mi8r$ak7i5$[hidden email]...

> Sanjay,
> > When trying to install DolphinIEPlugin.msi
> > I get the error 1904 the module npdolphin.dll
> > failed to register HRESULT 2147023739
> >
> > What is to be Done
> > When is it relevant
> > (Pl. bear I am totally new to Dolphin & ST)
> The Dolphin plugin resides in a DLL, NPDolphin.DLL. Within this are
> COM objects and these must be registered on the local machine to include
> details about the interfaces available in the system registry. This
> registration process normally takes place automatically during
> but sometimes, for a variety of reasons, it may fail. The usual cause for
> failure is when trying to install on an older version of Windows, or at
> least one that does not have all the latest DLLs. It is also possible to
> manually register the plug-in after the installation process has finished
> I suggest you do the following:
> 1) Check you have the minimum system requirements for Dolphin. You need
> Win9x,ME,NT4 SP3, 2000 with Internet Explorer 4 or later. My suggestion
> would be to install IE5.5 since you'll get a lot of the latest DLLs that
> way.
> 2) Try the plug-in installation a second time after rebooting the machine.
> The plug-in makes use of the MS C Runtime library DLL (MSVCRT, MSVCIRT)
> requires that these are at version 6 or later. The setup file includes the
> appropriate versions of these DLLs but sometimes the old ones are in use
> cannot be replaced at the time of installation so the registration process
> fails. After a reboot the new DLLs are loaded so a subsequent attempt at
> installation should be able to register the plug-in.
> 3) If this doesn't work try registering NPDolphin manually. Open a command
> prompt and change to the directory where NPDolphin has been installed.
> run:
> regsvr32 npdolphin.dll
> This will tell you if it succeeds. You may have find regsvr32.exe on your
> machine (I think it is normally in Windows\System).
> 4) If this doesn't work we need to find out what is preventing NPDolphin
> from loading. A good way to do this is to use a utility called
> This will tell you if there are any prerequisite DLLs missing from your
> system. If you don't already have the dependency walker utility then you

> download it at:
> Best Regards,
> Andy Bower
> Dolphin Support
> ---
> Visit the Dolphin Smalltalk WikiWeb
> ---

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Re: npdolphin.dll failed to register

sanjay minni-4
In reply to this post by Andy Bower
Also I am using win98 IE 5.5 sp1
and I did the installation on a freshly installed machine
after re-downloading dolphin following your note on change of reg. key

Although I do not recall correctly, i did not run into when I tried to
the first time with the original dolphin d/l. but that could be because
msvcp60.dll could be hanging around in my system

  Sanjay Minni                               [hidden email]

> 1) Check you have the minimum system requirements for Dolphin. You need
> Win9x,ME,NT4 SP3, 2000 with Internet Explorer 4 or later. My suggestion
> would be to install IE5.5 since you'll get a lot of the latest DLLs that
> way.

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Re: npdolphin.dll failed to register

sanjay minni-4
In reply to this post by Andy Bower
Downloaded VCredistsetup_enu.exe, installed and then re-installed
dolphinieplugin. It installed

Thanks and regards

> 4) If this doesn't work we need to find out what is preventing NPDolphin
> from loading. A good way to do this is to use a utility called
> This will tell you if there are any prerequisite DLLs missing from your
> system. If you don't already have the dependency walker utility then you

> download it at:
> Best Regards,
> Andy Bower
> Dolphin Support
> ---
> Visit the Dolphin Smalltalk WikiWeb
> ---