plan for 1.1

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plan for 1.1

Torsten Bergmann
Interesting, in an 11371 AND the new 11373 core image

this works:
Gofer new
        squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfNile';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfNile) project version: '1.1') load

but this

Gofer new
        squeaksource: 'MetaSource';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfMetaSource';

(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMetaSource) load

=> which indirectly loads ConfigurationOfPharo
=> which indirectly uses 1.1 of ConfigurationOfNile
=> which crashes while loading Nile with the stack below.

If you use older 11367 core image it works without any problem.


NSAbstractInflateStream(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #huffmanTableFrom:mappedBy:
        Receiver: a NSAbstractInflateStream
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aMessage: huffmanTableFrom: #(8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8...etc...
                exception: MessageNotUnderstood: NSAbstractInflateStream>>huffmanTableFrom:mapp...etc...
                resumeValue: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                state: nil
                bitBuf: nil
                bitPos: nil
                source: nil
                sourcePos: nil
                sourceLimit: nil
                litTable: nil
                distTable: nil
                sourceStream: nil
                crc: nil
                position: nil
                readLimit: nil
                collection: nil

NSAbstractInflateStream class>>initialize
        Receiver: NSAbstractInflateStream
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                low: #(1 2 3 4 5 7 9 13 17 25 33 49 65 97 129 193 257 385 513 769 1025 1537 204...etc...
                high: #(0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13)
                i: 258
                i: 30
                i: 31
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: Object
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#atEnd->(NSAbstractInflateStream>>#atEnd "a Comp...etc...
                format: 156
                instanceVariables: #('state' 'bitBuf' 'bitPos' 'source' 'sourcePos' 'sourceLimi...etc...
                organization: ('testing' atEnd)
('requirements' bitBuf bitBuf: bitBuff bitBuff:...etc...
                subclasses: {NSGZipReadStream. NSZLibReadStream. NSZipReadStream}
                name: #NSAbstractInflateStream
                classPool: a Dictionary(#BlockProceedBit->8 #BlockTypes->#(#processStoredBlock ...etc...
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Nile-Clients-Inflate-Deflate'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

        Receiver: a MCMethodDefinition(NSAbstractInflateStream class>>initialize)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aDefinition: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                classIsMeta: true
                source: 'initialize
        | low high |
                "InflateStream initialize"
        MaxBits := 16.
                category: #initialization
                selector: #initialize
                className: #NSAbstractInflateStream
                timeStamp: 'cyrille.delaunay 6/3/2009 14:40'

[] in [] in [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad
        Receiver: a MCPackageLoader
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                ea: a MCMethodDefinition(NSAbstractInflateStream class>>initialize)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                requirements: #()
                unloadableDefinitions: a SortedCollection()
                obsoletions: a Dictionary()
                additions: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-Bin...etc...
                removals: an OrderedCollection()
                errorDefinitions: an OrderedCollection()
                provisions: a Set(#CompiledMethodTest #CommentedEvent #TestValueWithinFix #Comp...etc...
                methodAdditions: an OrderedCollection(a MethodAddition a MethodAddition a Metho...etc...

[] in [] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every:
        Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream' #'Nil...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
<<error during printing>
        Receiver's instance variables:
                array: an Array(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream'...etc...
                firstIndex: 1
                lastIndex: 1499

        Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream' #'Nil...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [closure] in [] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress...etc...
                index: 1152
        Receiver's instance variables:
                array: an Array(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream'...etc...
                firstIndex: 1
                lastIndex: 1499

[] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every:
        Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream' #'Nil...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
<<error during printing>
        Receiver's instance variables:
                array: an Array(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream'...etc...
                firstIndex: 1
                lastIndex: 1499

[] in [] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
        Receiver: ProgressInitiationException:
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                progress: [closure] in SystemProgressMorph>>label:min:max:
                result: #(nil)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                messageText: nil
                tag: nil
                signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
                handlerContext: nil
                outerContext: nil
                workBlock: [closure] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:ev...etc...
                maxVal: 1499
                minVal: 0
                aPoint: 351@285
                progressTitle: ''

        Receiver: [closure] in [] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: ProgressNotification
                handlerAction: [closure] in [] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAc...etc...
                handlerActive: true
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: [] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
                startpc: 83
                numArgs: 0

[] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
        Receiver: ProgressInitiationException:
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                progress: [closure] in SystemProgressMorph>>label:min:max:
                result: #(nil)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                messageText: nil
                tag: nil
                signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
                handlerContext: nil
                outerContext: nil
                workBlock: [closure] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:ev...etc...
                maxVal: 1499
                minVal: 0
                aPoint: 351@285
                progressTitle: ''

        Receiver: [closure] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [closure] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
                complete: nil
                returnValue: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:

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Re: plan for 1.1

Stéphane Ducasse
I was thinking to rollback createClass in MCClassDefinition
but now alex published a new fix so I will try to load Torch with it.


