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openssl packaged with GS/64

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openssl packaged with GS/64

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
Hi -

I noticed that 3.2.7 is shipping with an updated openssl (1.0.2b) and that openssl is prepping to release a new version Thursday  (https://mta.openssl.org/pipermail/openssl-announce/2015-July/000037.html) which patches a serious vulnerability.  

It is my understanding that because of how the GemStone install scripts set the PATH the version of openssl that ships with GS becomes the de facto version of openssl in use on the system its installed on.  Unless you manually delete the version of openssl that ships with GS.  Is that correct?

If that is correct, is there a better way to do this so that users of GS don't have to delete the version of openssl you ship with the product?

How do others handle this?


Glass mailing list
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Re: openssl packaged with GS/64

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
Hi Paul,

On 7/8/2015 12:11 PM, Paul DeBruicker via Glass wrote:
> Hi -
> I noticed that 3.2.7 is shipping with an updated openssl (1.0.2b) and that openssl is prepping to release a new version Thursday  (https://mta.openssl.org/pipermail/openssl-announce/2015-July/000037.html) which patches a serious vulnerability.
> It is my understanding that because of how the GemStone install scripts set the PATH the version of openssl that ships with GS becomes the de facto version of openssl in use on the system its installed on.  Unless you manually delete the version of openssl that ships with GS.  Is that correct?
Yes that is correct.  GemStone always explicitly loads the SSL libraries
from $GEMSTONE/lib (64 bit or $GEMSTONE/lib32 (32 bit).
> If that is correct, is there a better way to do this so that users of GS don't have to delete the version of openssl you ship with the product?
You are free to compile a newer/different version of the SSL libs and
replace the ones in $GEMSTONE.  We also sometimes will do this for you
and release just the SSL libs.  This is why we designed our usage of SSL
the way we did.  It is obviously impossible to synchronize our product
releases with OpenSSL releases.

We always merge the latest versions of SSL into our source code
repository as soon as SSL is released.  How/when we will formally
release this SSL release is still TBD.
> How do others handle this?
Good question for the community.  I'm not sure.

> Thanks
> Paul
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Re: openssl packaged with GS/64

Paul DeBruicker
1579 posts

Hi Norm,

GLASS mailing list wrote
Hi Paul,

On 7/8/2015 12:11 PM, Paul DeBruicker via Glass wrote:
> Hi -
> I noticed that 3.2.7 is shipping with an updated openssl (1.0.2b) and that openssl is prepping to release a new version Thursday  (https://mta.openssl.org/pipermail/openssl-announce/2015-July/000037.html) which patches a serious vulnerability.
> It is my understanding that because of how the GemStone install scripts set the PATH the version of openssl that ships with GS becomes the de facto version of openssl in use on the system its installed on.  Unless you manually delete the version of openssl that ships with GS.  Is that correct?
Yes that is correct.  GemStone always explicitly loads the SSL libraries
from $GEMSTONE/lib (64 bit or $GEMSTONE/lib32 (32 bit).
My concern is not so much which one GemStone uses but that you override the version of the binary used by the entire rest of the system.  Right now a user installing GemStone 3.2.6 gets openssl 1.0.2a for their entire system. Not just the GemStone parts.   If, prior to installing GemStone, they were using/following the security releases for their OS, would be 1.0.2.c.  

So the GemStone install scripts, when they set the PATH variable, are overriding what the OS provides to offer a version for the whole computer with unpatched, known vulnerabilities.  

Would it be possible to instead have the scripts test for the presence of openssl on the server before installing the shipped version in $GEMSTONE/bin?  

In that way the patched versions of openssl would be available for use independently of the GS version.

check it on a computer with GemStone installed by running:

which openssl

to see which openssl binary is being used and then copying that path and running

/my/path/to/openssl version

to see what version of the binary is being used by things like apache and nginx, etc.  

That seems like dangerous and bad behavior on the part of your installer.  

> If that is correct, is there a better way to do this so that users of GS don't have to delete the version of openssl you ship with the product?
You are free to compile a newer/different version of the SSL libs and
replace the ones in $GEMSTONE.  We also sometimes will do this for you
and release just the SSL libs.  This is why we designed our usage of SSL
the way we did.  It is obviously impossible to synchronize our product
releases with OpenSSL releases.

