pharo development behind an ISA proxy server

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pharo development behind an ISA proxy server

Hi all,

I am glad to see the new release of Pharo. thanks to all people make this happen.

I am developing behind an ISA proxy server at work. this proxy server needs user creditentials to connect through it. in new settings browser comes with pharo 1.1 i found options about proxy host and port but no place for user creditentials.

is there a way to access metacello repositories through a authenticated proxy server?


Zekeriya "zekUs" KOÇ -

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Re: pharo development behind an ISA proxy server

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 2:16 PM, zekUs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

I am glad to see the new release of Pharo. thanks to all people make this happen.

I am developing behind an ISA proxy server at work. this proxy server needs user creditentials to connect through it. in new settings browser comes with pharo 1.1 i found options about proxy host and port but no place for user creditentials.

Hi. It's weird...At some point there were the form to put username and password, but I have just checked and you are right.

Can you try to evaluate something like this:

HTTPSocket useProxyServerNamed: '' port: 9090 proxyUser: 'XXX' password: 'YYY'

You can also read this thread:

Alain any idea?



is there a way to access metacello repositories through a authenticated proxy server?


Zekeriya "zekUs" KOÇ -

Pharo-users mailing list
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Re: pharo development behind an ISA proxy server

i read the thread now.

and i tried to enter username as DOMAIN\ and and domain\ but no one worked.

i evaluated username password above from workspace but no chance.

2010/7/27 Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]>

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 2:16 PM, zekUs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

I am glad to see the new release of Pharo. thanks to all people make this happen.

I am developing behind an ISA proxy server at work. this proxy server needs user creditentials to connect through it. in new settings browser comes with pharo 1.1 i found options about proxy host and port but no place for user creditentials.

Hi. It's weird...At some point there were the form to put username and password, but I have just checked and you are right.

Can you try to evaluate something like this:

HTTPSocket useProxyServerNamed: '' port: 9090 proxyUser: 'XXX' password: 'YYY'

You can also read this thread:

Alain any idea?



is there a way to access metacello repositories through a authenticated proxy server?


Zekeriya "zekUs" KOÇ -

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Zekeriya "zekUs" KOÇ -

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Re: pharo development behind an ISA proxy server

Stéphane Ducasse
this is strange
can you check in squeak?
I saw some code of andreas adding creditentials but when I checked we already got these changes.


On Jul 27, 2010, at 3:35 PM, zekUs wrote:

> i read the thread now.
> and i tried to enter username as DOMAIN\ and and domain\ but no one worked.
> i evaluated username password above from workspace but no chance.
> 2010/7/27 Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]>
> Hi.
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 2:16 PM, zekUs <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am glad to see the new release of Pharo. thanks to all people make this happen.
> :)
> I am developing behind an ISA proxy server at work. this proxy server needs user creditentials to connect through it. in new settings browser comes with pharo 1.1 i found options about proxy host and port but no place for user creditentials.
> Hi. It's weird...At some point there were the form to put username and password, but I have just checked and you are right.
> Can you try to evaluate something like this:
> HTTPSocket useProxyServerNamed: '' port: 9090 proxyUser: 'XXX' password: 'YYY'
> You can also read this thread:
> Alain any idea?
> Cheers
> Mariano
> is there a way to access metacello repositories through a authenticated proxy server?
> thanks.
> --
> Zekeriya "zekUs" KOÇ -
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> --
> Zekeriya "zekUs" KOÇ -
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Re: pharo development behind an ISA proxy server

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
can you open one issue for setting and another one for the creditentials?


On Jul 27, 2010, at 2:26 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

> Hi.
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 2:16 PM, zekUs <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am glad to see the new release of Pharo. thanks to all people make this happen.
> :)
> I am developing behind an ISA proxy server at work. this proxy server needs user creditentials to connect through it. in new settings browser comes with pharo 1.1 i found options about proxy host and port but no place for user creditentials.
> Hi. It's weird...At some point there were the form to put username and password, but I have just checked and you are right.
> Can you try to evaluate something like this:
> HTTPSocket useProxyServerNamed: '' port: 9090 proxyUser: 'XXX' password: 'YYY'
> You can also read this thread:
> Alain any idea?
> Cheers
> Mariano
> is there a way to access metacello repositories through a authenticated proxy server?
> thanks.
> --
> Zekeriya "zekUs" KOÇ -
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