pier and seaside 3.0

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Re: pier and seaside 3.0

Julian Fitzell-2
No, it's there because I made modifications to it before splitting it into several smaller packages. The versions of Pier-Tests form part of the history of my development but are no longer part of the "current state" of the project (ie. at some point I unloaded Pier-Tests from my image). I don't think it should be removed from the repository because it does form part of the development history, but you definitely shouldn't be loading it (other than possibly to merge changes from the other branch forward, of course).


On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Nick Ager <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Julian,

I'm very confused. I reloaded Pier-Tests-Model manually and it turns out that the correct code was already in place ie s/WAPlatform/GRPlatform & s/seasideString/greaseString/ All I can guess is that Pier-Tests loaded after Pier-Tests-Model even though it's later in my Gofer script. Pier-Tests is in the http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier2 repository. My interpretation of what you say is that either it shouldn't exist or the code in it should be consistent with Pier-Tests-* Can you clarify



2010/1/6 Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]>

You're sort of right on both counts. Monticello will consider the contents of -Tests-Security and -Tests-Model to also be part of -Tests. -Tests is no longer part of the code in the new repositories, though, because it was split into the various smaller packages. You shouldn't need to commit new versions of Pier-Tests to the /pier2 repository. Hopefully you can merge in the newest -Tests from /pier, move any new classes around as necessary and then commit the changes to -Tests-Security and -Tests-Model, etc. You'll need to pay very close attention to the diffs of packages as you are committing though to make sure you haven't lost code or added code that you don't intend (glad to see you're looking at the diffs already! :) ).


On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Nick Ager <[hidden email]> wrote:
I thought I'd try merging these trivial changes (minus cleanupSeaside), but when I checked the changes I was about to check in I noticed that a lot of the methods had changed. My installation script loads the packages in the following order: Pier-Tests, Pier-Tests-Model, Pier-Tests-Security. Here I show my ignorance again. I'm assuming that Pier-Tests should be a "super package" for Pier-Tests-Model and Pier-Test-Security, however it seems that there's a significant difference between the packages. I'm assuming that Pier-Tests-Model and Pier-Tests_Security supersedes Pier-Tests as the date stamps are later (September vs November). In which case I should check my changes into Pier-Tests-Model and then check in Pier-Tests so that the packages are again consistent. Does that make sense?


2010/1/6 Nick Ager <[hidden email]>
While I'm stuck with the merge errors I had a look at the load errors:

PRCommandTest>>testTime (WAPlatform is Undeclared) 

PRCommandTest>>testTimestamp (WAPlatform is Undeclared)

PRCommandTest>>testDate (WAPlatform is Undeclared) 

PRPersistencyTest>>testMutexForked (WAPlatform is Undeclared) 

PRSegmentPersistency>>cleanupSeaside (WAEntryPoint is Undeclared) 

They were easy to fix simply by changing WAPlatform to GRPlatform. 

However I'm uncertain how to changethe code in PRSegmentPersistency>>cleanupSeaside:

"Clear all the entry points that reference other entry points, state and continuations by overriding them with a blank version. Do not try to call #clearAllHandlers because this spawns a new process. Also dump the default dispatcher just to be sure."

WAEntryPoint allSubInstances
do: [ :entry | entry copyFrom: entry class basicNew ].
WADispatcher instVarNamed: 'default' put: nil

My best guess is to replace the code with the call:
WARegistry clearAll

marks out out 10?

2010/1/6 Nick Ager <[hidden email]>

I've created a fresh seaside3.0a5 image, loaded Magritte and Pier into it and I've failed at the first merge hurdle. I'm starting with Magritte-Model and when I try merging from 'http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte' I get the error:

'Could not find version ''Magritte-Model-lr.358''. Maybe you need to add a repository?'

any thoughts on my beginners error?

Thanks Nick

2010/1/6 Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]>

> I'm happy to have a go bringing the Pier 3.0 repository upto the latest 2.8
> codebase, but I'll need support. For example I'm not sure how to diff code
> from two different repositories in Pharo..., plus my knowledge of Pier is
> still rudimentary - but I guess I've got to start somewhere... Would it be a
> horrendous undertaking??

The process is simple: You load the latest Magritte/Pier 3.0 code into
your image, then you add the old Magritte and Pier repositories using
the "+Repository" button, open the repository browser on that
repository, select the latest version of each package (e.g.
Magritte-Core) and click on "Merge".

Normally merging should be really easy, but I don't know how much
Magritte and Pier changed from the previous version. Also the merging
does not work if the packages got renamed.


Lukas Renggli

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Re: pier and seaside 3.0

In reply to this post by Lukas Renggli
Suddenly it seems to work. I looked at a merge on the common ancestor then gradually worked forward in time and found merge to be working on the most recent version, which previously produced the error I mentioned. Very odd, but happy I can make progress, though still a little mystified...

2010/1/7 Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]>
That version is in http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte and is
needed to merge because it is a common ancestor of the two version you
are merging. Are you sure that Magritte-Model has
http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte as a repository added?


