onClick notifications for check box or multiSelect

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onClick notifications for check box or multiSelect

James T. Savidge-2

Despite trying to follow the suggestions I have seen in the discussions and in
the documentation, I can’t seem to get onClick notifications to work on
checkbox(s) or multiSelect.

My goal is to present the user with a list of selections, and when they click
on one of the items in the list, I want to refresh a secondary list with data
that is related to selection they made in the first list.

Attached is a file out for my attempt to get onClick to work on a checkbox by
modifying the WACounter example.

My testing have been in VisualWorks 7.7.1 + Seaside 3.0 - 7, and also in
WebVelocity 1.1. I’ve tried this in Firefox 3.x, 4.x, and Internet Explorer 8.

Here is the method that is included in the attached file-out:

WACounter>>renderContentOn: html
    html form: [
        html heading: count.
        html anchor
            callback: [ self increase ];
            with: '++'.
        html space.
        html anchor
            callback: [ self decrease ];
            with: '--'.
        html checkbox
            with: 'Checkbox test';
            onChange: ( html jQuery ajax serializeThisWithHidden );
            onClick: ( html jQuery ajax callback: [ :selection | Transcript
show: 'checkbox onClick hit.'. ] );
            callback: [ :selection | Transcript show: 'checkbox callback hit.'. ].

Am I missing something?

James T. Savidge, [[hidden email]], Monday, May 9, 2011

“Don’t worry Bob. Here’s what to do. ... Raise the Exception, walkback, and
nobody gets hurt.”

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Re: onClick notifications for check box or multiSelect

Lukas Renggli
#with: has to be last in the cascade. Always. Slime can detect this problem.

Also there seems to be something wrong with the callbacks. You have
two independent AJAX requests. I don't think you need the #onClick:
one. There is a functional form test/example that demonstrates all the
form elements.


On Tuesday, 10 May 2011,  <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Greetings,
> Despite trying to follow the suggestions I have seen in the discussions and in
> the documentation, I can’t seem to get onClick notifications to work on
> checkbox(s) or multiSelect.
> My goal is to present the user with a list of selections, and when they click
> on one of the items in the list, I want to refresh a secondary list with data
> that is related to selection they made in the first list.
> Attached is a file out for my attempt to get onClick to work on a checkbox by
> modifying the WACounter example.
> My testing have been in VisualWorks 7.7.1 + Seaside 3.0 - 7, and also in
> WebVelocity 1.1. I’ve tried this in Firefox 3.x, 4.x, and Internet Explorer 8.
> Here is the method that is included in the attached file-out:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> WACounter>>renderContentOn: html
>     html form: [
>         html heading: count.
>         html anchor
>             callback: [ self increase ];
>             with: '++'.
>         html space.
>         html anchor
>             callback: [ self decrease ];
>             with: '--'.
>         html checkbox
>             with: 'Checkbox test';
>             onChange: ( html jQuery ajax serializeThisWithHidden );
>             onClick: ( html jQuery ajax callback: [ :selection | Transcript
> show: 'checkbox onClick hit.'. ] );
>             callback: [ :selection | Transcript show: 'checkbox callback hit.'. ].
>     ].
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Am I missing something?
> James T. Savidge, [[hidden email]], Monday, May 9, 2011
> --
> “Don’t worry Bob. Here’s what to do. ... Raise the Exception, walkback, and
> nobody gets hurt.”
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: onClick notifications for check box or multiSelect

James T. Savidge-2
In reply to this post by James T. Savidge-2
Greetings Lukas,

On 5/10/11 11:47 AM, Lukas Renggli wrote:
> #with: has to be last in the cascade. Always. Slime can detect this problem.
> Also there seems to be something wrong with the callbacks. You have
> two independent AJAX requests. I don't think you need the #onClick:
> one.

I moved the >>with: to the end of the cascade, and I removed the >>onClick:,
but that didn’t seem to make a difference. The Transcript printing in my
callback: was never executed.

> There is a functional form test/example that demonstrates all the
> form elements.

I had been looking at examples before I got to this point, but I must not be
looking at the correct ones. Are you referring to any of the following, or are
there other examples that you would suggest?




James T. Savidge, [[hidden email]], Tuesday, May 10, 2011

“Don’t worry Bob. Here’s what to do. ... Raise the Exception, walkback, and
nobody gets hurt.”