We always merge the latest versions of SSL into our source code
repository as soon as SSL is released.  How/when we will formally
release this SSL release is still TBD.
> How do others handle this?
Good question for the community.  I'm not sure.

> Thanks
> Paul
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

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Re: openssl packaged with GS/64

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
Hi Paul,

We include $GEMSTONE/bin/openssl only for convenience. Gemstone
doesn't use it so perhaps we should remove it. In any case, I'm not
sure that this openssl binary loads the libs in $GEMSTONE/lib. It
probably loads whatever is in your path, which brings me to my next
point.  Are you saying the installer adds $GEMSTONE/lib to the path?
I don't think it should be if it is.  Only $GEMSTONE/bin should be in
the path.  If it is not in the path, then we are not overriding the
system SSL libs.


Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 8, 2015, at 13:15, Paul DeBruicker via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Norm,
> GLASS mailing list wrote
>> Hi Paul,
>>> On 7/8/2015 12:11 PM, Paul DeBruicker via Glass wrote:
>>> Hi -
>>> I noticed that 3.2.7 is shipping with an updated openssl (1.0.2b) and
>>> that openssl is prepping to release a new version Thursday
>>> (https://mta.openssl.org/pipermail/openssl-announce/2015-July/000037.html)
>>> which patches a serious vulnerability.
>>> It is my understanding that because of how the GemStone install scripts
>>> set the PATH the version of openssl that ships with GS becomes the de
>>> facto version of openssl in use on the system its installed on.  Unless
>>> you manually delete the version of openssl that ships with GS.  Is that
>>> correct?
>> Yes that is correct.  GemStone always explicitly loads the SSL libraries
>> from $GEMSTONE/lib (64 bit or $GEMSTONE/lib32 (32 bit).
> My concern is not so much which one GemStone uses but that you override the
> version of the binary used by the entire rest of the system.  Right now a
> user installing GemStone 3.2.6 gets openssl 1.0.2a for their entire system.
> Not just the GemStone parts.   If, prior to installing GemStone, they were
> using/following the security releases for their OS, would be 1.0.2.c.
> So the GemStone install scripts, when they set the PATH variable, are
> overriding what the OS provides to offer a version for the whole computer
> with unpatched, known vulnerabilities.
> Would it be possible to instead have the scripts test for the presence of
> openssl on the server before installing the shipped version in
> $GEMSTONE/bin?
> In that way the patched versions of openssl would be available for use
> independently of the GS version.
> check it on a computer with GemStone installed by running:
> which openssl
> to see which openssl binary is being used and then copying that path and
> running
> /my/path/to/openssl version
> to see what version of the binary is being used by things like apache and
> nginx, etc.
> That seems like dangerous and bad behavior on the part of your installer.
>>> If that is correct, is there a better way to do this so that users of GS
>>> don't have to delete the version of openssl you ship with the product?
>> You are free to compile a newer/different version of the SSL libs and
>> replace the ones in $GEMSTONE.  We also sometimes will do this for you
>> and release just the SSL libs.  This is why we designed our usage of SSL
>> the way we did.  It is obviously impossible to synchronize our product
>> releases with OpenSSL releases.
>> We always merge the latest versions of SSL into our source code
>> repository as soon as SSL is released.  How/when we will formally
>> release this SSL release is still TBD.
>>> How do others handle this?
>> Good question for the community.  I'm not sure.
>> -Norm
>>> Thanks
>>> Paul
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>>> Glass mailing list
>> Glass@.gemtalksystems
>>> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
>> _______________________________________________
>> Glass mailing list
>> Glass@.gemtalksystems
>> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
> --
> View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/openssl-packaged-with-GS-64-tp4836609p4836630.html
> Sent from the GLASS mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Re: openssl packaged with GS/64

Paul DeBruicker
1579 posts
Hi Norm,

You're right.  You're only overriding the openssl binary for the entire system, for the GemStone user .  Not the libraries.  Which I reckon is not as bad but also not good and you should probably stop shipping the binary and encourage clients to delete it from $GEMSTONE/bin.

Thanks for looking into it
