plan for 1.1

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plan for 1.1

Torsten Bergmann
Mariano wrote:
>So...if you take a Core 11367 and load the metacellol version, it will
>work perfect.

But wouldn't that mean we should have a "1.1-beta1.11367" in the config?

>That's not broken.

Yes, the '1.1-beta1.10517' still works with the core 11367 image.

But if you update it to a Core 11372 first and then use
the ConfigurationOfPharo (1.1-beta1.10517) it is broken.

>How can you assure that for any core version the same metacello version can
>work on it?  That's impossible.

Yes. So the question is which core image is the base for Pharo 1.1.
(10517, 11367, ...)?

I would do:
 - a feature freeze for the core or pick a stable core
   so we have a stable 1.1 base to build the dev-image upon
 - adopt the config and loaded packages until they work on this core
 - test, test, test

>I can update it, but if noone fixes Nile...

I think the Nile problem is related to the traits problem introduced
between core 11367 and core 11372. Since Stef already found the
problem I asked if we get a fix in an upcoming 11373 so
building the dev-image may work again.

So currently we dont have a broken configuration but a broken core.


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Re: plan for 1.1

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
Mariano wrote:
>So...if you take a Core 11367 and load the metacellol version, it will
>work perfect.

But wouldn't that mean we should have a "1.1-beta1.11367" in the config?

Yes, sorry about that, I have just noticed the confusion: I put the correct name to the method version, but wrong pragma (because of copy paste).

That  pragma should have been 1.1-beta1.11367 instead of 1.1-beta1.10517

>That's not broken.

Yes, the '1.1-beta1.10517' still works with the core 11367 image.

Ok, this what is important, and what I want to achieve.
But if you update it to a Core 11372 first and then use
the ConfigurationOfPharo (1.1-beta1.10517) it is broken.

Of course it is. How do you pretend that the same version of external packages work perfectly with changes in the core?

>How can you assure that for any core version the same metacello version can
>work on it?  That's impossible.

Yes. So the question is which core image is the base for Pharo 1.1.
(10517, 11367, ...)?

Depending. For Pharo beta 1 it was 11367. For Pharo beta2 we don't know yet, neither for rc or final.

I would do:
 - a feature freeze for the core or pick a stable core
  so we have a stable 1.1 base to build the dev-image upon
 - adopt the config and loaded packages until they work on this core
 - test, test, test

>I can update it, but if noone fixes Nile...

I think the Nile problem is related to the traits problem introduced
between core 11367 and core 11372. Since Stef already found the
problem I asked if we get a fix in an upcoming 11373 so
building the dev-image may work again.

Maybe it works. Maybe it doesn't. Just suppose in that new core version, some method or class where renamed or removed. What happen with external packages?
So currently we dont have a broken configuration but a broken core.

It is not broken. It is just a bug.


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