> HTH,
> Lukas
> On Tuesday, 10 May 2011,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Despite trying to follow the suggestions I have seen in the discussions and in
>> the documentation, I can’t seem to get onClick notifications to work on
>> checkbox(s) or multiSelect.
>> My goal is to present the user with a list of selections, and when they click
>> on one of the items in the list, I want to refresh a secondary list with data
>> that is related to selection they made in the first list.
>> Attached is a file out for my attempt to get onClick to work on a checkbox by
>> modifying the WACounter example.
>> My testing have been in VisualWorks 7.7.1 + Seaside 3.0 - 7, and also in
>> WebVelocity 1.1. I’ve tried this in Firefox 3.x, 4.x, and Internet Explorer 8.
>> Here is the method that is included in the attached file-out:
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> WACounter>>renderContentOn: html
>>     html form: [
>>         html heading: count.
>>         html anchor
>>             callback: [ self increase ];
>>             with: '++'.
>>         html space.
>>         html anchor
>>             callback: [ self decrease ];
>>             with: '--'.
>>         html checkbox
>>             with: 'Checkbox test';
>>             onChange: ( html jQuery ajax serializeThisWithHidden );
>>             onClick: ( html jQuery ajax callback: [ :selection | Transcript
>> show: 'checkbox onClick hit.'. ] );
>>             callback: [ :selection | Transcript show: 'checkbox callback
hit.'. ].

>>     ].
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Am I missing something?
>> James T. Savidge, [[hidden email]], Monday, May 9, 2011
>> --
>> “Don’t worry Bob. Here’s what to do. ... Raise the Exception, walkback, and
>> nobody gets hurt.”
>> _______________________________________________
>> seaside mailing list
>> [hidden email]
>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

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Re: onClick notifications for check box or multiSelect

Lukas Renggli
>> There is a functional form test/example that demonstrates all the
>> form elements.
> I had been looking at examples before I got to this point, but I must not be
> looking at the correct ones. Are you referring to any of the following, or are
> there other examples that you would suggest?
> JQFormFunctionalTest>>renderCheckBoxOn:
> JQFormFunctionalTest>>renderMultiSelectListOn:

Yes, these ones. Did you check with FireBug if you get any Javascript errors?


Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: onClick notifications for check box or multiSelect

In reply to this post by James T. Savidge-2
Hi James,

Am I missing something?

Have you added the JQuery library? For basic JQuery interaction you need to ensure you've added either JQDevelopmentLibrary, JQDeploymentLibrary or JQGoogleLibrary, see: http://book.seaside.st/book/web-20/jquery/getting-readyhttp://book.seaside.st/book/web-20/comet/counter-explained


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Re: onClick notifications for check box or multiSelect

Paul DeBruicker
In reply to this post by James T. Savidge-2
On 05/10/2011 09:24 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> On Tuesday, 10 May 2011, <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> >  Greetings,
>> >
>> >  Despite trying to follow the suggestions I have seen in the discussions and in
>> >  the documentation, I can’t seem to get onClick notifications to work on
>> >  checkbox(s) or multiSelect.
>> >
>> >  My goal is to present the user with a list of selections, and when they click
>> >  on one of the items in the list, I want to refresh a secondary list with data
>> >  that is related to selection they made in the first list.

Something similar to what I wrote below is what has worked for me in the
past using Pharo/Gemstone & Seaside 3.  When using checkboxes you
probably want onClick rather than onChange because IE does not register
the change until the checkbox loses focus. I haven't tried a
multiselect.  And there is likely a better/cleaner way to do this.

|id |

html checkbox
        id: (id := html nextId);
        value: cbox;
                ((html jQuery ajax)
                        script: [ :s | s << (s jQuery id: 'target-div') load: [ :h | self
renderTarget: h ] ]);
        callback: [ :value | cbox:=value ].

html label
        for: id;
        with: 'checkbox test'.
html div
        with:[self renderTarget: html].

renderTarget: html
  cbox ifTrue:[html render:'Box is checked'] ifFalse:[html render:'Box
is not checked']

If you want to test the above you'd need an ivar in your component named
#cbox.  Also I'm not sure about this but I thought that if you use
labels rather than the trailing #with: your user can click the entire
label to trigger the change in the check box.

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