I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm missing some extra functionality but
I am playing about with a console app where the work is done inside a forked
repeat loop (with sleep). It all works as expected until I close the
command window down.
If I terminate the app with Ctrl-Break or Ctrl-C then the app terminates
(after passing through my #onExit override) and the command window closes.
If I press the command window's close button, or select close from it's file
menu, then the Dolphin app closes, #onExit is visited, but the command
window itself doesn't close. There is the 5 second pause and the "Windows
cannot end this program ..." prompt appears.
Looking through the code it appears that the other responses to console
control messages, via SessionManager>>onConsoleCtrl:, all end by deferring a
Dolphin #quit. The response to CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT is handled differently and
routed via a #onCloseConsole to, I assume, allow applications to close down
gracefully, but the #exit is then performed using an immediate message send,
not deferred.
If I change ConsoleSessionManager>>onCloseConsole from
self quit: -1
self inputState postQuit: -1
then all works as I would, possibly erroneously, expect it to.
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