I'm trying to run an application on windows (aggggg), which is a
seaside application, but I'm running it as a "desktop application",
using xulrunner. This is a migration from an application who was
already running, but on squeak (i'm slowly migrating all my squeak
applications to pharo, he).
I have an "Application executer class", called CDIRunner, who
understands #startUp: method. This method is properly registered by
doing Smalltalk addToStartupList: CDIRunner.
This is the problem: if I run
@start Pharo.exe -headless
the #startUp: method is not executed!
(if I run Pharo in usual way, the method is executed normally).
And the question: I would like to hide the pharo try icon... is this
possible without recompile the vm?
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