On 21 févr. 2011, at 16:04, Werner Kassens wrote:
> hi,
> what can i use to plot a collection of numbers?
> werner
You could use Mondrian. It's built primarily for graph drawing, but there is a MOScatterplotLayout which allows one to draw plots.
http://www.moosetechnology.org/tools/mondrianJust a simple example (do not hesitate to ask for clarification)
points := OrderedCollection new.
{5. 5. 3. 10. 15. 8} pairsDo: [ :x :y | points add: (Point x: x y: y) ].
MOViewRenderer new
nodes: points;
layout: (MOScatterplotLayout new
x: #x;
y: #y);
Or you could help porting EyeSee from visualworks :)
Simon Denier