2010/1/7 Nick Ager <[hidden email]>:
> Any ideas on why I get the following error message when I press merge from
> the original pier repository: 'Could not find version
> ''Magritte-Model-lr.358''. Maybe you need to add a repository?'
> However the changes button works as I'd expect.
> 2010/1/6 Nick Ager <[hidden email]>
>> I've created a fresh seaside3.0a5 image, loaded Magritte and Pier into it
>> and I've failed at the first merge hurdle. I'm starting with Magritte-Model
>> and when I try merging from 'http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte' I get
>> the error:
>> 'Could not find version ''Magritte-Model-lr.358''. Maybe you need to add a
>> repository?'
>> any thoughts on my beginners error?
>> Thanks Nick
>> 2010/1/6 Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]>
>>> > I'm happy to have a go bringing the Pier 3.0 repository upto the latest
>>> > 2.8
>>> > codebase, but I'll need support. For example I'm not sure how to diff
>>> > code
>>> > from two different repositories in Pharo..., plus my knowledge of Pier
>>> > is
>>> > still rudimentary - but I guess I've got to start somewhere... Would it
>>> > be a
>>> > horrendous undertaking??
>>> The process is simple: You load the latest Magritte/Pier 3.0 code into
>>> your image, then you add the old Magritte and Pier repositories using
>>> the "+Repository" button, open the repository browser on that
>>> repository, select the latest version of each package (e.g.
>>> Magritte-Core) and click on "Merge".
>>> Normally merging should be really easy, but I don't know how much
>>> Magritte and Pier changed from the previous version. Also the merging
>>> does not work if the packages got renamed.
>>> Lukas
>>> --
>>> Lukas Renggli
>>> http://www.lukas-renggli.ch
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
>>> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
> _______________________________________________
> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki

Lukas Renggli

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Re: pier and seaside 3.0

In reply to this post by Julian Fitzell-2
OK - I'll ignore Pier-Tests and focus on Pier-Tests-* instead. Thanks for patiently answering my beginner's questions.

2010/1/7 Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]>
No, it's there because I made modifications to it before splitting it into several smaller packages. The versions of Pier-Tests form part of the history of my development but are no longer part of the "current state" of the project (ie. at some point I unloaded Pier-Tests from my image). I don't think it should be removed from the repository because it does form part of the development history, but you definitely shouldn't be loading it (other than possibly to merge changes from the other branch forward, of course).


On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Nick Ager <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Julian,

I'm very confused. I reloaded Pier-Tests-Model manually and it turns out that the correct code was already in place ie s/WAPlatform/GRPlatform & s/seasideString/greaseString/ All I can guess is that Pier-Tests loaded after Pier-Tests-Model even though it's later in my Gofer script. Pier-Tests is in the http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier2 repository. My interpretation of what you say is that either it shouldn't exist or the code in it should be consistent with Pier-Tests-* Can you clarify



2010/1/6 Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]>

You're sort of right on both counts. Monticello will consider the contents of -Tests-Security and -Tests-Model to also be part of -Tests. -Tests is no longer part of the code in the new repositories, though, because it was split into the various smaller packages. You shouldn't need to commit new versions of Pier-Tests to the /pier2 repository. Hopefully you can merge in the newest -Tests from /pier, move any new classes around as necessary and then commit the changes to -Tests-Security and -Tests-Model, etc. You'll need to pay very close attention to the diffs of packages as you are committing though to make sure you haven't lost code or added code that you don't intend (glad to see you're looking at the diffs already! :) ).


On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Nick Ager <[hidden email]> wrote:
I thought I'd try merging these trivial changes (minus cleanupSeaside), but when I checked the changes I was about to check in I noticed that a lot of the methods had changed. My installation script loads the packages in the following order: Pier-Tests, Pier-Tests-Model, Pier-Tests-Security. Here I show my ignorance again. I'm assuming that Pier-Tests should be a "super package" for Pier-Tests-Model and Pier-Test-Security, however it seems that there's a significant difference between the packages. I'm assuming that Pier-Tests-Model and Pier-Tests_Security supersedes Pier-Tests as the date stamps are later (September vs November). In which case I should check my changes into Pier-Tests-Model and then check in Pier-Tests so that the packages are again consistent. Does that make sense?


2010/1/6 Nick Ager <[hidden email]>
While I'm stuck with the merge errors I had a look at the load errors:

PRCommandTest>>testTime (WAPlatform is Undeclared) 

PRCommandTest>>testTimestamp (WAPlatform is Undeclared)

PRCommandTest>>testDate (WAPlatform is Undeclared) 

PRPersistencyTest>>testMutexForked (WAPlatform is Undeclared) 

PRSegmentPersistency>>cleanupSeaside (WAEntryPoint is Undeclared) 

They were easy to fix simply by changing WAPlatform to GRPlatform. 

However I'm uncertain how to changethe code in PRSegmentPersistency>>cleanupSeaside:

"Clear all the entry points that reference other entry points, state and continuations by overriding them with a blank version. Do not try to call #clearAllHandlers because this spawns a new process. Also dump the default dispatcher just to be sure."

WAEntryPoint allSubInstances
do: [ :entry | entry copyFrom: entry class basicNew ].
WADispatcher instVarNamed: 'default' put: nil

My best guess is to replace the code with the call:
WARegistry clearAll

marks out out 10?

2010/1/6 Nick Ager <[hidden email]>

I've created a fresh seaside3.0a5 image, loaded Magritte and Pier into it and I've failed at the first merge hurdle. I'm starting with Magritte-Model and when I try merging from 'http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte' I get the error:

'Could not find version ''Magritte-Model-lr.358''. Maybe you need to add a repository?'

any thoughts on my beginners error?

Thanks Nick

2010/1/6 Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]>

> I'm happy to have a go bringing the Pier 3.0 repository upto the latest 2.8
> codebase, but I'll need support. For example I'm not sure how to diff code
> from two different repositories in Pharo..., plus my knowledge of Pier is
> still rudimentary - but I guess I've got to start somewhere... Would it be a
> horrendous undertaking??

The process is simple: You load the latest Magritte/Pier 3.0 code into
your image, then you add the old Magritte and Pier repositories using
the "+Repository" button, open the repository browser on that
repository, select the latest version of each package (e.g.
Magritte-Core) and click on "Merge".

Normally merging should be really easy, but I don't know how much
Magritte and Pier changed from the previous version. Also the merging
does not work if the packages got renamed.


Lukas Renggli

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