opportunities for presenting Smalltalk: call for papers open for two interesting conferences

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opportunities for presenting Smalltalk: call for papers open for two interesting conferences

Nowak, Helge
opportunities for presenting Smalltalk: call for papers open for two interesting conferences

Dear Smalltalkers,

there are coming up two conferences in Germany that would be very nice platforms to present Smalltalk with interesting talks as an up-to-date hot technology. While they are held in Germany both of them are interesting for international presenters and audience:

Net.ObjectDays is indeed a framework for a lot of interesting international sub conferences: http://www.netobjectdays.org/en/index.html

these are the call for papers: http://www.netobjectdays.org/en/news/news.html

iX Conference: the well recognised German IT magazine iX (http://www.heise.de/ix/) organises a conference on "Better Software!"

this is the call for papers: http://www.ix-konferenz.de/

I think for both events there is plenty of interesting stuff that we as the Smalltalk Community could present, be it research or new technology or tools or processes ....

Please consider the calls for papers. I am looking forward to as many submissins we can make!


Helge K. Nowak
CINCOM Systems
Technical Account Manager Smalltalk, EMEA Central
phone: +49-(0)89-89664494
fax: +49-(0)89-89664495
mobile: +49-(0)172-7400402
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