On May 27, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Torsten Bergmann wrote:

> Interesting, in an 11371 AND the new 11373 core image
> this works:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gofer new
> squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
> package: 'ConfigurationOfNile';
> load.
> ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfNile) project version: '1.1') load
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> but this
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gofer new
> squeaksource: 'MetaSource';
> package: 'ConfigurationOfMetaSource';
> load.
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMetaSource) load
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> => which indirectly loads ConfigurationOfPharo
> => which indirectly uses 1.1 of ConfigurationOfNile
> => which crashes while loading Nile with the stack below.
> If you use older 11367 core image it works without any problem.
> Bye
> T.
> NSAbstractInflateStream(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #huffmanTableFrom:mappedBy:
> Receiver: a NSAbstractInflateStream
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> aMessage: huffmanTableFrom: #(8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8...etc...
> exception: MessageNotUnderstood: NSAbstractInflateStream>>huffmanTableFrom:mapp...etc...
> resumeValue: nil
> Receiver's instance variables:
> state: nil
> bitBuf: nil
> bitPos: nil
> source: nil
> sourcePos: nil
> sourceLimit: nil
> litTable: nil
> distTable: nil
> sourceStream: nil
> crc: nil
> position: nil
> readLimit: nil
> collection: nil
> NSAbstractInflateStream class>>initialize
> Receiver: NSAbstractInflateStream
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> low: #(1 2 3 4 5 7 9 13 17 25 33 49 65 97 129 193 257 385 513 769 1025 1537 204...etc...
> high: #(0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13)
> i: 258
> i: 30
> i: 31
> Receiver's instance variables:
> superclass: Object
> methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#atEnd->(NSAbstractInflateStream>>#atEnd "a Comp...etc...
> format: 156
> instanceVariables: #('state' 'bitBuf' 'bitPos' 'source' 'sourcePos' 'sourceLimi...etc...
> organization: ('testing' atEnd)
> ('requirements' bitBuf bitBuf: bitBuff bitBuff:...etc...
> subclasses: {NSGZipReadStream. NSZLibReadStream. NSZipReadStream}
> name: #NSAbstractInflateStream
> classPool: a Dictionary(#BlockProceedBit->8 #BlockTypes->#(#processStoredBlock ...etc...
> sharedPools: nil
> environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
> category: #'Nile-Clients-Inflate-Deflate'
> traitComposition: {}
> localSelectors: nil
> MCMethodDefinition>>postloadOver:
> Receiver: a MCMethodDefinition(NSAbstractInflateStream class>>initialize)
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> aDefinition: nil
> Receiver's instance variables:
> classIsMeta: true
> source: 'initialize
> | low high |
> "InflateStream initialize"
> MaxBits := 16.
> ...etc...
> category: #initialization
> selector: #initialize
> className: #NSAbstractInflateStream
> timeStamp: 'cyrille.delaunay 6/3/2009 14:40'
> [] in [] in [] in MCPackageLoader>>basicLoad
> Receiver: a MCPackageLoader
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> ea: a MCMethodDefinition(NSAbstractInflateStream class>>initialize)
> Receiver's instance variables:
> requirements: #()
> unloadableDefinitions: a SortedCollection()
> obsoletions: a Dictionary()
> additions: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-Bin...etc...
> removals: an OrderedCollection()
> errorDefinitions: an OrderedCollection()
> provisions: a Set(#CompiledMethodTest #CommentedEvent #TestValueWithinFix #Comp...etc...
> methodAdditions: an OrderedCollection(a MethodAddition a MethodAddition a Metho...etc...
> [] in [] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every:
> Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream' #'Nil...etc...
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> <<error during printing>
> Receiver's instance variables:
> array: an Array(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream'...etc...
> firstIndex: 1
> lastIndex: 1499
> OrderedCollection>>do:
> Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream' #'Nil...etc...
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> aBlock: [closure] in [] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress...etc...
> index: 1152
> Receiver's instance variables:
> array: an Array(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream'...etc...
> firstIndex: 1
> lastIndex: 1499
> [] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:every:
> Receiver: an OrderedCollection(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream' #'Nil...etc...
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> <<error during printing>
> Receiver's instance variables:
> array: an Array(a MCOrganizationDefinition(#(#'Nile-Clients-BinaryOrTextStream'...etc...
> firstIndex: 1
> lastIndex: 1499
> [] in [] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
> Receiver: ProgressInitiationException:
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> progress: [closure] in SystemProgressMorph>>label:min:max:
> result: #(nil)
> Receiver's instance variables:
> messageText: nil
> tag: nil
> signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
> handlerContext: nil
> outerContext: nil
> workBlock: [closure] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:ev...etc...
> maxVal: 1499
> minVal: 0
> aPoint: 351@285
> progressTitle: ''
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> Receiver: [closure] in [] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> exception: ProgressNotification
> handlerAction: [closure] in [] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAc...etc...
> handlerActive: true
> Receiver's instance variables:
> outerContext: [] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
> startpc: 83
> numArgs: 0
> [] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
> Receiver: ProgressInitiationException:
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> progress: [closure] in SystemProgressMorph>>label:min:max:
> result: #(nil)
> Receiver's instance variables:
> messageText: nil
> tag: nil
> signalContext: ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>>signal
> handlerContext: nil
> outerContext: nil
> workBlock: [closure] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do:displayingProgress:ev...etc...
> maxVal: 1499
> minVal: 0
> aPoint: 351@285
> progressTitle: ''
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> Receiver: [closure] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> aBlock: [closure] in ProgressInitiationException>>defaultMorphicAction
> complete: nil
> returnValue: nil
> Receiver's instance variables:
> --
> GRATIS für alle GMX-Mitglieder: Die maxdome Movie-FLAT!
> Jetzt freischalten unter
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> Pharo-project mailing list
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