open spec window to handle exception and pause execution

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open spec window to handle exception and pause execution

Paul DeBruicker
Hi -

I have a subclass of ComposablePresenter (lets call it MyPresenter) that seems to work how I want.  When doing some processing I'd like to open MyPresenter  when an exception occurs and pass it the exception e.g.

[ [self testCondition] whileTrue:[ self doSomeStuff] ]
on: MyNotification
do:[:ex | self openMyPresenterWith: ex]

But that just results in lots of MyPresenter windows opening while the execution of the #whileTrue: loop runs its course.  

How do I pause the loop so I can use the MyPresenter window to modify and fix the condition that raised the MyNotification?  

The MyPresenter window just edits the contents of a couple Dictionaries so isn't too tricky but it isn't really as easy to do in a debugger as it is clicking a radio button and a "do it" button.  

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Re: open spec window to handle exception and pause execution

Richard Sargent
Paul, I'm going by memory and not Pharo specific.

I believe the default handling of the end of the exception block is implicitly equivalent to ex return: nil.

So, to get further handling of the exception, you need to #pass it or otherwise resignal it. Then the development environment will catch and handle the unhandled exception.

On Wed, Nov 20, 2019, 20:53 PAUL DEBRUICKER <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi -

I have a subclass of ComposablePresenter (lets call it MyPresenter) that seems to work how I want.  When doing some processing I'd like to open MyPresenter  when an exception occurs and pass it the exception e.g.

[ [self testCondition] whileTrue:[ self doSomeStuff] ]
on: MyNotification
do:[:ex | self openMyPresenterWith: ex]

But that just results in lots of MyPresenter windows opening while the execution of the #whileTrue: loop runs its course. 

How do I pause the loop so I can use the MyPresenter window to modify and fix the condition that raised the MyNotification? 

The MyPresenter window just edits the contents of a couple Dictionaries so isn't too tricky but it isn't really as easy to do in a debugger as it is clicking a radio button and a "do it" button. 

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Re: open spec window to handle exception and pause execution

Paul DeBruicker
Thanks Richard. That helped me figure it out.  I ended up doing:

[ [self testCondition] whileTrue:[ self doSomeStuff] ]
  on: MyNotification
  do:[:ex | |presenter |
       presenter:=MyPresenter forException: ex .
       presenter openWithSpec.
       Smalltalk ui theme runModal: presenter window]

Which does what I want

Richard Sargent wrote

> Paul, I'm going by memory and not Pharo specific.
> I believe the default handling of the end of the exception block is
> implicitly equivalent to ex return: nil.
> So, to get further handling of the exception, you need to #pass it or
> otherwise resignal it. Then the development environment will catch and
> handle the unhandled exception.
> On Wed, Nov 20, 2019, 20:53 PAUL DEBRUICKER &lt;

> pdebruic@

> &gt; wrote:
>> Hi -
>> I have a subclass of ComposablePresenter (lets call it MyPresenter) that
>> seems to work how I want.  When doing some processing I'd like to open
>> MyPresenter  when an exception occurs and pass it the exception e.g.
>> [ [self testCondition] whileTrue:[ self doSomeStuff] ]
>> on: MyNotification
>> do:[:ex | self openMyPresenterWith: ex]
>> But that just results in lots of MyPresenter windows opening while the
>> execution of the #whileTrue: loop runs its course.
>> How do I pause the loop so I can use the MyPresenter window to modify and
>> fix the condition that raised the MyNotification?
>> The MyPresenter window just edits the contents of a couple Dictionaries
>> so
>> isn't too tricky but it isn't really as easy to do in a debugger as it is
>> clicking a radio button and a "do it" button.
>> Thanks

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