Some of you have an interest in visualizing graphs on top of open street maps.
Together with Hilaire we made a small example:
| v map data b d whiteBackground london elementsAndEdges |
v := RTView new.
v @ RTDraggableView.
map := RTOSM new.
v add: map element.
"Place to set the data and center the camera"
london := 51.507222@ -0.1275.
"Some arbitrary data"
data := ((1 to: 500) collect: [ :i | 50 atRandom - 25 ]) cumsum.
"We build the graph"
b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 100@30.
d := RTData new.
d noDot.
d connectColor: Color red.
d points: data.
b add: d.
b axisY
labelFontHeight: 6;
color: Color red;
title: 'Sale'.
b axisX color: Color red; noTick; title: 'country'.
b build.
elementsAndEdges := b view elements, b view edges.
"We create a white background"
whiteBackground := (RTRoundedBox new color: Color white trans; borderRadius: 10) element.
v add: whiteBackground.
v addAll: elementsAndEdges.
RTNest new on: whiteBackground nest: elementsAndEdges.
whiteBackground translateTo: (map latLonToRoassal: london).
v canvas camera translateTo: (map latLonToRoassal: london).
v canvas camera noInitializationWhenOpen.
v canvas camera scale: 1.5.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu