one for the bug bin :)

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one for the bug bin :)

Unless it has allready been reported.

Ok, saving package fails when following conditions are met:

- package contains layout manager
- package contains presenter that has attached view that uses above
mentioned layout manager
- you add an instance variable to the layoutmanager

it walksback while checking some dependencies prior to save, and doing some
STB-ing (which in turn probably bangs because instance layout of the layout
manager has changed for the new var)


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Re: one for the bug bin :)

Bill Schwab-2

> Unless it has allready been reported.
> Ok, saving package fails when following conditions are met:
> - package contains layout manager
> - package contains presenter that has attached view that uses above
> mentioned layout manager
> - you add an instance variable to the layoutmanager
> it walksback while checking some dependencies prior to save, and doing
> STB-ing (which in turn probably bangs because instance layout of the
> manager has changed for the new var)

If I'm following you, I think the correct fix is for you add a versioning
method to the layout manager class.  It sounds like Dolphin is doing what it
should do, though one might argue that it should provide a friendly error
message re inconsistent STB versions instead of a walkback.  Either way, I
don't think you want it to save the package (which will likely not reload)
under the circumstances you describe.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: one for the bug bin :)

> If I'm following you, I think the correct fix is for you add a versioning
> method to the layout manager class.  It sounds like Dolphin is doing what
> should do, though one might argue that it should provide a friendly error
> message re inconsistent STB versions instead of a walkback.  Either way, I
> don't think you want it to save the package (which will likely not reload)
> under the circumstances you describe.

Thanks Bill!

what I did is that I removed layout manager from the view, added it again,
and package saved ok. It was not hard, but it was hard to figure out why in
the world package is now not saveing :).

I think Dolphin should be able to track things like that, and if nothing
else give proper warning when you are about to shoot yourself in the foot.
For instance views could observe classes they contain stb-ed, and change-ing
layut of some of them would pop-up a warning, or even better perform needed
transformations. I know that it has been discussed many times, but it should
be very difficult to produce unsaveable or unloadable packages, and when
after all precausions this fails messages should be understandable, and
point as much as possible towards the real cause of the problem.
